Newsarama: Mahmud Asrar is returning to the X-Men fold for November's Uncanny X-Men #1, and he says it kicks off with "major implications" for the X-Men in an interview CadenceComicArt in their latest newsletter.
I think we all ended up winning seeing you draw all those X-men books! You are teaming up with an all-star cast of writers: Ed Brisson, Kelly Thompson, and Matthew Rosenberg. What can you say about their take on the X-men? Do you know which writer you'll be working with? Which writer suits your style of story telling?
Mahmud Asrar: Actually all three of them are writing at the same time which is awesome! I've always wondered how that worked to be honest. I guess, like a writers' room in a TV series where they discuss the plot and then they take turns in scripting issues. In any case, they are great X-writers and I'm happy to have had the chance to work with them. You can see how they love these characters.
That's very enlightening, I also wondered how that worked. Now then, Uncanny X-men is coming back after being absent for a long time. How will you usher the new series during X-men disassembled?
Asrar: Unfortunately I can't reveal too much about the story. Something big is happening that will affect all the Marvel mutants. It's exciting.
Asrar: Unfortunately I can't reveal too much about the story. Something big is happening that will affect all the Marvel mutants. It's exciting.
Anything you want to tell the fans?
Asrar: This is going to be a big X-Men story with major implications. It's been an honor to kick off this story. I've enjoyed drawing every page and I know the rest of the team are doing great work. Hopefully fans will enjoy it too!
1 comment:
Many interesting characters! Hoping for them all to have their space to shine enough. I can picture a nice dynamic between almost them all.
The most recent astonishing series hasn't arrived here in Brazil yet, so I haven't checked Bishop's contribution and I feel him like a bit of a fish out of water here, but that is just an impression, most probably the writers will bring up his relevance.
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