"--Is there any possibility you could pleeeeeeease design a new outfit for Betsy? The Psylocke fans were hoping she would wear something new and something other than the old Jim Lee design. That would be the greatest if you would consider it!"
And Dodson replied with....
"I will draw Psylocke in my Dark X-Men/Dark Avengers arc and she will be in a different costume."
I'm thrilled! I'm so happy that she will not be in the hand outfit! I can't wait to see what new uniform they have ready for her!
This is encouraging news. I like the Jim Lee outfit, but I think it is time for a new concept regarding an outfit for Betsy. Maybe a derivative of the old pink outfit from the 80s and the 90s Jim Lee outfit? Can't wait.
Based on that photo, it seems that the color is just changed to black instead of midnight blue...
I hope that's not the be all end the end all of the "different costume".
I don't think that is the new outfit that Dodson is mentioning. It's just another cute picture of our beloved Betsy in her ninja outfit.
Btw... Where is that picture from and who is the artist? I love it!
It's the cover to Uncanny XMen #500, drawn by Terry Dodson. and no that's not the costume, it's just a pic I posted to accompany the post. sorry for any confusion.
But...but...I like the hand outfit :(
well you have a million issues and years worth of posters, cards, covers, and video games featuring the thong slut ninja suit to see thanks to marvel.
that's simply great...my favourite was the purple dragon in house of m who mad her look fierce and graceful...yes and even hot (xcuse me cmx and luckystar ;D )
That's AWESOME news!! Three cool teams fighting each other (the Uncanny X-Men, the Dark Avengers and the Dark X-Men), lots of cool characters (Weapon Omega, Daken, Cloak & Dagger... damn, even Frenzy recovered from the laser shot in the eye just to participate), and now Psylocke will appear in a new costume!
I'm very anxious for this crossover!
I ADORED the House of M costume!
I,too,am happy to hear that Betsy will be recieving a new uniform.I don't dislike the Hand outfit,but she has been wearing it for so long.Time for a change. :-)
I agree, she needs a change so bad. The Hand uniform worked very well in the 90´s, but Marvel should just let it die...
Yay! New costume!
Also, here are 2 review's of 511:
Sounds sort of promising, except for one bit that scares me...
Whoa, careful with those spoilers folks. I think I know how this one's going to wrap up.
I like ninja bathing suit, which is not always drawn all butt flossy, but I agree it's time for a change. I think different artists have tried to do this before, but nothing's really stuck ..
1) Late nineties headband number - yuck. What an embarrasingly trendy and unflattering look. She looked like a deranged hipster.
2) House of M dragon motif - Fun and different, but a little too elaborate and fancy to be an iconic look.
3) Exiles blue and purple - Totally hated it. She looked like one of those sexed up lady wrestlers from the WWE.
Here's hoping Dodson has more success. I'm hoping for something that combines elements of her British and Asian costumes.
Aye,Elizabeth has occasionally looked not only sexy,but stylish,as well,in the Hand outfit.
The costumes I won't tolerate are the X-Treme X-Men one(God,that leather thing made her look like a stripper),the New Exiles monstrosity and the fluffy pink rags she wore when she first joined the X-Men.The House of M outfit,the body-armor and the Hand outfit(sometimes)are easily the best. :-)
I know that British Betsy lost in the poll here. However, I think that Alan Davis hit the nail excatly on the head and captured what so many British Betsy fans feel in his forum. URL pasted below:
Just because the Hand intended to do with Betsy what they desired to do with Elektra,that does not make ninja Psylocke an Elektra rip-off. :-)
Here's a early review of tomorrow's Uncanny x-Men 511 with some spoilers:
Regarding Psylocke status? Ths sentense should do:
and there are a few moments that feel a little too cliché and neat to be really satisfying (such as Psylocke's inner turmoil manifested as a one-on-one fight with her "other")
this plot was a lost cause and i hate fraction for this bullshit. electra reject is right, sorry but it's obvious. even electra fails at being cool nowadays. if asian betsy easily kicks british betsy's ass i will be livid. they're supposed to be the same but of course the british one probably neveer was her to begin with. what a waste of three months of my life being invested in this. i want my subscription money back. fuck matt fraction, greg land, marvel, and kwannon's body!
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