Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Uncanny X-Men #10 Art


Rahsaan said...

Now THAT is how you do her BUTTERFLY POWER SIGNATURE! What a beautiful depiction with her and Storm!

randybear said...

Agreed it looks lovely! I love how the sky lit up from Psylocke connecting her sword to Storm

Finn said...

Wow ! Finally Psylocke looks badass again! At least for one panel but she looks gooooooood!!! :)

Tazirai said...

This was a GREAT issue for Psylocke and the depths of her relationships with the other characters. Just read it. Overall a meh issue.

Jeferson said...

Ok, but I am really the only one who is bothered by Betsy needing Warren's help to fly since she is powerful telekinetic!?!?!? This writters are soooo medium and down...

Rahsaan said...

Jeferson, perhaps Warren can fly faster than she can levitate? The writers suck, but Incan live with that.

X-Man said...

They seem to have toned down Betsy's TK for awhile now. I seen her "float/levitate" at best way before these current writers. I'm glad her flying days seem to be over. I think she's a much more powerful telepath than telekinetic. She didn't even use TK in Uncanny X-Force from what I recall lol.

Unknown said...

I don't really like this uncanny x-men story much, will be more excited to see her own story.
Psylocke vs Kwannon, old vs new, Excalibur vs Katana. The ultimate showdown.

Unknown said...

Just want to add the fact that she's a ninja, ninjas use tools it makes them versatile and gives them more options in a fight. All she uses are psi sword and shield, what about a psi bow & arrow for long range.

X-Man said...

Well seeing how at one point when she was a ninja all she used was a psychic knife when she could have used long distance telepathic attacks, that actually kinda keeps in character.

Rahsaan said...

Why use a bow and arrow when a psycho-blast works oerfectly fine?

FSaker said...

To be honest, I'm perfectly okay with Betsy not being able to fly. I'd say she's fine with telepathy (always with the psi-butterfly signature), psi-knife and TK-sword (for whenever she needs to cause physical damage), plus her ninja stealth and fighting skills. Leave the big telekinetic displays to Jean and Rachel.

Rahsaan said...

FSaker, agreed. And I guess it is now confirmed that this sword is both telepathic and telekinetic, with emphasis on the former despite her announcing it as the latter in issue 1.

As for telekinetic display, Rachel should probably be killed off for good as we previously discussed now that Jean is back. Ray is never given her due, so they should just stop with her.

As for Psylocke’s weaponry, isn’t this basically one of Moonstar’s powers? Didn’t she use to wield telepathics bows and arrows? Just give Moonstar back her powers.

bblackorchidd said...

The artist’s depiction of the faces/ hair is a letdown. This could’ve been EPIC epic

X-Man said...

@FSaker and @Rahsaan agreed. I didn't like her flying about before lol.

Edu said...

Considering there were so many X-men scattered around, Psylocke managed to be relevant as she freed both Arcangel and Storm from Nate's influence and wasn't kept just for show off.
The art was really nice indeed. I was missing a nice butterfly effect since the giant one from Astonishing.
The dumb move against X-Man was completely unnecessary, as she could have developed better strategies with Jean.
Let's see if the Age of X-man brings them altered or remaining the same that were carried away with X-Man.
Forgive me for any mispelling :)

Toffnut said...

This old school ninja Psylocke move is dope.

randybear said...

Notice how CBR trolls Psylocke in their generic articles? First they claim its racist to revert Betsy to her caucasian body (even though Psylocke is a bisexual woman which last I checked is considered a minority) and now they mention Psylocke as one of the best makeovers when Jim Lee redesigned her lmao starting she became interesting after the swap lolol

CBR is trash

Finn said...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions lets stay classy and respect everyones opinions, for me she was already interesting but the body swap made her unique in my eyes.

randybear said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. An I not allowed to have a reaction to their public article?

Anonymous said...

The body swap added another dimension to the character.

See, all they have to do is draw Psylocke in a very similar fashion as her Asian self, and then she seems recognizable again. But notice which version of Psylocke is more recognizable.
There is something temporary about Psylocke now. Either she wont stay in this form, or she will leave the X-Men after this series.

Finally, Storm gets her moment in this issue. She deserves more attention and better storytelling than she has been getting in since ressurxion happend.

Rahsaan said...

Time will tell...

That you are incorrect. 😊

Rahsaan said...

About Psylocke.

You are correct about Storm.

randybear said...

Theres nothing temporary about Psylocke right now. Madripoor was written just to undo the body swap and she was given a new design, new weapons and moments to shine above many other characters in this bloated Uncanny cast. Keep dreaming, Unknown.

Rahsaan said...

I know that’s right!


Tazirai said...

The problem I have with this "story" is that the writing is all over the place. The Rule of Kewl Trope is evident, by the rampant fanboy writing style. Some characters are highly inconsisten, like Sam. Some are getting good moments like Psylocke, and others are treated as Fodder and Annoying like Hisako. Psylockes moments while great, are based on her stabbing folks in the head, when she can do it at a Distance.

Jumping in somebodies face to in essence, Psychoblast them is getting old. This whole story is about flash and glam honestly. Nate is like a Final Fantasy villain and the Horsemen should have been the Boss fights. But this "story" overall is just meh.

So In the future I'd like Psylocke to honestly look LESS "Kewl", and show some range instead of having to prove to people she can still fight. It's annoying.

randybear said...

Tweet the x-editors

Tazirai said...

I have lol. I had forgotten to post a tweet I sent to Jordan.

Rahsaan said...


I wrote the X Office to. The writing is terrible and is not at all about the characters. It’s like the worst of the 00s. I question how much the writers really know about when the Xs were great.

Unknown said...

I don't need to be told that I am correct or incorrect, but thank you for your biased opinions :)

Asian Psylocke is the mainstream Psylocke. If she doesn't do the up close and personal fighting, then she isn't Psylocke anymore.

If she doesn't continue to hold onto the fierce fighting styles that she has used over the decades, then she is a different character.

In these images, there is an acknowledgement of the same, fierce persona being there despite a change in body.
If she does continue the fighting, she will need a more practical costume.

randybear said...

Only Wolverine is mainstream. All the current generations love and are only familiar with the Avengers. Only old gamers know Psylocke from the arcade games. Dont give me that shit about everyone knew Psylocke in the 90s cause the 90s are long over and ask any casual movie goer who Psylocke is or ask if they can name any Xman other than the ones in the Fox movies.

And if you dont like other peoples opinions dont comment publically and not expect a reaction bruh.

Rahsaan said...


Rahsaan said...

CmX, salient points about tye X-Men’s mass appeal among the ignorant masses. Even if we’re using 90s, then Kwannonlocke who was not even a major character in that dreadful animated series which most 90s fans used as their springboard. proves that that version i snot mainstream as she wasn’t features beyond like twice and one of those times, she had no dialogue.

Unknown, none of us are saying she shouldn’t physically fight at times. What we’re saying is that the character is intelligent and shouod knew when to fight at close proximity and went to use her power at a distance a la paychoblasting, etc. Especially after having her ass in the Kwannon body beat so many times from being impulsive. Basically, your argument is that a mainstream Psylocke is a foolish, immature one?

Unknown said...

CmX, Asian Psylocke has been around past the 1990s and some of the more recent stories have explored her as more than just a dragon lady.

I want to hear people's opinions communicated in an open-minded dialogue. Telling someone that they are or are not correct is not a dialogue. It's an opinion being expressed as a single truth, bruh.

Rahsaan, it's not just the fighting. It's about acknowledging that Psylocke as a persona has changed while in an Asian body, and that should not be tossed away, even if the long-term readers see it as foolish and immature. This is a character who has been with X-Force after all.

Unknown said...

I personally liked the xmen in the mid 2000s the stories were fresh...also Psylocke has been like a main character in these issues. Her and Jean have been like main characters which is cool.

Cheezeypeezy said...

Am I the only one thinking this scene - Angel carrying Psylocke followed by Psylocke going stabbystabby - is meant to be reminiscent of the x-men apolocolypse movie?

thepenetrator86 said...

Rahsaan said...


Rahsaan said...

You may be on to something, luv.

Cheezeypeezy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheezeypeezy said...

Well I most definitely was not on to my spelling of “apocalypse” earlier. Thanks wine!

FSaker said...

This discussion regarding Psylocke's bodies will probably never end... and I understand both sides. She's cool in her current one, but she was great in her previous one, so yeah, it's perfectly normal that some people will prefer her in one while others will prefer her in the other - even if the mind and soul inside them is the same.

That makes me wonder... we've all been assuming that Kwannon is back to life (and that's probably what will happen anyway), but what if the mind inside the Asian body is... still Psylocke's? Like if her mind divided itself (or copied itself) between both bodies - assuming the Asian body would die so she would survive by doing so, but then it turns out the body (and the mind inside it) managed to survive?

That would be quite an unique situation, and maybe it could please both groups of fans, since both bodies walking around would be Psylocke. I'm not sure if I like this idea, mind you, and it's unlikely anyway (as I said, Kwannon's return will probably be the explanation), but I wonder how you guys would react if that happened.

Rahsaan said...

That would be a straight-up dis to the real Asian woman and be extremely jacked up, like a have your cake and eat it to situation. Anyone who is saying Kwannon matters and who cheers that situation is really just fetishizing her body. I do
not think even Marvel editors would allow that.

Rahsaan said...

Eat it too; not “to.” Anyone who would support such a scenario proves that faux diversity is more important than real diversity when it comes to the Body Wars. 💜

FSaker said...

"Anyone who would support such a scenario proves that faux diversity is more important than real diversity when it comes to the Body Wars"

I'm not sure if most people that prefer Asian Psylocke like her because she brings more "diversity", but just because they think she's cooler that way. Just like most people that prefer British Betsy probably just do so because they think she looks better that way, not really because she was being a case of faux diversity (after all, turning Betsy caucasian didn't make real Asian mutants get pushed to the forefront of the X-Men).

Of course, that's not the sole reason for each side; I know many people prefer the current body because it's similar to her real body (even if it's NOT hers, but Sapphire's body altered in a mollecular level), while others prefer the previous one because she's been on it for longer than in her real body.

Personally, I'd prefer the Asian body to have Betsy's duplicated/shared mind than Kwannon's for the sole reason that I LOATHE Kwannon (she's barely more tolerable than Slipstream and Siena Blaze). But if a Japanese mutant woman somehow took control of that body before her own body died (like Ultimate Psylocke did to Ultimate Kwannon's body in Ultimate X-Men), I'd be perfectly fine with that. My problem is strictly with Kwannon.

FSaker said...

Anyway, does anyone here know if this week Marvel will release just the UXM Annual issue or UXM #11 as well? I'm curious to finally find out who is psy-stabbing Wolverine in that piece of art White posted...

Rahsaan said...


I actually gotta disagree. Hisako is one of the few characters getting some personal love in this horrific Uncanny. More than most of the adult X-Men in fact.

You are right though about Kwannon being a waste. As would Psylocke being split across two bodies. That woulr be like the Carol Danvers that got separate from Rogue still existing while Captain Marvel is running around too Or like the young X-Men and the Older O5. Kwannon and her body should both be left in the grave.

Vigmed said...

Finally something worth commenting about.

FSaker, I actually really like that idea. It would be unexpected from the readers, the characters, and even Betsy herself. The body is up and moving, we know that. It would make more sense for Betsy to still be in there rather than for Kwannon to suddenly resurrect back into it. Sure, it's comics but still.

I'm surprised I hadn't thought of that myself.

What if the Asian-bodied Psylocke is still the same person we've known up to the point of her apparent death? What if she views this as a chance for at least some part of her to finally return to normal and isn't wanting to interfere with that?

The way Psylocke had been progressing as a character these past years, I can easily believe she would want and allow that to happen.

I mean, damn. That would hold possibility for some great story telling.

Ugh, I want it to be true now.

Give me my cake and let me eat it damnit!

Unknown said...

It was brought up in this thread and is worth repeating: Psylocke was in her Asian body for a longer time period than her British one.
Maybe one of the longer-term readers can confirm this :)

I don't think that it is fair to say that people who want Asian Psylocke back are fetishizing her body. That body was her home for decades. It was with in her Asian body that Psylocke became known as a different type of telepath. I think it is safe to assume that most readers don't really care about the original Psylocke.

@FSaker, that is a very interesting theory. What happend in Mystery of Madripoor only involved Psylocke and creating a new energy-based replica of her former self. This had nothing to do with Kwannon at all. Why Psylocke had to create a new body when her Asian body was still clearly functional? Who knows. But if they can go out of their way to change Psylocke, they can create some wild story to bring her back to her cooler and more unique self.

Unknown said...

Rahsaan's comment about people wanting to see more of Kwannon actually fetishizing her body is bonkers. LMAO. Sorry boo, but it still sounds like you're trying to play the racism card to diminish the visible minority, which is racist on its face and so weird.

--Australian Outback

Rahsaan said...

Hello, sweet Outback. How are you?

I never said anything about racism. And now there is a visible minority woman, Kwannon complete in the “classic” thong and witf the focused totality of Betsy’s powers, so it looks like you and I both win. 💜

Unknown said...

Hey doll.

Well, yes, you wouldn't call yourself out and say, "Okay, I'm about to play the racism card..." And I guess it is win win. Betsy in a faded pink and white aerobicize outfit, sporting a 2016 off-the-sshoulder lewk, and Kwannon in the "classic" costume works for me!

--Australian Outback