Wednesday, May 29, 2024

X-Men: Wedding Special #1 Art


X-Man said...

I really hope this is the last time Howard writes Betsy (or Rachel for that matter).

After all this time (no pun intended lol), I'm still not feeling her vision in terms of their characterizations.

This storyline seems extremely silly to me, but to be fair I don't know how the other ones played out in this.

Looking forward to X-Force and a new direction for Betsy (I will say that though I'm not really a fashion person, I did enjoy seeing her in purple at the end).

Rahsaan said...

So let me ensure I understand correctly.

Saturnyne orchestrated a whole aliens invasion and a battle with the Technet all on Earth-146 as a way to distract Elizabeth and Rachel from attending the Irene/Raven wedding on Earth-616 so she could somehow take their place in attendance without anyone noticing or caring that she was not on the guest list?

I’m confused. Is this supposed to be parody or actual, riveting, well-thought out story?

HOXOR said...

As I said before: " Sevy's art is better but TH's writing remains the same..."

Nate X said...

Let's just agree to ignore the contrived writing and focus on the gorgeous outfits.

X-Man said...

I don't know, but it came off as very silly to me. Actually worse than usual for Howard. Smh.

Unknown said...

This was a cute story! It's just a fun, random adventure that the girls are having. Saturnyne is pretty much Maleficent here and it works because she would absolutely be upset at not being invited even if she didn't want to go. Loved getting to know more of the Corps too. Hope we see Elspeth pop up in X-Force because she's Queen.

lucasg_i said...

This was the worst plot idea I've read in a while, all that for a wedding invitation, add to that TH's CRINGE inducing dialogue. On a positive note, that call back to Betsy's OG X-men outfit was nice.

Rahsaan said...
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Rahsaan said...

lucas, I was just going to comment similarly and say that the homage to Betsy’s 80s off-the-shoulders, blousy sleeves is cute. I would not have minded if she wore her hair styled in a bouffant for the wedding as well. 💜

Ice.Quinn said...

Hmm. How do I keep this positive? Honestly don’t know, but I’ll give it a go:

T*ni H*ward’s pathetic attempt to gain “gay armor” through Betsy, to shield her awful self-inserting disingenuous performatic fanfics disguised as writing from criticism (if you do = you’re homophobic or anti-queer), put these two together, and their relationship is just as lame as Rogue & Gambit in Excalibur. That’s how H*ward’s relationships must be like. The dialogue is so cringe I wanna vomit. And while on the subject, Betsy hates her body again! She’s an insecure self-loathing idiot who doesn’t know or likes who she is. But hey, she likes girls now, so it’s all good. While at it, let’s give her bulky costumes and shoulders as big as a linebacker’s (nevermind that she used to be a supermodel), because stereotypes are so much fun. What’s next, a side shave? Because once Betsy had a fling with Fantomex in drag. Not unlike Katy Perry, I kissed a couple girls too before, it’s fun, sure, and I guess looking on the bright side, second to H*ward, that gives me gay armor too, so, y’all better love this comment, or else. When presented by the X-Office a chance to reinvent (read: self-insert) this woman, so that Kwannon could keep everything that was Betsy’s up until that moment (only without the problematic body swap), H*ward jumped at the chance to make herself a Marvel superhero. On that very day, from the moment she picked up that damn sword, Betsy Braddock, as we knew her, died a horrible death. And T*ni H*ward became bisexual bulimic Captain Britain with bulky armor, pink hair and big-a** muscles, while Kwannon lived her best life as PSYLOCKE. Hurray (said no Betsy fan ever)! Said T*ni H*ward’s moronic friends at that podcast that shan’t be mentioned. (Am I being too harsh?)

Gawd, make it stop. This has been going on since Madripoor. It was supposed to be a dream, but turned out to be a horrible nightmare. I can’t. I CAAAN’T!!! ><

Ice.Quinn said...
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Such a cringeworthy anthology all around. I wouldn't mind these useless Pride anthology books if they actually moved story along, or had important things in them. You can strike a balance between fluff and impactful storytelling, we just don't have any real talent left at Marvel who can do that.

Phil Sevy art is slightly better than his chicken scratch artwork in those awful Infinity comics. Those long, horse faces he draws are still kind of bad for Betsy, who is supposed to be quite beautiful.

I am very dismayed but not surprised that Marvel Non-Editor Jordan White allowed Tini Howard to utterly destroy Saturnyne in this fashion. She went from the Ominversal Majestrix, the arbiter who presides over the nexus of realities, to basically Catra from the 80's She-Ra cartoon...a "Gal Villain". What's next for Saturnyne, will she try to steal Betsy's shoes, or put super glue in her shampoo bottle? So clever of Tini Howard!

Tini Howard was trolling us by putting Betsy in an ill fitting garment similar to her original pink costume, only to give Betsy a Bad Built British Butch Body.

Part of me hopes that this version of Rachel and Betsy turn out to be Warwolves who switched out the original characters, because this is not my Rachel and not my Betsy at all. These are characters from some bad lesbian fanfic (which normally, I enjoy Yuri and Girl love mangas) with Tini Howard living vicariously through Betsy Braddock.

For those hoping Geoff Thorne redeems Betsy or gives her "voice" back, don't count your chickens just yet. He is still bound by editorial calling the shots. The fact that he even has Betsy and Rachel together is proof that he may not have the power to repair the character, he may have to just go along with putting the pairing front and center. He talks a good game, let's see if he can walk the walk.

Sorry for always being so negative or ranty, I am just really frustrated that my favorite characters were decimated during the Krakoan era: Moira, Betsy, Emma Frost, Sage, Xavier.

Liberty said...

I didn't see when she had body image issues but if she did that makes no sense. She literally created her own body from scratch. If she was insecure about something she could have changed it. I want sexy bombshell Betsy back. That's not Kwannon's personality even if it was technically her body. Betsy can be sleek and sultry and still be bi if she has to be. I'm excited to see where they take the character without Tini involved. I don't mind that she's in a relationship with a woman but I've always hated Rachel!

Nichelle said...

If Betsy was wit a woman I would've perfered Sage both of em Sexy ladies

Ice.Quinn said...

I don’t mind that it’s Rachel, or that she’s suddenly bi - or at least it doesn’t bother me *that* much, just because we’ve bigger issues at present. Bigger fish to fry. In the grand scheme of H*ward’s awful characterization of Betsy, falling in love with Rachel (despite Warren, Neal, Tom Lennox, Fantomex, Scott, Alex, Piotr, Wisdom, Doug Ramsey… heck, even Sabretooth!) is small fish. Makes no sense, but whatever. And I noticed I’ve mentioned fish twice now, but it’s just a coincidence.

What bothers me is she’s been reduced to *just* being a poster queer character, in a lesbian relationship. It is that before anything else (maybe because that’s all that was accomplished with the character). T*ni’s master plan for Betsy, was turning her gay. And you’ll be reminded about it in every dialogue and every other panel, there must be a kiss, love professed, let’s move in together, my Captain, my beloved, my moon and stars, I love your body, my Queen, whatever you say, whatever you want my Captain… it’s creepy, it’s weird AF (H*ward wrote Rogue and Gambit’s relationship the same way), and it doesn’t translate too well in these books either. We get, T*ni Howard! She’s bi now, like you, and it’s creepy and lame and performatic, like everything you write!

Seriously. Who is Betsy Braddock, since Excalibur? No one can answer that. An empty character with gay armor that’d put any telekinetic bubble to shame? Really though, she’s just T*ni Howard living through a fictional character, and butchering her in the process. Pathetic…

Unknown said...

Awful...simply that

FSaker said...

...So Saturnyne caused all this mess just to get an invitation to the wedding? Why does she even CARE about the wedding, considering that she has no history with either Mystique or Destiny? And it's not like it's a wedding from Otherworldly royalty people or anything.

Oh well. At least Betsy and Rachel look great in their outfits for the wedding; it seems that living with Betsy is helping Rachel to finally wear good-looking clothes. Maybe Kate/Kitty should start hanging out with Betsy as well, because her dress looks tacky in the last page...

X-Man said...

Here is my take.

I think its a bad story (unless like I said the others are just as silly and then at least it fits).

However as much as I don't like Betsy as CB, the writer who has been writing her recently as CB has done a vastly better job (imho) capturing Betsy's personality & her true character.

So its not like we haven't seen a different version of her where she isn't clinging to Rachel lately and acting incompetent.

It is what it is.

I'm just taking this as Howard's last hurrah.

We got a brand new writer, Betsy is on a brand new book & team, and there is even a brand new editor.

I'm hoping this is a fresh start and a return to Betsy being truly in character again.

Fingers crossed.

Mixia said...

I think she's just trolling us. This can't be serious.

HOXOR said...

Nothing in this comic is serious, there is nothing that changes the present or future of the X-Men in it. It's just the story of two people getting married while Betsy, Rachel, Logan, Gambit and some students have small stories fighting with someone that doesn't add anything.

I'm not particularly taking this comic seriously, but the part about Betsy saying she doesn't like her body is really terrible, as I said... TH's writing doesn't change and doesn't improve!

X-Man said...

@Hoxor that kinda has been the theme sadly.

I don't have an issue with a character having body issues or bi-sexual but Imo Howard took big leaps with rare situations with Betsy.

Betsy had body issues in a alternate universe where love wasn't even allowed I believe, and I believe crazy things like Jean & Bishop or Betsy & the Blob were in a relationship (and btw how come that didn't stay if these supposed body issues did?)

In other words, everyone wasn't themselves but that one specific issue that Betsy never ever had, was grabbed up and kept with her.

& she had a weird situation with Fantomex where one of his personalities became a woman or something.

That was a truly complex situation & I don't think it necessarily meant she was bi from that.

However again Howard grabbed it up and ran with it lol.

I'm any case I do get people being cautious with how things can go for Betsy, but like I said she's been written much more in character & without Rachel latching onto her with the current person writing her (sorry don't know author's name).

So I was a little surprised when there was so many doom & gloom commentary around Betsy just based on this issue, when we have already seen her being written better imho.

I'm hoping for even better writing in X-Force.

Kiki M. Ishola said...

Captain Kettle phase has to be put down. Euthanasia is the best drug.