Friday, December 23, 2022

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #2 Variant Cover by Pablo Villalobos


randybear said...
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Jaime Braz said...

The man next to Brian is Pete Wisdom. Such a shame Betsy and Pete aren't a thing they had chemistry together Howard standards nonetheless. The editorial mandated a queer shipping for Betsy to diversify the Captain Britain lore. And it spectacularly went off in their hands with this one. Kachel fans are vocal for their romance to come true. Nothing makes sense story wise as of late.

randybear said...

Agreed. At the end of the day above all the most important goal for TH was to pair Betsy either with Rachel or Saturyne.

Also seems pointless for them to make Betsy CB only to destroy and change the mythos completely. Why not just initially make Betsy Captain Avalon with her own lore?

I'll never care for Betsy as CB it's not her identity.

randybear said...

Also Rachel never misses with the bad fashion why the hell does she look like Johnny Storm now. Betsy usually nabs a hottie but now she settling for the frumpiest of the xladies smh

Nate X said...

Rachel is so ugly and uninteresting. lmao Poor Betsy. It says a lot about TH's writing that between Pete Wisdom and Saturnyne, both of whom Betsy had crazy chemistry with, she ended up with plain needy Rachel.

Jaime Braz said...

@randybear Under Tini Howard Betsy has lost her elegance along with her fighting prowess.

The current Captain Britain costume belongs to somebody else's style. The only period Betsy had the same questionable dress code was during her 90s ninja phase.

The rest (Pink, Outback, Age of X, Marvel Now, All New, Disassembled, Age of X-Man) were in line with her modelling nature.

So in a sense Esmeralda - flowers on the ears - Betsy looks corny as Torch Rachel.

Jaime Braz said...

@Nate X Rachel is a very niche character. The one interesting pairing she had was with Franklin Richards and their chemistry was incredible in her Phoenix state.

Her subtle romance with Kate comes second. But with Betsy is very awkward and wrong for starting as sisterly friends and for Betsy having had affairs with Rachel's father, uncle and brothers.

Kurchel was also horrible weighing Kurt's personality down with her origins. Which makes Saturnyne and Pete better candidates for Betsy.

Tobias Chatti said...

Tini fridged Lefay and takes her out to make more meat pie. No

Kiki M. Ishola said...


Kiki M. Ishola said...

One needs fridging period.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Rachel is Jean leftovers like Revanche is for Betsy 😉