Alyssa: I think this one’s complicated. I think you’re always going to have messy, hard-to-define feelings about someone whose life and being are so intertwined with your own, no matter what the circumstances are. And their circumstances are complicated. So, I don’t know about insecurity, but I would say it’s messier than that. And we might be seeing a little more of that in upcoming issues. I can’t tell you any more or Darren’s going to pop out of the closet.
AIPT: X-Fan Charrisa loved the reference to Revanche in Psylocke #4. Charrisa feels like many folks who became Kwannon fans during the Krakoan era aren’t very familiar with the Revanche saga. We don’t know much about what Kwannon did for Nyorin after she entered Betsy’s body and before she encountered the X-Men. Any plans or interest in revisiting that period?
Alyssa: That’s spoiler territory. All I can say is I love Revanche. I think she’s great. I love that weird moment where she shows up the very first time and it’s like the Spider-Man pointing meme. I love a complicated identity swap story. I just feel like turnabout’s fair play. If Betsy’s in Kwannon’s body, I love seeing Kwannon in Betsy’s body. That’s kind of just how I feel about all of this. It’s so messy, but in a way that I love. I love mess, like Marie Kondo.
Psylocke #5 preview featuring Betsy's costumes on displays and personal pictures with Brian, Revanche and Spiral.