Friday, April 24, 2020

Marcus To Shares Unused Captain Britain Design

Marcus To recently shared on Twitter this unused design for Captain Britain.
The design was later reused for Brian Braddock, as seen in Excalibur #6.


randybear said...

I love Marcus To.. but wow barf. Betsy got the part of the Nutcracker

Ry said...

Very underwhelming, glad they didn't use this one.

Unknown said...

Would love it if the reversed the blue and red

Waffles said...


I know the lion is typical but it should be a bear... I miss demon bear.

FSaker said...

If I'm not mistaken, Brian had an uniform similar to this one (back when he wore a full mask).

I think this design is nice, but the one she got instead is still much better.

Unknown said...

Like it more than the official

randybear said...

Only thing I like about this, is the lack of the Superman cape

K.A.T. said...

The 'other' option is actually based on historical British/English heraldry (coats of arms and such), as seen here : and in this image, which is the coat of arms for King Richard I, the Lionhearted. or Richard Lionheart.

Alex said...

Got a Revolutionary Girl Utena vibe going on. I don't hate it, I enjoy the historicalness of it, but I don't love it either. I was thinking maybe inverse the colors, make the blue parts red & red parts blue but I think that type of scheme would work more on Brian.

It definitely reminds me of the Kelsey Leigh Captain Britain look, only more historically accurate. I could see it has a casual uniform also. I still wish they gave Betsy two costumes. One for Excalibur/Captain Britain work, another for her X-Men stuff.

Red would be a good color on Betsy.

Tazirai said...

The Outback armour with a few updates and color change would have been fine.

Rahsaan said...

The red only would look good if she had her blonde hair. I think the more blue uniform matches better with her hair as blue and lavender are complementary colors.

Rahsaan said...

To be perfectly honest though... As much as I looked forward to this run, Excalibur needs to either turn into a [A] solo series or it needs to end. Tini clearly has no interests in writing Betsy, Anna, Remy, Jubilation, or even Estaban Julio (who she says is a favorite of hers, but gave him that terrible druid storyline). Betsy is like a pod person and Remy is a manchild/brat under her. And Shogo the Dragon is silly. I feel like I am reading a children's book. Very boring.

Rahsaan said...

I would like to see the non-[A] characters be featured in a non-slapstick book scripted by someone who knows them well and focuses on character development and interesting events. For instance, a book with this team leaving Otherworld/Avalon and focusing on uncovering Moira's true motives and finding proof of her existence and her grand plan so that the rest of Krakoa can have a choice. All this after Bets' has her first precognitive flash in years letting her know that Moira is around and up to something. Moira can be the antagonist of the book as I'm not sure that I fully believe that Moira isn't undermining mutantkind in the end based on her mandate that Destiny can't be resurrected as a check and balance to her. Maybe Elizabeth should be that check and balance like she was for both Erik and Charles in Uncanny and Astonishing respectively.

FSaker said...

To be fair, it was always established that Excalibur would tell a more fantasy-oriented story. And I don't think that's a bad thing (neither is Shogo becoming a dragon).

The main problems, from what I can see in the comments, are that Tini Howard is failing to give the characters the personalities they should have and that Apocalypse is getting all the spotlight and character development in the book, while the other characters could be replaced with nearly any other X-Man without an actual impact on the story. That could be okay if she was using minor X-Men, but she's writing four major X-Men from the 1990s (granted, Betsy is no longer Ninjalocke, but she still left her mark on the 1990s).

Perhaps the editor should talk to her so that they can find a way to fix these problems before Excalibur loses too many readers. Hopefully this can happen.

Rahsaan said...

FSaker, one big reason that the first volume of Excalibur worked (aside from having Claremont and Davis, who were invested in the characters... Excalibur went to hell after those two left) was that it's silliness was a reprieve from how dark the other three X-Men books were. Think about was happening then... Mutant Massacre to Fall of The Mutants to Inferno to the X-Men splintering post Inferno to X-factor dealing with the fallout of Inferno with Jean's psyche and then losing Baby Nathan to the New Mutants losing many of their members in tragedy like Doug, Illyana, Mirage, Sunspot, Rusty, SKids, Wolfsbane, Warlock... And then the X-Tinction Agenda... Pretty much it was all very dark until blue/gold. The fantasy of Excalibur worked well as an escape. Also, Davis and Claremont really put a lot into showing depth and emotion and telling interesting stories with satire and fantasy. The mutants are in a very different place now with Krakoa and having their own society... and Howard's book is basic as hell. She doesn't seem to know the characters nor does she seem to want to give us interesting or sophisticated story. Excalibur as it currently is needs to end if she's not willing to write it as it deserves.

PS: Everyone in that book needs to be tied way more to Krakoa sociopolitics. I'm over Otherworld and Avalon.

FSaker said...

Good point. I do think it's nice that Excalibur is more oriented towards fantasy and showing Otherworld and Avalon, but I also agree with you that the book should be closer to Krakoa's society (possibly showing how the Otherworld politics affect Krakoa and vice-versa). With the X of Swords event supposedly having both X-Men and Excalibur as its main books, hopefully this will happen soon, and hopefully it will still happen after the event is over.

Speaking of X of Swords, are the X-books still being published regularly or did Marvel suspend publications for the next months?

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