Tuesday, April 9, 2024

BETSY BRADDOCK Rejoins X-FORCE From the Ashes!

On Sale 7/31

Marvel.com: Set in the X-Men’s upcoming From the Ashes era, a new X-FORCE ongoing series by Geoffrey Thorne and Marcus To begins this July.

In the X-Men’s world, there’ll always be need for a team willing to cross the lines no others dare to—a group of mutants who call themselves X-FORCE!

This July, on the edge of the From the Ashes era, the latest evolution of X-Force is born, specifically suited to this brash new age of mutant storytelling. Discover their impossible mission in the new X-FORCE ongoing series written by acclaimed screenwriter Geoffrey Thorne and drawn by kinetic X-Men artist Marcus To.

This time, this iconic comic book super squad will be built from the ground up by the mutant inventor—Forge! Accessing an omega-level degree of his unique and complex mutant power to build anything, Forge will bear witness to everything broken in the world.

Luckily, he knows exactly who he’ll need to repair it: Rachel Summers, Betsy Braddock, Sage, Surge, and Tank. To save nothing short of existence itself, they’ll jump sword, gun, and fist first into deadly uncertainty, and the only thing getting in their way will be the secrets they keep!

A new path forged! The world is fractured. Forge uses his powers to devise the only fix: an all-new, all-different X-Force! Forge leads a custom-made, handpicked team of mutants in off-the-books missions so dire, so integral to the fate of the Marvel Universe, there’s no time to stop for permission!

Plus, as Forge detects increasing threats across the planet, he’ll recruit specialists for each target. It’s a revolving door of Marvel guest stars and first up: that regenerating degenerate, Deadpool!

"I cannot believe the reaction to my pitch with, 'That sounds like X-Force to us,'" Thorne shared. “It's a new vibe and a different mission, but it's still X-Force. Looking at all the books coming out under this banner, I'll just paraphrase the prophet, Sheryl Crow: 'All I wanna do is have some fun.' Looking at what I'm getting to do and what the others are bringing, I'm absolutely not the only one."

"When Marvel approached me to be the artist for X-FORCE, I was ecstatic,” To added. “I was always a big fan of the X-books growing up, and to be a part of bringing that excitement to new and old readers alike was an opportunity I could not turn down. And the chance to draw Betsy Braddock again is icing on the cake!"

Last month, fans got their first look at what awaits Marvel’s line of X-Men titles following the bold Krakoan Age with the reveal of three flagship series: Jed MacKay and Ryan Stegman’s X-MEN, Gail Simone and David Marquez’s UNCANNY X-MEN, and Eve L. Ewing and Carmen Carnero’s EXCEPTIONAL X-MEN.

The expansive mythos of the X-Men has always made space for additional series that test the limits and explore the far-reaching scope of the mutant metaphor. Fresh spins on classic X-Men titles and startling directions for your favorite mutants are just ahead, starting in July with X-FORCE, PHOENIX, and NYX.

Be there for an X-Force like you’ve never seen them before, stick around to see who joins, who lives, who dies and uncover the mystery of Forge’s discovery. See the new lineup on Stephen Segovia’s X-FORCE #1 cover below and stay tuned tomorrow for another X-Men: From the Ashes series announcement!


lucasg_i said...

Cautiously optimistic.
Also, the CB uniform is gone !

Nate X said...


Unknown said...

No more flowers, no more CB uniform...

Rahsaan said...

@randy, looks like may get to see Marcus To’s exquisite rendering of Betsy’s power signature, including her psi-self!

Tobias Chatti said...

Captain Britain yeet don't want to see it again

X-Man said...


I'm hoping Brian got CB back & Betsy can finally really be herself again.

X-force is definitely more in line with who she is.

Stealthy, edgy and deadly.

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Was hoping for the pink colors @Lindsay mentioned, but this outfit imo is at least much better than CB.

Still will miss Dissasembled lol.

randybear said...

Haha you're right! Hopefully he gets to draw a lot of butterfly

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Spot on

Kiki M. Ishola said...

He landed some good butterfly selves of Betsy and made sure her hair were purple in the pages 👌

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Lintsay is a known troll I don't buy into the ramblings. Anything really anything is better than the tacky Captain Kettle mess. This new costume is a winner. Now let's see Betsy's hair colored purple not pink.

randybear said...

I wonder if it's the colorist that normally does Segovias art because in Hellions when the Betsy bots were attacking Kwannon her hair was colored more magenta /pink so I'm hoping the interiors show her true purple. If not I will be on Marvels ass about it

Kiki M. Ishola said...

The lame Zeb Wells take on Betsy as Mojo Boogeyman haunting Revanche. Too much bleach needed to wipe that off memory. The contrary is true but vile folks like to topsy turvy everything canon and twist the knife for kicks.
Same ish with the Excalibur covers Betsy had her hair colored neon pink and candy floss pink. Gag reflex activate.

randybear said...

Yeah I remember the guy who colored those covers on Excalibur ignored the fans cause I would constantly see people tweet him about it 😆

James said...

You guys understand that betsy is blond? Her hair is dyed purple... There is no true color for that... She can change it whenever... In fact it will change on it's own... Now that is so not important... What I want to see is how good this writer is and if my fav character still has the same personality i loved...

Jaime Braz said...

Love the lineup.

Forge is an unsung leader in the X-Men history and his time to lead came late.

Sage an X-Force pillar whose origins I want to see in detail by the writer. With flashbacks of how Tessa became the first unofficial X-Man for Charles Xavier, the origin of her body scars and birthplace history.

Surge a welcome and unexpected addition her speedster powers may have contributed taken into account Quicksilver was her equivalent on X-Force of the X-Men animated series.

Deadpool the mascot for the title.

The red giant in the back is new to me all the more reason to read this new roster.

Betsy returns to her action and spy roots. The transformation of her body and ninja phase was the accomplished dream Betsy had to become a fighter to join the fray as a warrior not just a passive observer. The new look left me impressed.

X-Man said...

Betsy recreated her body molecule by molecule.

Her hair actually is naturally purple now as well as her eyes.

However even when she was dying it way back when, her hair was seen to be somewhat a darker purple than what we see sometimes with more recent artist.

lindsay said...

hello xman its clear the little girl want me 2 fight and respond 2 her petty names but since randybear ask me not to fight on here i wont
don’t worry honey pretty in pink & purple still comin’ betsy can have 2 lewks
remember i told yall kwannon would get a new lewk - voila kwannon got new lewk
my sources never wrong

FSaker said...

Oh my! She looks great! And this lineup is pretty interesting, too!

Kinda surprising that neither Cable nor Domino are in this team, but I'm still gladly taking it.

randybear said...

She's not blonde anymore. She recreated her own body to have natural purple hair. Catch up this happened in 2018.

randybear said...

Thank you Lindsay

FSaker said...

Oh, not related to X-Force (or Betsy), but only now I saw that one of the new X-books is a solo book for Jean Grey... as Phoenix.

This may disappoint some people that were tired of her constantly becoming Phoenix, losing the PF, regaining it back and so on. But I don't think Echo was interesting as Phoenix, and it's hard not to associate Jean with the PF (and vice-versa), so this could be a good decision, after all.

Rahsaan said...


I too am excited for this lineup. Forge is a boss. And I think Rachel (if she harkens back to some of the personality she had during Claremont’s 80s run when she first arrived in the 616 timeline) actually fits in perfectly with X-Force.

@FSaker, re: Phoenix actually might work in this new book with Jean ascending to working on a cosmic scale and not being confined to Earthly matters. I am excited to see it. Though I wonder if we’ll see her interacting ever with her loved ones, which might be the price to pay for a fully actualized Jean Grey/Phoenix. I do hope we get at least one story with her and Rachel exploring the prior notion (which has since been retconned) that the latter was actually the ultimate Phoenix host.