Civilian name:
Megan Gwynn
Known relatives:
Owen and Brenda Gwynn
Grandparents. Dead.
Possibly related to Jason Wyngarde (Mastermind): DNA comparison was suggestive, but inconclusive.
Gwynn was born in Wales, and there’s ample reason to wish she’d stayed there. She and her grandparents were part of a general expulsion of X-gene positives from the United Kingdom, with the apparent intention of settling them on a series of small islands in the Irish Sea.
That plan became moot when Irish separatists bombed one of the ships carrying the transportees, and the others turned back. The Mutant Liberation Front seized control of the ship carrying Gwynn (we believe it also numbered Jonathon Starsmore and Elizabeth Braddock among its passengers) and ultimately were able to berth it at the Canadian port of Saguenay.
Gwynn was as green as grass when she arrived, and was one of many mutants recruited, groomed and trained by East Coast mafia crime families. It’s known beyond doubt that she served the Carcotti organization as a runner and enforcer. Must have been quite a culture shock for a kid brought up in the Welsh valleys, but – obviously – she survived and thrived in that Darwinian environment.
Fun fact: Gwynn used to have butterfly wings, and went by the nausea-inducing pseudonym of Pixie. Her current shoulder accessories are more demonic in nature, and apparently they arrived on the night of the Bleecker Street Massacre (qv). As far as we know, Gwynn hadn’t killed anyone up to that point. God knows, she’s making up for lost time now.
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