Monday, May 13, 2024

X-Men Unlimited Infinity #139 Spoilers

Spoilers: Selene walks through a pool of blood in her chamber, engaging in conversation and taunting Tempo, who is restrained on a large piece of bone. Tempo's powers have dramatically accelerated the External ascension process within just a few days. An explosion erupts from the top of Selene's palace tower. Mirage reaches out to the prisoners and calls for reinforcements: Magma, Escapade, Velocidade, and Khora of the Burning Heart.

Magma melts through the walls to liberate the prisoners. However, Dani warns that if the shackles were enchanted to suppress powers, simply breaking them won't suffice. After a power-boosting circuit between Cerebra and Khora, everyone's powers are restored. Despite this, Nova Roma remains besieged by undead guards. Madrox confronts the guards, multiplying into hundreds.

Betsy, Shatterstar, Rictor, Warpath, and Thunderbird hasten towards the palace, but their progress halts abruptly as Warpath gestures upwards. They behold Selene's near completion of ascension, witnessing her emerge from the palace, towering in size and drenched in blood.

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