Writer: Matt Fraction
Pencils: Luke Ross
Colored by: Rainier Beredo
Lettered by: VC - Cory Petit
The Story: Norman's X-Men, as led by Emma and Namor, are the face of mutant law and order! The X-Men look played out of position as Osborn's dark reign falls over California -- but Scott Summers isn't done yet. The X-Men strike at Norman, at H.A.M.M.E.R., at his fraud X-Men and his sham Avengers all at once! This is the book where, at long last, the Marvel Universe starts to fight back -- and it sets the stage for next month’s unbelievable conclusion in Uncanny X-Men/Dark Avengers - Exodus!
In Stores: August 23, 2009
Fraction told CBR in the last EVOLUTION REVOLUTION (the temporary column where he discusses each issue of Utopia) that Dark Avengers #8 would show what the X-Club is doing. Considering these preview pages also show Scott mentioning them, I guess it's safe to assume that Psylocke will appear in this issue.
But it's sad to see that even with this greater role Betsy has been given since last issue, she still doesn't appear listed among the X-Men in the first page of the comics (and nor does Dazzler), while Iceman (who did nothing last issue) and Nightcrawler (who didn't even appear last issue) do...
I think editorial just picked those 6 X-Men to put on the recap page very early on in the crossover without much thought as to who they should feature. They've seemingly been too lazy to make any changes reflective of who's actually in the issue.
Yes, Fsaker. You make a fine point. I don't understand why Iceman and Nightcrawler were listed but not Betsy. Strange, indeed.
Anonymous, that is a cogent explaination. Maybe it was editorial laziness...
Daken should have had a guy under one arm and a girl under the other, I hope Marvel dont back out of his bi behaviour, ive read a lot of redneck forum flack about it.
wow, i really hope dani gets her valkerie powere back!!!
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