Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Excalibur #24 Art


  1. Its funny how not only did Betsy lose the butterfly its like law she can't even display telepathy energy at all. Look at literallt any telepath on Krakoa and they all burst with psychic energy.. Jean, Emma, Quentin, Psylocke etc.. its like they don't want anything resembling butterfly near her 🙄

  2. True. It's like Marvel is trying to remove any sign of her mutant power so that we can see her strictly as a Captain Britain.

    That said, the panels with her sparring with Death look great, and so does the page with her defending the Captains created by Jamie (Saturnyne, on the other hand, looks like an old lady with this outfit). While I hope eventually Betsy will show her psychic power signatures again and retire the Starlight Sword (maybe bringing back the Amulet of Right, as it made much more sense in the ritual for becoming a Captain Britain), in terms of personality this is exactly how she should have been from the beginning. Which is why I'm planning to skip X of Swords and the arc with Malice and Kwannon (while pretending those issues never existed) and return to reading when the Hellfire Gala gets published here.

    (speaking of skipping issues and all, does anyone know when Shatterstar returned? The last time I read a story with him in it, he was found by X-Factor as a slave gladiator in Mojoworld and they weren't able to rescue him...)

    1. He was rescued in x-factor, and was shown re-connecting with rictor in Excalibur's hellfire gala tie-in

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Kay, Thank you for the information!

  5. What about Kwannon complaining in hellions?
    "Do i look like someone who blames others for their sins?".. Yes b*, you do...

  6. The starlight sword brings back bad memories of Sword of X. They should put it back deep in the walls of the Starlight Citadel. I miss the X-Men Disassembled Betsy - great outfit, great powerset. Thinking back how she took out Archangel and Storm, combined her powers with Jean ... *sigh*

  7. She uses the Starlight sword when battling for Otherworld, her tk sword for everything else.

    1. Fuck i think you're right! Good observation 😊

    2. No it's a big nay nay the sword with the heavy kettle stuff she carries. The starbrand is another gimmick to force her butterfly out and slap it on Revanche. Cheap tricks from Cebullshit.

  8. Recall in Disassembled when her sword was both telekinetic and telepathic? She's never used it telepathically in Excalibur.

    1. Right. I was thinking recently how its not used telepathically at all under Howard just serves as if it were a regular sword. Even when she was strictly TK the sword could cause psychic damage. under Howard she just swings it around and poses with it lol basically a prop

    2. @randy, EXACTLY! At this point, it may as well be one of those wooden or plastic toy swords that kids have.

  9. Yuck n tuck this cucumber run. Rumor goes around Chris Claremont makes a big comeback to Excalibur. One shot or not I want him roast Fabian Nicieza and his Psyclone Revanche ripping off his Betsy creation.

  10. "Rumor goes around Chris Claremont makes a big comeback to Excalibur"

    I'm... not sure if I like this possibility. Yes, Claremont's first run with the X-Men is still the most consistent run I've seen in comics (he managed to keep delivering good stories and a cohesive tale throughout DECADES), and yes, he loves Betsy... but everything he did with the X-Men after that was a mess. Even the X-Treme X-Men run and that X-Women collaboration with Milo Manara, both of which I loved the first time I read them, have aged terribly bad. Not to mention his fake advertising of X-Men Forever as "the story I had originally planned had I not left the X-Men", and which seems hardly believable (it's quite unlikely that he would spend several arcs bringing different X-Men together, from the O5 to Gambit, Betsy and Jubilee... only to drop it all after the first arc and have half the team leave the X-Men right after that).

    Assuming Tini Howard will really leave this book next year (which is odd, as it seems she's been finally doing a good job with the current Excalibur arc - such a shame that it took too long for her to put this book on track), I'd rather have her replaced by someone else. Si Spurrier would be my first choice. Vita Ayala would be great, too. Or Kieron Gillen, though I don't think he works for Marvel nowadays (same goes for Marjorie Liu - I didn't enjoy her Astonishing X-Men run, but she did an amazing job in X-23's solo series).

    1. Charity is have Claremont write Betsy again. The spark he had grew less but is less terrible from the mess Howard dealt to Betsy's character and powers. Claremont at least gives us the Outback Betsy the clever and confident one. I'm waiting for Claremont deal with the Brian Betsy mantle swap and her visions and tk weapons. If it ever really happens.

  11. Just heard that Tini has been hired by DC to, WRITE Catwoman in an ongoing fashion. I think this means Excalibur is really effectively ending. I really hope Betsy isn't banished to oblivion...hope someone has some plans for her next year.

    1. Yeah that was awhile ago. Tini said she planned to write for both smh. Hopefully that proves untrue.
