Monday, February 24, 2025

X-Men Monday #286 – Alyssa Wong Talks ‘Psylocke’

AIPT: X-Fan Johann said, in Psylocke #4, Kwannon is haunted by an image of Betsy Braddock as the true and original Psylocke. Something similar happened in Hellions. Do you think Kwannon still feels insecure about the Psylocke mantle or Betsy in general? 

Alyssa: I think this one’s complicated. I think you’re always going to have messy, hard-to-define feelings about someone whose life and being are so intertwined with your own, no matter what the circumstances are. And their circumstances are complicated. So, I don’t know about insecurity, but I would say it’s messier than that. And we might be seeing a little more of that in upcoming issues. I can’t tell you any more or Darren’s going to pop out of the closet.

AIPT: X-Fan Charrisa loved the reference to Revanche in Psylocke #4. Charrisa feels like many folks who became Kwannon fans during the Krakoan era aren’t very familiar with the Revanche saga. We don’t know much about what Kwannon did for Nyorin after she entered Betsy’s body and before she encountered the X-Men. Any plans or interest in revisiting that period?

Alyssa: That’s spoiler territory. All I can say is I love Revanche. I think she’s great. I love that weird moment where she shows up the very first time and it’s like the Spider-Man pointing meme. I love a complicated identity swap story. I just feel like turnabout’s fair play. If Betsy’s in Kwannon’s body, I love seeing Kwannon in Betsy’s body. That’s kind of just how I feel about all of this. It’s so messy, but in a way that I love. I love mess, like Marie Kondo.

Psylocke #5 preview featuring Betsy's costumes on displays and personal pictures with Brian, Revanche and Spiral.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tom Brevoorts Comments on X-Force and Betsy Braddock

Why did you cancel X-Force? When will I see Betsy Braddock next?

Tom Brevoort over Substack: Got a bunch of comments along these lines this week, and I have to say that they make me chuckle just a little bit. I mean really, how do you think we feel? We didn’t want to cancel it—we put a lot of work into these books—we’re not ending them just to mess with you or to deprive you of the entertainment you so clearly seek! No, the only reason that we ever pull the plug on a series is that it isn’t being purchased in great enough numbers to be profitable in the way we need it to be. That isn’t the audience’s fault, but neither is it the creators’ fault nor the editors’ fault. You can do everything right and still not pull in enough of an audience—it’s a tough marketplace out there. Not everything is going to work, and especially work ad infinitum. But that doens’t mean that any of these books are a waste of time or effort. it simply means that, for whatever reason, this wasn’t the right moment for whatever the thing was. So you dust yourself off and try something else. As for Betsy, we’ll just have to see where she might turn up again in the future.

So you know the drill—keep sending emails to the X-Office at to request Betsy Braddock and show your support. If you’re not sure what to write, simply copy and paste the banner below and hope for the best!

Friday, February 21, 2025

E-mail the X-Office: Rally for Betsy Braddock and Show Your Support!

As we all know by now, Marvel’s X-Force, written by Geoffrey Thorne, will be concluding with issue #10 this coming April. While it’s always tough to say goodbye to a series, this cancellation presents an important opportunity for fans of Betsy Braddock, aka Captain Britain, to make their voices heard.

So, how can we show our support?

1. Email the X-Office:
It’s simple! Let Marvel know that we want more of Betsy Braddock. Please take a moment to send a polite and kind email to the X-Office at:

In your message, share your appreciation for Betsy’s character, express your desire to see her more in future comics, and ask about her role in upcoming storylines. The more personal and sincere, the better!

2. Join the Conversation on Tom Brevoort's Substack:
Tom Brevoort is the Senior Editor of the X-Office, and he’s an excellent resource for getting feedback to Marvel’s higher-ups. You can use the comments section on his Substack to express your support for Betsy and inquire about her future. You can find his Substack here:

What to Avoid: Please be sure to keep your messages positive, respectful, and focused solely on Betsy. We want Marvel to know that Betsy’s fans are excited and passionate about her future. Here’s what to avoid:
  • Don’t bring up other characters. This is not about comparing Betsy to others, but simply showing how much we love her and want to see more of her story.
  • Avoid insulting or criticizing creators, past or present. This is about showing support for Betsy and keeping the tone constructive.
  • Don't be aggressive or passive-aggressive. Remember, we’re sending a message of love for the character, so let’s keep the tone friendly and respectful.
Let’s unite and make our voices heard!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

X-Force Ends with Issue #10

Marvel's X-Force, written by Geoffrey Thorne, will conclude with issue #10 in April 2025. Thorne confirmed the cancellation on the CBR forum, stating, "Yeah. Sadly... We're done at #10. Not sure why." 

The title was absent from Marvel’s May solicitations, fueling speculation, especially with NYX also missing. The series, launched in July 2024, featured a new take on the team with Forge leading Captain Britain, Askani, Sage, Tank, and Surge. Marvel has yet to comment on the decision.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

X-Force #8 Spoilers

Spoilers: As the X-Force’s X-Jet soars over South America, it is suddenly intercepted by Colossus, seemingly under La Diabla’s control. Colossus attempts to tear the jet apart, but Tank intervenes, throwing him off. The X-Jet explodes, forcing Forge, Betsy, and Rachel to evacuate. Forge calls upon a Cheyenne spell and dons his exoskeleton.

Meanwhile, Tank and Colossus crash to the ground and engage in a brutal brawl. Colossus taunts Tank, who retorts that Colossus is not Piotr Rasputin. The fight is cut short when La Diabla intervenes, teleporting Colossus away. Betsy and Rachel regroup with Tank, and Betsy draws a protective magic circle around them with her blade, shielding them from La Diabla’s alchemy.

La Diabla manifests before them, this time revealing her face, sneering as she mockingly praises Betsy’s Elle and Vogue fashion spreads. She conjures spectral versions of the Fantastic Four, who, being non-corporeal, bypass Betsy’s protective barrier and attack X-Force. Rachel unleashes her power against them, buying time. However, La Diabla’s alchemy multiplies her spectral Fantastic Four, overwhelming the team.

As the battle intensifies, La Diabla unveils her secret weapon—Dr. Howard Avery, whom she had previously abducted. Just as the situation turns dire, Forge arrives in his exoskeleton, rescuing the team. Betsy manifests a massive psychic shield, crushing La Diabla’s spectral creations in one decisive strike.

In retaliation, La Diabla forces Dr. Avery to transform into a monstrous, fur-covered behemoth—the Brute That Walks. X-Force bands together to take on the creature.

Meanwhile, in Dallas, Saga is stationed at Forge’s Aerie, attempting to track the downed X-Jet. As she multitasks through various analyses, she is contacted telepathically by Professor Xavier, who calls her by her true name: Teresia Karisik. Xavier requests her aid.

Friday, February 14, 2025

X-Force #8 Preview

X-Force #8
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne
Art by: Marcus To
Cover by: Stephen Segovia

The Story: COLOSSAL REPERCUSSIONS! Can X-FORCE survive a fight with…COLOSSUS?! The mysterious LA DIABLA has X-FORCE on the ropes, and she’s brought some unexpected allies! PLUS — what does FORGE’s ANALOG device have to do with the FRACTURES threatening the planet… and La Diabla’s designs?! The season’s most surprising X-book packs a few more turns…

In Stores: February 19, 2025


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Psylocke #4 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: The villain Ty Haniver, aka The Taxonomist, forces Kwannon to inhale a hallucinogenic dust, triggering visions that torment her. Among them is a haunting illusion of Betsy, clad in her former Hand ninja attire, taunting Kwannon about stealing the Psylocke name and insisting that she will never truly be her.

X-Force #7 Secures Second Consecutive Month in Sales Rankings

The January 2025 comic book sales rankings, based on data from over 125 stores using the ComicHub system, show X-Force #7 dropping to 96th place after ranking 87th in December 2024. This decline is due to its early January release, which resulted in only four days of tracked sales for the December ranking, with the majority of its sales shifting to January. The rankings cover a five-week period from January 5 to February 1, 2025, and reflect consumer sales across a variety of global store locations. While the drop may seem significant, it is primarily a result of the release schedule rather than a change in sales performance.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

X-Force Sales Recap: December 2024 Rankings and Year-End Highlights

In December 2024, X-Force #6 ranked #41 in comic book sales, a slight drop from its #34 position in November, reflecting stable performance. The data, collected from over 125 stores using the ComicHub system, covers sales from December 1, 2024, to January 4, 2025. X-Force #7, released on January 1, 2025, only had three days of sales tracked, resulting in a lower ranking at #87. Given that the strongest sales typically occur in the first week, X-Force #7 may reappear in January’s rankings but could remain in a low position due to its limited initial sales window.

X-Force #7 achieved its highest ranking since X-Force #3 by landing at #8 on the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List. The list, compiled from actual sales data provided by ComicHub, reflects sales from January 1, 2025, to January 3, 2025, across up to 150 direct market comic stores.

In the full-year 2024 rankings, X-Force #1 secured the #67 spot, making it the second best-selling non-flagship title of the year, trailing only behind Wolverine. See below.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

X-Force #10 (LGY #300) to Feature ‘Classified’ Character

Courtesy of Marvel Comics, AIPT can exclusively reveal cover art and story details for X-Force #10, legacy numbering #300! The issue continues Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To’s story, with a special bonus anniversary story by Fabian Nicieza and Edgar Salazar

Even though the solicitation is tight-lipped, it promises a “Classified” character appearance. Curious! The latest issue of X-Force, #7, was released on January 1st. 

Check out the solicitation below. 


FORGE has assembled X-FORCE to fix the world’s problems, but at last, THE SOLUTION reveals itself! WHO or WHAT is the Solution, and what does it mean for the fate of the world? New villains, old friends and a terrible decision that will change them all forever! PLUS: A special anniversary tale featuring X-FORCEs past by Fabian Nicieza! Note: This issue contains a key appearance by CLASSIFIED. 

X-FORCE #10 (LGY 300) 
Hidden Gem Variant Cover by ADAM KUBERT
On Sale 4/16

Captain Britain Joins Marvel Puzzle Quest

MARVEL Puzzle Quest: Betsy Braddock takes on the mantle of Captain Britain when she makes her MARVEL Puzzle Quest debut later this week! 🛡️

After being reborn in her own body after having spent years body swapped with the assassin known as Kwannon, Betsy Braddock was at a bit of a crossroads. One that tended when an opportunity arose to don the mantle of Captain Britain in the stead of her brother, Brian Braddock. With the help of the ability to traverse multiverses, Captain Britain and the Captain Britain Corps keep the peace, whether on Avalon or off.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Geoffrey Thorne's Annotations for X-Force #7

Geoffrey Thorne's Annotations: A few more annotations in this one than the last although I did want to put them together for a couple of reasons. Three, actually.

1) We have a fabulous guest artist taking over the ill chores while Marcus is off having some personal time. Welcome Mr. James Towe for both of these issues.

2) Both of these issues represent a gearshift from the previous arc which was 100% "run-and-gun."

3) Both these issues take place in "virtual spaces." In issue 6 that's VR and, here, it's the mindscape/astral plane. If we're going to have a guest artist, I generally prefer for their issues to coincide with a style and/or venue change in the story in order to minimize the visual jolt for the audience. With #6 and #7 we had both. So.

Let's crack on.

Mindscapes in Marvel comics are, like many, many things, less defined than perhaps they ought to be. Their characteristics are wobbly by default as writers over the years have "defined" them however they've wanted to suit their stories.

I don't care for that but, as with all Big Two comics, we have to use the tools available and abide by the established rules of the road. At least, I do.

So, here, we have a private minds cape, a mental pocket dimension created by Betsy Braddock to house the psyches and psionic energies of herself and her lover Rachel Summers. It's a sort of private getaway telepaths can use to, well, get away. We've seen Emma Frost use this for illicit encounters with Scott Summers.

Betsy's, for Rachel, is a facsimile of the old Excalibur lighthouse, a place Rachel spent the bulk of her time in 616 and in which she had weird fun adventured and a family not friends. I figured that was the time and place she had to have been happiest since coming to 616 so that's what Betsy figures as well.

Some fans have already twigged the reappearance of the OG Psylocke outfits in this issue. And, yes, that's purposeful but not for the reasons one might think. Over the years of being merged with Kwannon, nearly every time we saw Betsy's mental/astral image it was identical to her trademarked physical appearance, i.e. an Asian woman.

This, of course, makes zero sense. Regardless of the body she was stuck in, Elizabeth Braddock grew up as a caucasian woman of British and Otherworldly extraction. There's no way her internal self-image would be asian.

So, here, we fix. (Also, anything that puts me in mind of Alan Davis art is Good.)

Also, as it's the mental plane, I thought it would be fun to have Betsy's look shift, depending on how she sees herself in the moment. So, when it's time to murder somebody, her mental self-image reverts to this [the Australian Outback armor].

Put together with her current Big Ass Sword construct, this version of Betsy just screams Fantasy Knight (and this was before she was even Captain Britain).

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Recap 2024 • Betsy Braddock/Captain Britain

Recap 2024 • After a challenging 2023, where Betsy's solo title was cancelled due to poor sales, 2024 marked a year of revitalization and transformation for Betsy Braddock. Her journey began with a pivotal role in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic in January under writer Steve Foxe. As Captain Britain, Betsy faced complex challenges, particularly after her dramatic renouncement of the United Kingdom following their alliance with Orchis.

With the end of the Krakoan era, the X-Men entered a new chapter with the "From The Ashes" era, led by new senior editor Tom Brevoort. Betsy rejoined X-Force under writer Geoffrey Thorne, now donning a more traditional superhero costume. She continued to shine, with fans feeling she had regained her voice. Thorne was notably receptive to feedback from Betsy’s fans, frequently engaging with them on online forums. This openness and Betsy’s evolution throughout the year reinvigorated her fanbase. The year ended on a high note, with anticipation growing for X-Force #7, the first issue of the new year focused on Betsy.

As we look back on 2024, let’s revisit Betsy’s most memorable moments, explore the evolution of her character, and celebrate her continuing legacy in the X-Men universe. Happy New Year to all her fans—here’s to an exciting future ahead!


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #123
“X-Corps Unlimited!”
Captain Britain joins X-Corps, counters Orchis' propaganda via media, and helps sustain public support for mutants amid escalating threats and misinformation campaigns.



X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #125
“The United Kingdom versus Captain Britain!”
Betsy faces anti-mutant bias on live TV, battles Orchis Sentinels in London, reunites with Rictor and Shatterstar, exposes UK mutant abductions, and plans bold action from Braddock Manor.


Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #1
“Blindsides Galore!”
[Flashback] Psylocke battles Hand ninjas in Madripoor, protects Jubilee, and discovers the Bacchae's plea for aid. Sensing their urgency, she joins them, taking Jubilee along for their mission.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #126
“Borstal Breakout!”
Captain Britain, Shatterstar, and Rictor infiltrate a mutant containment facility, uncovering a massacre and the disappearance of children. They confront the Externals, leading to an intense battle.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #127
“Brawl in Cell Block X!”
Captain Britain, alongside Shatterstar and Rictor, battles the Externals. She confronts Absalom, using her psychic knife to probe Selene’s agenda, but the Externals escape, leaving the heroes with ominous uncertainty.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #128
“Fires of Finality!”
After the explosion at the facility, Captain Britain and her team escape, facing hostility in London. At X-Corps, Betsy renounces the UK for its alliance with Orchis, signaling a major turning point.



X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #129
“The Burning Heart of X-Corps!”
Captain Britain joins X-Corps' new initiative, helping plan global relief efforts. As the team confronts Orchis and Selene’s schemes, Betsy clarifies the Externals’ role in mutant disappearances, heightening the urgency.


Dead X-Men #3
“An Echo A Stain”
[Alternate] Psylocke-5 leads the X-Men-5 in defending Faraway, attacking the X-Men with her team, and engaging in a fight until Cyborg Moira arrives, unleashing a powerful blast with her M Weapon.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #131
“A Call to Arms!”
Captain Britain and X-Corps work to disrupt Selene’s ritual by using Jamie Madrox’s dupe to gather intel on the Externals. The plan succeeds, leading to a shocking reveal about Tempo’s role in Selene’s ascension.



X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #133
“Panic in the Sky!”
Betsy coordinates efforts to prevent X-Corps Island’s crash, contacts Dani telepathically, and orders Rictor to use his geokinetic powers to stabilize the island, ensuring the team remains focused on the crisis.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #135
“Grudge Match!”
Betsy oversees the team's strategy and recognizes the urgency to confront the Externals, signaling a shift toward proactive engagement in the escalating conflict with Selene and her allies.



Dead X-Men #4
“Hyper Balled”
[Alternate] Psylocke-5 and her X-Men-5 join forces with the 616-X-Men to battle Cyborg Moira, until the 616-X-Men depart her reality.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #136
“The Battle of X-calates!”
Betsy notes Selene's psychic dead zone around Nova Roma, making telepathic contact difficult, and identifies an invisible barrier as magic, recognizing the Externals' expertise in ancient ways.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #137
“Enter the Dragon!”
Betsy orders the team to advance, attacks Saul with her psychic sword, and defends herself with a telekinetic shield. She climbs Saul’s dragon form, thrusting her sword into its scales during the battle.



X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #138
“Crule, Crule Summer!”
Betsy rides Saul in dragon form, orders him to land, and uses her psychic knife to knock him unconscious. She informs Mirage that the Externals are defeated and it's time to bring in the strike team.


Giant-Size X-Men #1
“Truth or Die”
[Hallucination] Archangel hallucinates about his former girlfriends, including Betsy Braddock as Psylocke, who appears to him as a waitress.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #139
“Ascension Agenda!”

Betsy, along with Shatterstar, Rictor, Warpath, and Thunderbird, rushes toward Selene's palace, but their progress halts as they witness Selene nearing the completion of her ascension, towering in blood.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #140
“Attack on (a) Blood Titan!”
Betsy, Rictor, Shatterstar, Thunderbird, and Warpath face the blood drones to buy time for Mirage's team, as Selene's ascension nears completion. Betsy strategizes to hold off the threats.


X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #141
“New Mutants, Old Grudges!”
Betsy helps coordinate X-Corps’ strategy, ensuring Magma and Khora stay focused. She assists in isolating Selene's palace and emphasizes protecting Nova Roma and mutants while supporting Dani’s plan.


X-Men: The Wedding Special #1
“Wedding Gatecrashers”
Betsy and Rachel wake up at Braddock Manor on the day of Mystique and Destiny's wedding. After facing alien forces and the Technet, they confront Saturnyne, who plotted to steal Betsy's invitation.


Rise of the Powers of X #5
“Now And Forever”
[Alternate] Jean Grey/Phoenix summons every mutant in the Omniverse to battle Enigma, including Betsy Braddock as Captain Britain (Krakoa), Psylocke (Outback), Hand Ninja (90s), Ultimate, and Age of Apocalypse versions.




X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #142
“The X-Citing Conclusion!”
Captain Britain and X-Corps trap Selene and the Externals in stasis chambers. After the defeat of the Externals and Orchis, Betsy leaves X-Corps and reunites with Rachel.


Wolverine: Madripoor Knights #5
“Heroes--Rise Again!”
[Flashback] Psylocke and Jubilee return from their adventure with the Bacchae just in time to join Wolverine, Black Widow, and Captain America at a bar to celebrate their victory.



X-Force #1
“Where Monsters Dwell”
Captain Britain joins Forge, Sage, and Rachel in X-Force after initial reluctance. She aids Rachel with a psychic boost against biomass creatures and helps direct civilians to safety.




X-Force #2
“Igubu Lika-Anansi”
Captain Britain is transformed into a medieval version of herself by magic in Wakanda. She is brainwashed and ordered to capture Forge and Sage but is later freed when Sage breaks the spell.



X-Force #3
“The Walking Man”
Captain Britain fights Nuklo in Phnom Penh, using a giant telekinetic sword to strike him. She later enters Nuklo’s mind with Rachel, uncovering his true, regressed mental state.



X-Force #4
“Two Seconds Later”
Captain Britain leads X-Force through multiple dimensions, using her powers to open portals from the Temple of the Dragon's Breath to Otherworld and the Everglades. She coordinates their attack on Nuklo.



X-Force #5
“One Second Later”
Captain Britain helps negotiate with Tempest's Avengers and amplifies Rachel’s powers to impersonate the Phoenix. She also fights alongside the team to prevent Nuklo from destabilizing another dimensional nexus.



X-Force #6
“The Devil Is a Liar”
Betsy and Rachel meditate together on the X-Jet, synchronizing their powers, while Forge is occupied with his virtual reality program. They are then both attacked by La Diabla, which traps them in a catatonic psychic trance.