Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Age of X-Man: NextGen #1 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Clerk Braddock of Department X, the law enforcers of the Age of X-Man, visits the Summers Institute for Higher Learning to speak to the students at Professor Sunfire's Civil Management class. The students sorted in the Law Enforcement discipline will be mentored by Department X officers.


  1. Okay why does this art look a little bit much cooler than the preview we had at first ?

    1. AKO you're confusing the titles. The earlier posted preview art is unfortunately what we are getting in XTremists mini this art by To is from the Nextgen mini.

    2. Oh that's the problem. my bad lol

  2. Love To's style glad to finally see him draw Psylocke. Too bad she's apparently in Kwannons body in AoXMan reality, though

  3. Why are most artists drawing Betsy in a way that makes her look sort of Asian and sort of white?
    It seems like this is done to cater to both sides of the body swap debate.
    Has anybody else noticed this?

    The editors seem to investing a lot of energy and resources into making temporary, non-canon X-Men stories.

  4. She 100% looks Asian here, and her hair is back to the dark purple.

    X-Men comics are a mess at the moment.

  5. I guess I'm the only one who thinks she looks caucasian in these pages. If you guys think she looks Asian because of the shape of her eyes, these pages seem to show the students just like her. And in the second panel in the second page, her eyes are blue, and I don't think she ever had blue eyes when she was in Kwannon's body...

    I do agree that her hair color could be lighter.

    1. I agree with you. I dont think she looks Asian. I think the artist has her eyeshadow strategically placed to kinda slant the eyes slightly though, perhaps as a homage to the other body. The hair is much darker though.

    2. Her eyes were colored blue many times over the years while in Kwannons body if not they were brown. It wasnt until Remender stated on panel her eyes were violet or whatever and after that they were always colored purple.

  6. Better art, but this is an Alternate Universe.
    The debate is over as far as her body goes.

  7. She looks caucasian to me, but I can see why some think her eyes shape appears to have a slight epicanthic fold.

  8. The dark purple hair looks like exactly the same color Betsy had before Kwannon was created out of thin air and theu had to differentiate their color schemes.

  9. The debate is not over.
    Also, the story of the body swap was left on a cliff hanger ending.

  10. Bets is looking caucasian here, to me.

    The hair color really doesn't bother me. It will bug me if it doesn't stay consistent throughout this AoXM event.

    Purple hair is her thing, a part of her image, but it would be nice to see her kick some ass with blonde hair once in awhile.

    That is all.

  11. She actually looks Eurasian to me in these images. Specifically, like some Russians I know who have both European and Asian ancesty, because they are from the part of Russia where both continents meet.

    I really wish these artists would stop being so inconsistent in her depiction. Ever since we went through the Siege and even after this most recent return to her former self, it’s like no one knows how to draw her as either “race.” The only time she was drawn consistently was pre-Siege.

  12. Awesome, Psylocke is back in her fittest body and is Asian!!!!

    1. She looked just as fit in Uncanny and was fighting physically just as much as she always has since the Hand got a hold of.

  13. Why do some of us think she is somehow back in Kwannon’s body in this alternate reality?

    1. Kwannon’s body was not pulled into this new realityas we know it is now inhabited by its rightful owner again, and that Kwannon will be involved with the new Uncanny in some capacity.

    2. We have seen several covers and interiors where Elizabeth is clearly in her onw body, such as the cover by Emanuela Lupacchina and the cartoony interiors from the guy who drew a Buffy series.

  14. Also, can we please stop with time-displaced versions and alternate timelines?

    Can Marvel not be original at this point?

  15. During the Age of X event Betsy was placed in a facsimile of her original body in Legion's alternate world.

    Since this is almost exactly the same thing, just with X-Man in control (and much, much, much more poorly written) it's completely reasonable that people speculate she might have been put into a version of her Asian body.

    Whether the artists' intent is for her to look Asian or not, she absolutely does in this art.

    And her appearance is markedly different from how she has been appearing since she created her new body, and for the duration of Uncanny X-Men's reboot, which is with the lavender hair and very distinctly European appearance.

    In some of the other art we have seen she does look Caucasian. On some she looks Asian. And in some she looks Eurasion.

    More likely than not it's just more terrible editorial oversight. But it's completely understandable why people would be querying it.

    It's a little frustrating to wade into the comments here lately, where rather than making informed posts based on actual facts people just latch onto their own agenda and try to bulldozer everyone else with their version of reality - even if that doesn't match up to actual reality, or involve drawing common sense conclusions.

    1. Benjamin, if you’re replying to me, I am using commom sense. From what I’ve read, I have not seen any express indincation that this is like Age of X where Legion created a reality bubble within our own reality on Utopia. For all we know, X-Man could have transported them all somewhere else? Either way, we don’t know as of yet, where and when they are or if X-Man has changed their physicalities as Legion did with characters, like Betsy and Rachel.

      As for the art, she looks sort of East Asian here. Agreed. That is also silly, because orher artists have depicted her as clearly European in other art from this storyline. All it shows ultimately is how remissthe X Office editorial team is as this shouldn’t even be a debatable topic. Yet, here it is, because they are unwilling to fully vet content before release.

  16. Like many commenters on here, it seems like artists drawing for X-men can't seem to agree on whether Psylocke should have stayed Asian or reverted back to her European roots...Maybe just a lack of communication between artists and editors?

    In any case, with her dark purple hair, it looks like she's in Kwannon body or some version of it....

    1. In the image above, the more I look at it, it’s the hair texture that looks more like Kwannon’s. It’s lank and completely straight versus having any kind of wave to it. Betsy’s hair is bigger. If was dark
      purple but with wave and volume, it mighy look more like hers. Also, her eye shape above looks East Asian. This is why I say The X Office is über lazy with editorial as odds are that they won’t address the discrepancy in depictions of X-Tremist Psylocke in story at all.

  17. I think she is supposed to be Betsy back in her original body, just the artist isn't super concerned about details. Most of the faces by this artist have the general design to them, giving them some traditional East Asian vagueness in the structure.

    A lot of artist at Marvel seem to draw like this. Where people who should traditionally have different facial features and structures. Kind of like some people say artist draw Storm looking like a white woman colored brown. One of my friends never realized Jubilee was supposed to be Asian for a long time. Always thought she was white until I listed off some of Marvels Asian characters.

  18. even you all are so confused and trying to make excuses and relying on fantasies to make yourselves feel correct.

    Psylocke is a cluster-#### and will forever will be, sad to say...

    I do however like the new costume in a certain way-

    really scared for olivia’s Fate concerning the Dark Phoenix flop coming soon...

    aye yi yi

  19. Well part of Storm's mutation is that she has a mixture of rare racial features, and does not look typically African (this is specifically stated on panel, and is not conjecture).

    So when she's drawn like a 'white woman coloured brown', this is actually an artist portraying her accurately.

    In some modern comics artists have abandoned this and drawn her with more stereotypically African features, presumably for political reasons.

  20. @Alex, I feel you. Many artists just do not know how to draw different racial or ethnic features. Or they just don't want to bother.

    @Benjamin, I do agree with you how when people on this site try to provide thoughtful input, other posters try and discredit everything and have their way be the only way.

    However, when it comes to Storm, I believe that the comics would say that she has the white flowing hair and the blue eyes which are not common to African women. However, she still has the bone structure of an African woman and the depiction of this could be always be done better and not just for political correctness.

    Psylocke is a complex character and as an Asian character, her appearance reflected that. Artists may still be drawing her Asian because their is a disconnect between what editorials and artists want.
    Remember how there was a major demand by fans who wanted to see Psylocke and Archangel return to the books before "Uncanny X-Men" came out, that level of fan interest wasn't around when the body swap occurred.

    @Rahsaan, you are highly opinionated but your smile and body make up for that. Stay sexy.

  21. As I previously said, Storm does not have African bone structure or features. This is explicitly stated, and not conjecture.

    This is mentioned many times in earlier comics, but is most notable in Uncanny X-Men #253:

    Storm is taken to a hospital by a black policewoman, who expresses confusion that Storm "appears to be black", yest despite her skin colour does not have black features.

    Dr Lien Shen is similarly confused and when examining Storm later states:

    "Brown skin. But her features don't fit any conventional classification. Not negroid or Caucasian or Oriental -- yet somehow an amalgam of the rarest elements of them all."

    It's also worth noting that within the issue the artist (who I'm 99% sure is Silvestri!) draws specifically recognisable African and Asian characters - but draws Storm with her recognisably distinctive features - angular eyes and brows, small pointed nose etc.

    These are the same features that Storm has been drawn with since her creation. Though it's perhaps not as obvious, Storm's physical mutation is as much as part of her as, say, Nightcrawler's.

    The only reason this isn't mentioned anymore, and Storm is sometimes drawn with more 'African' features - such as in the recent Storm solo series - is presumably because of political concerns.

  22. In Uncanny X-Men #253, the real Storm is being held captive and there is an alternate version of her . This book came out during the 80s and the writing unfortunately reflects the problematic and discriminatory views of race back then (which also still exist).
    When you look at Storm's first appearance in Giant Size X-Men #1, she looks black. She is drawn differently than the white women.
    Although some African woman may not have straight white hair and blue eyes, there are many who have "angular eyes and brows, small pointed nose, etc."

    Just look at Naomi Campbell.

    I would say that there is a difference between Storm's white hair/ blue eyes and Nightcrawler's entire appearance.

  23. @Benjamin, I recall that issue when Storm was regressed. We also have to remeber that Africa has the nost genetic diversity of all the continents due to vastly different geographies and natural selection, so Africans come in an array of features, including dark skin with thin noses and straight hair. I get your point though. Storm isn’t always drawn to loom like a Bantu, which her lineage is as hald Black American and half Kenyan. Some Adricana, including sub-Saharans do have slighter features depending what part of the continent they are from. Also, Storm was drawn more “black” when she first was introduced in the 70s (save for the fact that Marvel
    didn’t give her an afro like they did all their black characters then) and then in the late 80s through the 00s we saw that change. I always thought it a copout that her mutation makes her an almagamation versus just saying that Africa as the parent population that all other populations are subsets of has the most diversity... Hence her phenotype.

    Here’s a cool piece from Jared Diamond on this:

    Another cool piece:

    Last cool piece:

    @Unknown, thank you. I do like to debate and always try to be polite and respectful even when steadfast in my opinion. Yes. I am admittedly opinionated. Have been since early childhood. I own that. It drove my parents up the wall. Though, my opinions can change with good rationale.

    Lastly, we all should know by now that race is a construct, but I read on Facebook that Leah Williams supposedly confirmed that this is white Psylocke. If someone can find that statement, it will put this lively discussion to bed. 😂

  24. Throughout the 00s especially though we saw whitewash a few Afro Diasporan characters, like Storm and Sunspot. When you look at Robertos’s earlier appearances and his origin story, Marvel Editorial out to be ashamed of what they let artists due to him. I was happy to see that was somewhat being rectified in recent issues of Avengers after the backlash from them casting a white Brazilian in the film (which I hope never comes to theaters) and that Marvel remakes all of it along with the XMen films and casts both better than Fox did. ☺️

  25. @Unknown, the storm in Uncanny X-Men #253 is the real Storm, she has just been de-aged.

    Obviously there is a vast variety of features among those of African descent, as there is with people of Caucasian descent. You'll notice in my original post regarding this I used the terms 'typically African' and 'stereotypically African' for this reason - even though all members of a racial group are of course individuals, there are general features specific to each of them.

    I'm also not arguing the politicism of the various depictions, or the context of how Storm was depicted across various eras. In fact I specifically said that the way Storm has been depicted in some of her modern appearance is due to political reasons.

    My point remains accurate, and was a direct response to the poster above who called out Storm being drawn as a "white woman coloured brown" and said "However, she still has the bone structure of an African woman and the depiction of this could be always be done better and not just for political correctness."

    Neither of these statements are correct, given Storm's specifically stated physical mutation.

    I think there's room for people of all races to have a variety of depictions. I mean, once you go down that rabbit hole it just gets ridiculous. Should I take issue with the poster above using the term "white woman" as if they all have the same features?

    If we want things to get better we need to be able to have conversations about race without everyone assuming negative connotations and conclusions.

    I loved Psylocke in her original Caucasian body. I loved her in Kwannon's Japanese body. And I love her still in her new body.

    And anyone who has ever posted here should know Revanche/Kwannon is my favourite character. And that also remains now that she is back in her rightful body.

  26. And to get back to the original point...

    I don't care if she is Caucasian or Asian in this issue.

    What I have pointed out all along, is that if the intent was for her to BE Caucasian here - especially after the recent new body drama - then they needed to make a proper effort for the art to reflect that.

    If you compare the art in this issue to any of her recent appearances in her new body then there is a distinct disconnect in terms of features and colouring, specifically of her hair, that have led many to reasonably speculate that this is meant to be Psylocke back in Kwannon's body.

    Apparently so much so that the writer of the issue had to clarify the characters intended race. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what will.

  27. LMAO. Damn, that is a lot of comments on this subject.

    My dudes.


    We give artists too much credit. It can not be expected for every artist to maintain a similar style. Some artists are terrible with faces but good with action sequences - hired. Some can't do backgrounds but can make a deadline - hired. And many other examples could be given.

    Add on top of that, we have inkers that can make original pencil work terrible. Or, the inker does well but the colorist after him can only work with primary colors and everything looks flat.

    Consistency in comics is extremely hard to maintain.

    Until they say which version she is on panel, interpret her image as you will.

    She is still Psylocke.

    Her hair is a nonissue. What? She can't change her hair ever again? It must be this way and not like that? Damn, that would suck.

    Personally, I think she is Caucasian here, because: I would argue that the artist lacks confidence in his ability to draw someone of an Asian appearance. Why? Because Sunfire was drawn with his mask on.

    I joke, but maybe...

    1. I second that...look at Salvador Larrocas art. Sometimes it looks bomb and other times it looks a mess, depending on who's coloring and inking. Also who knows maybe in this reality Psylocke is mixed?

  28. Leah Williams was interviewed about X-Tremists on this podcast. The episode will be posted on Monday.

    1. God can this mini start already?? Lol been waiting on this one

    2. I think it’s gonna be pretty sick and the best of this entire X-over.

  29. People act like white women can't have slicked-back hair lol.
    People also think Black women have no hair sine many wear wigs.
    People think all Asians look Eastern Asian.

    This thread is crazy. 41 comments? Sheesh.
