Spoilers: As Simon Trask activates his new breed of human sentinels to exterminate the mutant species, Cyclops puts his plan into action, which includes specif missions for Moonstar, Domino, Mindee and Psylocke. At the H.A.M.M.E.R. headquarters in Alcatraz, Emma Frost breaks the feud between Daken and Bullseye and orders her Dark X-Men to go to San Francisco, as the city is under attack. They learn Trask's people have mutated into some kind of biomechanical abomination and are no longer human. At the Greymalkin Industries, Cyclops takes the rest of the X-Men (Northstar, Dazzler, Iceman, Colossus, Karma, etc.) to where the attacks are happening as he can't trust Emma's team yet. While the Dark X-Men begin to destroy all of Trask's sentinels, Dani arrives in Vegas and hopes to make a deal with a shadowy figure. Cyclops tells his X-Men to observe the Dark X-Men and study their moves. After Emma and her team deals with Trask's sentinels, Cloak telports all of them to the hospital where Simon is located. Cyclops notices that the Dark X-Men fight alone, but they, the real X-Men, fight as a team and that's how they're going to beat them. Scott tells them that there's another squad whose mission is to deal with the Dark Avengers. At the Bay of Oakland, Domino, Warpath, X-23, Magik and a newcomer Wolverine plan to get the prisoners back. Just off the Pacific Ocean, Dr. Nemesis, Dr. Rao, Madison Jeffries and Psylocke are aboard of a sub. Jeffries' task is to install something under the sea. Psylocke states this is the end of the X-Men in California, so they don't have a choice.
Ooh, nice to know that Betsy appears in more pages than just the preview pages! And it's even better to see that she's really becoming part of the X-Club team (I know many people don't like the X-Club, but well, I do).
But I wonder two things:
1) Scott says he can't trust Emma's team yet, so it seems he considers they MAY become trustable. So why is he planning to fight them?
2) Regarding Psylocke and the X-Club, what will they do that is so terrible that makes this "the end of the X-Men in California"?
I just hope Scott doesn't screw up with San Francisco. Despite what we're seeing in Utopia, the SF citizens always welcomed the X-Men, so it would be rude to harm them just to defeat two other superhero teams...
Oh yeah, there's also a third question that I hope is answered in Utopia: is Simon Trask somehow linked to the Purifiers? At first I thought so, because his contamination looked like the technorganic virus, but now it is said he is a human sentinel (which makes me remember of Karima Shapandar, although Simon's powers seem to be different), and human sentinels are different from the Purifiers' technorganic-virus-zombies. Still, there could be a connection, specially considering Simon's brother Bolivar is with the Purifiers...
It could be a nice link between Uncanny X-Men and X-Force.
I think Scott meant he can't trust Emma's team to get all the civilians in safety.
As fot the X-Club, they're supposed to install something at a sub-aquatic station. I have no idea what is it. A bomb? Lol.
I think the X-Club may give Psylocke the chance to explore her intellectual side and her covert ops talents that haven't been seen for years. Furthermore, it will give Bets more time with Hank :) Betsy did have rigorous secret agent training in the past. If her presence on the sub is a type of covert subterfuge mission, then Betsy would be a wise choice for that team. A bomb would be cool :)
Yes, Fsaker, that's a good question regarding a possible connection between Trask and the Purifiers. I always wondered where the Purifiers got their military hardware from :(
Betsy wasn't clear as to what she meant by the "end of the X-Men in California," so we have to wait and see if more information is revealed later on. It may or may not be something revelatory.
I would like the X-Men to move back to Westchester, NY, to a new X-Mansion.
Actually I'd love it if the X-men were on the run. It would give an exciting new dynamic, rather than just re-building the X-mansion AGAIN. Maybe they could hide out in the outback again:D
Maybe Psylocke met with Namor to request permission for them to establish a sub-sea base of operations?
With Madison Jeffrie's mutant ability all he'd need is the raw materials and he'd be able to establish a structure with just a few little mecha-telekinetic nods... Psylocke could speed along the process.
I'm guessing it would take about 3 days... ;) Maybe quicker if they didn't sleep.
Namor was with the Dark X-Men.
No one is with anyone ALL the time. After all Namor and Emma slipped away and had their own little moment...
Psylocke is smart enough to hang with the x-club :)
if she acted like that when she had just telekinesis i wouldn't have even cared about the change, but she seemed to act like wonder woman too much(others say she acted like Rogue). it's like she had mental powers with normal level intelligence(?).
still, i blame her distinct personality on Claremont's decision to write her without TP in New Exiles. now the writers who have given her TP seem to have a solid handle on how to write her and she is as interesting and respectable as in the nineties.
i was starting to like Sage, but with her not around Psylocke is smart again, as that final panel proves. i can't wait until she meets her other literary protegee, Emma (super slag!).
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