Wednesday, October 28, 2020

X of Swords: Stasis #1, Chapter 11 Art


lucasg_i said...

The art for this event is gorgeous

Jeferson said...

I am very worried... Just read it and at the epilogue there is an explanation about each card from the tarot... and the Betsy's card is a BAD card... I know its obvious, but I was hoping some surprise, and since Betsy now is one of the strongests beings plus took that Starlight sword, they could made her a winner champion... it seems not. Hate it Hickmann if he did this to her again. Betsy deserves more.

lucasg_i said...

Dude, we literally know she survives the event thanks to the solicits

X-Man said...

Well I think technically everyone can be around after the event because they can still be resurrected. They just won't be the same as before. I think that is what a lot are worried about. I don't get why they wouldn't just have Jamie bring her back (or any of them) if that happens and just bypass the 5 when they are in Otherworld.

MellyMel said...

I am so confused as to why Saturnyne is so powerful now. She's never been this op before. Did I miss something? Also, I hope someone gets to slap the shit out of here before this is all over lol

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Betsy's hair is purple in this. Thankfully!