Monday, February 11, 2019

Age of X-Man: The X-Tremists #1 Colored Preview


  1. Does Moneta not have an introduction box?

  2. I know this is just a mini series but can the XMen get some love in the art department anymore? lol

  3. @CmX

    Jeanty has never had the best pencils. He was the main artist on the Buffy in canon continuation and even at his best his art never fit the series.

    I think his style is better fit for a more youth oriented book. If New X-Men or Gen-X was still going I think the more cartoony less detailed look would fit that. Not one of the main X books.

  4. I like that she is hooded and masked and mysterious again versus over exposed and over sexualized and basic. Fight me (or try). 😂

  5. I like that she is hooded again, but I hate the colors of their uniform. Not feeling the yellow lol.

  6. XMan I didnt like the yellow at first but it now reminds me of the New XMen era.

    But I still love her Asrar design and cant wait to see her back in it.

    1. @CmX I like the new uniform design. The yellow isnt my thing though lol. I love the hood and mask thing though. I like the other new uniform as well, just could do with a little less pink and through in some black/purple lol.
