Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Knights of X #4 Variant Cover by Felipe Massafera


FSaker said...

Wow, what a GORGEOUS cover! I love Betsy with a cloak, and the way how the artist makes her vest looks like a metallic armor yet still looking malleable and comfortable. I'd love to see her with the Captain Britain helmet on, but I can understand that the artist probably wanted us to have a good look at Betsy's stunning face with no obstructions.

Rachel is looking pretty great herself, and the ominous Furies in the sky... such an amazing art!

Alex said...

Love this! For sure inspired by old D&D/pulp fantasy/adventure novel covers.

Benjamin Hutton said...

This is great, but it's my pet hate again - her psychic sword is an energy construct, not a fucking lightsabre.

It's really not hard to get it right.

Tobias Chatti said...

The hood and cloak are cool remind me I miss her Outback costume. Why can't they make the Outback costume into her official Captain Britain?

X-Man said...

@Benjamin Hutton, a lot of the time they can't even get Betsy's hair color correct lol. I'm just glad its purple lol.

It usually seems to just be the cover artist, thankfully the inside comic artist usually have it correct.

P.s. they do it with Kwannon as well at least. I saw her on a cover with Kitty before and they did her psychic katana a similar way lol.

X-Man said...

This cover to be exact @Benjamin https://www.ebay.com/itm/194958507339?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=194958507339&targetid=1531876732318&device=m&mktype=&googleloc=9003389&poi=&campaignid=15431381266&mkgroupid=128740829685&rlsatarget=pla-1531876732318&abcId=9300764&merchantid=540561345&gclid=CjwKCAjwqauVBhBGEiwAXOepkQQDioudD9N7GMcF5dvPPXUMe_vLrQMdXYVmiXTysVqV-vT-0aWoDBoCgMsQAvD_BwE

Rahsaan said...

Another source confirms that the plan was to merge Fury and Nimrod. I so hope this plan is revisited. It doesn't have to be a merge as Claremont intended, but at the very least I wanna see the Furies join up with Team ORCHIS if only to tie in this whole Otherworld part of the lore:


Also, I wonder when we'll finally see Rachel encounter Nimrod and how she'll reconcile that with the version who followed her into our timeline to begin with.

Regarding Kwannon: She really seems to be digressing back to being a knockoff version of Elizabeth when Elizabeth inhabited her body. The Marauders writer is making no effort at all to make her feel like a different character, which is a shame as Wells made her feel like a different person. Hand outfit and powers set, nothwithstanding.

randybear said...

Also just happy her hair is colored purple here lol while the hilt doesn't look like its made of psychic energy at least its colored the same as the blade. But tbh I think its the dumb error on issue 1 cover where it was initially miscolored I think that image is unfortunately being passed around by editorial as reference because a lot of artists are making this mistake lately

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Revenge of the Sith much?! It pisses me off they can't stay true to some easy peasy traits of Betsy. Count on one hand

1. Purple hair
2. Butterfly
3. T.K. weapons
4. Telepathy
5. Future flashes

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