Monday, May 27, 2024

X-Men Unlimited Infinity #141 Spoilers

Spoilers: Selene and Dani engage in a fierce one-on-one battle, with Selene boasting about her impending ascension to becoming a true External High Lord and dismissing Dani as insignificant. Despite Dani's best efforts, Selene easily catches and breaks her arrows. Meanwhile, the rest of the team, including James, Betsy, Rictor, and Shatterstar, are retreating, acknowledging that Dani is buying them time. They encounter and eliminate two zombie Orchis goons, with Betsy noting the persistent threat of Selene's zombie soldiers. Madrox appears, revealing that he and his duplicates have taken care of the remaining enemies.

Magma is eager to fight Selene but is reminded by Betsy that she and Khora are vital to the mission's success. Betsy coordinates with Roberto, who is ready with X-Corps Island and a team including Layla, Trinary, and Wiz-Kid. Layla expresses concern about testing new tech on Selene, but Roberto trusts his team.

The fight between Selene and Dani continues, with Selene attempting to drown Dani, who retaliates by striking Selene with her bow and stabbing her with an arrow. Betsy emphasizes the importance of isolating the battlefield to protect Nova Roma and the rescued mutants. A mutant circuit involving Magma, Rictor, and Khora is initiated to isolate Selene's palace.

As Dani prepares to leave through a portal with Shatterstar's help, she reveals that the fight was a setup for Selene's downfall. The mutant in the Cerebro-like helmet is revealed to be Cipher, whose abilities were used to hide X-Corps Island, thanks to Trinary's programming. Dani taunts Selene, implying that traditional methods can't kill a witch like her, as she disappears through the portal, leaving Selene in disbelief.

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