Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Excalibur #24 Spoilers

Sevalith: Betsy visits the Countexes of the vampire kingdom to investigate the assassination attempt in Avalon. As the vampires dodge all of Betsy’s questions, Captain Britain decides to talk to Death, Apocalypse’s son. Betsy and Death practice swordplay with each other, while speaking privately through telepathy. Death advises Betsy that tensions are rising in Otherworld and that he will stand by mutantkind if it comes to it. Betsy appreciates Death’s support.

Crooked Market: Gambit smuggles items from Earth to exchange for articles of Otherworld. Mad Jim Jaspers catches him red-handed and warns Gambit not to do business without his permission while giving a demonstration of his power.

The Floating Kingdom: Jubilee shares her concerns over Shogo with Roma, who advises her that the more time he spends in Otherworld, the less comfortable he will become on Earth. The idea of leaving Shogo alarms Jubilee.

Dryador: Rictor, Shatterstar and Bei the Blood Moon look for any residents left in Dryador, only to realize it is abandoned. As the door to Amenth is sealed, Rictor finally comes to terms with Apocalypse leaving.

Avalon: The next day, Excalibur and the Braddock family reunite to attend the Trial of the False Captains Britain (Rogue, Gambit and Rictor from issue #10) in the Starlight Citadel. While Saturnyne presides the trial as Judge, Betsy acts as their defender and appeals that they be spared and freed.

Merlyn interrupts the Trial and introduces a witness he has brought to speak on the dangers of mutants: King Arthur himself. Arthur gathers his army in Avalon with the support of other Otherworld kingdoms. The Captain Britain Corps take Merlyn captive while Betsy decides to speak with Arthur. Arthur claims that his son Mordred is cursed because he is a mutant and that Merlyn made him realize the truth about mutantkind. As Merlyn escapes, a war erupts in Otherworld, with the forces of King Arthur against Excalibur, the Captain Britain Corps, Shatterstar, Bei the Blood Moon and the Braddocks.


  1. Nice to know that Death wasn't forgotten! Hopefully he'll be able to rejoin his siblings by the end of this run.

    As for Shogo, I hope this observation by Roma doesn't indicate that he'll be left to be raised in Otherworld to separate him from Jubilee. I know many readers complain about how Jubilee is currently shown as a mother and nothing else, but this isn't Shogo's fault, it's the writers' for failing to give her other plots. And leaving him behind to be raised as a dragon, even if he's treated very well and all, is messed up in too many levels.

    And it seems Merlyn is manipulating Arthur to make him hate mutants... the question is: why? It's quite odd that both Merlyn and Morgan (where is she, by the way?) are persecuting mutants, despite the two of them being enemies in the Arthurian legends.

  2. I hate how shes using the Starlight sword more and more in place of her TK. So she doesn't use her TK for flight or weaponry (except that idiotic personal shield) she can't use her TK apparently anymore to carry others, to create minimal things like a forcefield to protect herself and others.. shes loke I can only make a shield now! Remember when she and Rachel protected earth from missles? :(

    She rarely uses her TP unless its basic like just communicating.. so essentially she just uses the flight from the suit and her Starlight sword.. ugh

  3. Yes, it's weird. Especially because she has used TK in this run before (I remember her using it to levitate herself and her teammates when Jubilee was captured by those women living outside of Saturnyne's castle, and also before that when she used it to protect herself and Pete Wisdom during Morgan's arc).

    And it's curious to see Betsy using the Starlight Sword, as that was the weapon she used in the fight where Isca shattered her body (AND the Starlight Sword - have they explained how the sword was fixed? Does it automatically get restored if Betsy is restored as well?). I wouldn't blame her if she decided not to use it ever again due to the bad memories it could bring.

    Still, it's nice to see that apparently the story is finally going somewhere in this current arc. Also, I've seen many readers complain how Howard gave too much attention to Betsy (and Apocalypse, before he left the book) and sidelined the other team members; judging from these spoilers, it seems they're actually getting some spotlight this time.

  4. The writing in this book remains an abomination, and the art remains beautiful.

    Marcus To does a great Shatterstar. It's just a shame I don't know who this character pretending to be Rictor is.
