Geoffrey Thorne, upcoming
X-Force writer, recently joined the
CBR Forums to discuss
Betsy Braddock and address fan concerns.
How would you describe Betsy's personality?
Thorne: Pre-Krakoa, I'd have described her as grounded, focused but, often, puckish. Absolutely not grim dark. But not a wild child by any means. I see her with a smile on her face when I picture her. Post-Krakoa? I'd say she's trying very hard to get back to that place.
Addressing concerns regarding fans' dislike of Betsy's status as Captain Britain and recent characterization:
Thorne: I like Betsy more and more as I write her more and more, and I really liked her already. The Captain Britain thing was a wrinkle I never saw coming as a fan and, frankly, to me, is a much weirder deal than her being with Rachel now. I've given serious thought as to how, if and when the CB aspect of Betsy's life will come into play. I have a sneaking suspicion you will enjoy how we play it (even if you DON'T like her as Captain Britain). I always play the cards I'm dealt by editorial, but I play to win. I never thought I'd ever be on any X-Book, and the fact that it's THIS one with THIS story and THIS team? Cake, baby. All cake.
Addressing concerns regarding Betsy being reduced to Rachel's girlfriend and token bisexual:
Thorne: The problem, at least in this sort of fiction, is, unlike gender or "race," which are passive presenting attributes, to be seen as bisexual or any sort of queer, you have to demonstrate your status via behavior.
It's doable, but if the character isn't in a relationship with someone (who is present in the book) or the sort of constantly flirty sort (that rubs a lot of folks the wrong way), there are limited means of expressing queerness without making the whole thing political and lecturing. As Rachel and Betsy are both empowered heroes and both in X-Force, I don't have to take time out to remind folks they're queer. I just write two people in a relationship that has ups and downs who spend a lot of time fighting aliens, monsters, and evil super scientists (not a spoiler).
If these were novels, it would be cake to write these sexualities even when no one is flirting or dating because we can go in and out of a character's head without screwing up action. A 20-page comic isn't a lot of room.
I don't really think in terms of "inclusion" or "diversity" in any case. I live in a world with people in it, and that's reflected in my work. I think a lot of folks have defaulted to, "well, she likes girls now, so that's it for any hetero relationship." Not so. I think this is a self-limiting view and, in fact, doesn't apply to bisexuals at all. BOTH these characters are established as having intimate long-term relationships with men in the past with which they were, presumably, happy. NOW, they are with each other. Seen as some sort of symbol, and only that way, I suppose one would assume neither will ever be with a man again. I think that's too narrow. I see them as people. Love is love. Bisexuals are not limited to falling for their own gender or to the other one. All choices are on their table. I am hetero, so I'm with the ladies. If I were gay, I'd be with the boys. Rachel and Betsy are BIsexual, not HOMOsexual. Seems to me, being bisexual means they can fall for anyone they think is worthy of that love. Which is how we got here. Since comics are always in some sort of flux, it's doubtful that ANY relationship could be called permanent. Reed and Sue? Nope. Clark and Lois? Nope. So, I think Rachel and Betsy could have a long run but, should a great story come along that breaks them up, that would be allowed too. Just so long as it's emotionally "true." Make sense?
I have no interest in feeding anybody's girl-on-girl fix. Betsy and Rachel are going to be played as a real couple, not softcore porn. Also, they will be spending an awful lot of time fighting monsters, supervillains, and crazy cosmic disasters. Like nearly ALL their time doing that. So... don't worry. I'm not using X-Force to make political statements about bisexuals. Or any sexuals. Couples act like couples. Superheroes fight bad guys.
I know you guys are wary, and it's understandable. All I can promise you is we will not be falling into stereotype and that I will not be using bisexuality as a shield to deflect some idiot's dislike of lesbians. I am doing my best to write people. Just two people who are in love and having to save the world every five minutes.
Addressing concerns about X-Force regurgitating Tini Howard's formula and mistakes:
Thorne: There is no regurgitating old plots or formulae going on. I pitched something new. Marvel said, "Go!" and we're going. Will you like it? No guarantees there, of course, but we hope so. What it will not be (aside from the team members) is anything you've seen before." I'm excited. Marcus is excited. We think we've got something fun here. It will be, for sure, NOT a bunch of soul-broken mutants standing around whining about their shattered hearts and spirits. Nor will it be a slice-of-life story about Lady Braddock and her commoner American lover tidying up things around the manor and having Upstairs/Downstairs intrigue.
Sharing his favorite Betsy stories:
Thorne: I do [have my favorites]: All CAPTAIN BRITAIN (Marvel UK) appearances, all original EXCALIBUR Vol. 1 etc. appearances, the Psylocke & Archangel: Crimson Dawn miniseries, recent Krakoa era stuff, as well as fun bits here and there over the last decade.
Discussing the apex fighting styles available to a telepath:
Thorne: Essentially, it's this (have any other writers done this? I dunno.) Unless you have psi training to resist them, any telepath you fight knows everything you know, if they want to. That means ANY telepath of sufficient strength (it maybe wouldn't be true of a low-level TP) would acquire any fighting style and the expertise of any opponent in about a second. That means EXPERIENCE too. Just like NEO in the Matrix. "Hey, I know kung fu." And, once learned, a skill is kept. So, do the math on how many martial artists and swordsmen Betsy has fought in her storied career. Not to mention Rachel and Sage.
Wanna hear a joke. Betsy hooking up with Rach isn't the worst part. Rach's influence and spot keeps Betsy relevant. Yeah that's how much dirty Tini did Betsy and damaged her brand name to need Rach to stay afloat. So Rach ship is better than Captain Kettle hands down.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking his interviews so far. He's giving me hope for Betsy's future.
ReplyDeleteiṣola why u say dat? cause baby phoenix got top billin n was sent 4 by professor charles for da powers of x???
ReplyDeletePeople keep bugging him about Betsy being CB. God they're annoying as hell why would he spoil it or allow the blame to be placed on him if editorial doesn't want her as CB.
ReplyDeleteNot a softporn anymore? Good to someone descriving her with tini
ReplyDeleteBetsy trying to get back to her pre-Krakoa mindset! Love that!
ReplyDeleteI honestly love how he talks about Betsy (and his creative process in general). Surprised he didn't mention UXF, since that's probably the book that defined Betsy from the 2010s all up to the pre Krakoan era.
ReplyDeleteYeah that was a great run. I also loved her mini (by Yost I believe) as well.
DeleteI like Betsy and Warren as a couple a lot, but wasn't really in love with their mini series book.
I thought the writing for them was a little off (although Betsy was supposed to be "off" personality wise, so it may have been intentional).
So was a little surprised that was one of the favorites but everyone has different tastes.
I'm excited to see some new stuff for Betsy.
I like what he had to say, and how he said it. He's given me a renewed hope for our butterfly.
ReplyDeletebutterfly in the sky she can go twice as high
ReplyDeletetake a look she in a book
a mutant 🌈
Outside of X-Force give Betsy the Revanche suit and call her whatever you like Captain Hook and Captain Nemo. I'm interested only if Betsy can battle like she used to know not holding back.
ReplyDeleteYeah I really want them to put her back in Asrar pink look, maybe a redesign of the Outback armor or as you said the Revanche suit.
DeleteAny will do. I hate Captain Britain things. The X-Force suit is closest to Revanche suit and it hit me.
DeleteYeah I agree. In comics blue or red or both are so common in hero looks it's a shame she had to lose her pink and lavender looks to be CB.
DeleteNobody said anything yet about Kwannon getting a solo title.
ReplyDeleteI know this blog is Betsy focused but I think those news are worths a post.
Source ? I can't find any official announcement
DeleteI heard Dazzler & Storm and now Storm also going to Avengers.
DeleteDidnt see anything about Kwannon.
Imagine the solo title... Psylocke I'm Kwannon not Betsy