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Uncanny X-Force #4 Spoilers
Spoilers: Fantomex and Wolverine dispose of the Horsemen as EVA transports them to a planet far away. Fantomex then uses his powers to trick the ship into believing that it has already teleported. Elsewhere, Deadpool nurses an emaciated Angel back to health by feeding him pieces of himself. Psylocke makes her way to the inner chambers of the child Apocalypse and finds it harder to accomplish her task than ever dreamed of. Betsy protects the child, pretty much stating that she will kill anyone that attempts to harm the boy. Archangel goes berserk; which forces Betsy to beat him up. X-Force then comes to an agreement that the child can be saved... that's when X-Force members are left shocked looking back at Fantomex who has shot the boy dead with a bullet to the head. Fantomex then closes the child's eyelids. A very stunned team heads back home...
Thanks Mark Parnell from the CBR forums for the spoilers. :D
Poor Betsy. =/
Loved. It.
That's awesome! I'm tired of the wishy-washy endings in these storylines. Rock on, Remender... for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt why your Uncanny X-Force is the best book Marvel has released!
Excellent. I love this book.
Wow... that was unexpected. Shocking. A very controversial decision, indeed. Remender definitely is not afraid to shock the readers. That's great!
Changing subjects, I saw that LuckyStar referenced a topic at the CBR forums, but the link doesn't work - and in fact, all the recent topics there seem to have vanished. Does anyone know what happened?
Wow, pretty shocking. I feel bad for all involved. I wonder what the repercussions of this will be.
Wow Fatomex is the only one who got it done, whether you see it as cruel or getting rid of an evil is up to you
This issue was really good. I take Fantomex's side on this one.
The first 4 issues have been really good. Some of the best X-books in a while. The only thing I didn't really like was how Opena gave almost everybody barrel shaped bodies. But apart from that his art has been excellent.
Agreed... this story was great. Only gripe is that Fantomex is stealing the show. Psylocke could have done more of the mind tricks and Deadpool should have been the one with the smoking gun at the end of the story... for laughs and just for the insane yet right decision. Like I said though... still a great start to this series.
Hmm are you on the side of Betts and Wolvie or Warren and Fantomex side?
I observe that Betts kept faithful to the ideals of the X-Men, which really matches her...and we can't forget waht she said...Wolvie and Warren also have carried a dark side on themselves...and the X-Men still held on to them and did not give them up...And once they become like their enemies and choose to go out terminating all of them, then they are no better at all than their enemies...
I think the choice done is really gonna affect them in the future... I don't suppose the Akkaba Society will remain quiet after this...
By the way, wonderful first arc...Dealt eith a big deal of the principles of the X-Men...
I agree with Victor about how Psylocke could have done more of the mind tricks. I hope we see more power displays from her in future arcs.
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