Thursday, December 13, 2018

Uncanny X-Men #6 Preview

Uncanny X-Men #6
Written by: Ed Brisson, Matthew Rosenberg, Kelly Thompson
Art by: Yildiray Cinar
Cover by: Elizabeth Torque

The Story:
The coming of... X-Man?

In Stores: December 19, 2018


  1. I hate when it's this guy's turn to draw an issue lol

    1. yeah this art is so. ..uninspiring....compared to Silva's art

  2. Are they really going to pretend that Xavier didn't fix Warrren? or has Betsy's telepathy increased to the point that she can undo even Xavier's/X's work? LOL.

  3. XMan it sure looks like it's being ignored. IIRC they've been plotting this story for a while so it probably overlapped Astonishing and editors dont care lol

    1. @CmX that's really sad. I liked that Betsy was the only one Xavier felt was special enough to maintain his secret, much like he did with Jean years earlier when he faked his death. It will be sad if they try to act like the events of Astonishing never happened.

  4. @X-Man, well we never did find out how she lost her immunity to reality warping or how she got Jean’s telekinesis and Jean her crimson dawn shadows and telepathy, so what’s one more unsolved mystery to throw on the heap of bad writing? Marvel really needs to hire one of us to keep an X-Men Bible.

  5. I know some fans prefer that characters stay tied together (Jean/Scott, Peter/Kitty) but I'm sick of Warren/Archangel & Betsy. Rememnder I think finished their relationship well, followed by X supposedly fixing him.
    I know how with Marvels continuity writers or editorial usually pick and choose things to suit the story but sometimes I wonder how they'd do with a DC style reboot? Like a full on Crisis on Infinite Earths start over again thing.

  6. She is absolutely able to undo Xavier's acts (break mental blockers it is one of her specialities), but I do hope they not forget about X's gift.

  7. I love Psylocke and Warren together, but I can see how it's tiresome. Writers seem to always go back to the same issue of dealing with Warren's personas.

  8. @Jeferson, I’d be cool with them going that route as her ability to do things that Xavier cannot is cannon. For instance, she was able to penetrate Juggernaut’s
    helmet, a feat that neither Xavier or Jean could. If they just explained on panel how telepaths’ nuanced powers work differently and told us that she was anle to bypass X’s work, then that would be all the nod that diligent readers need. I think fans are more insulted when writing is sloppy due to oversight or worse... When writers and editors are aware of something and choose to gloss over it in hopes that readers have no attention-span to recollect. I think varioations of both occur at Marvel. 😂

  9. Guys, how do you feel seeing that it is Warren in control here? At least in control enough to resent the X-Men and Death? To me that says he has some level for free will here, which makes for more interesting interaction. Like the way, Rogue resented the Carol Danvers persona.

    Granted, I wish they could just be fully integrated and call it a day. In fact, isn't the whole Death persona a retcon in and of itself? In the original story wasn't Death just Warren versus a separate identity?

    1. Like what in the soap opera hell is this? Wouldn't he be more pissed at Xman for messing with his body and mind once again? Like dude you gave me a mullet mo hawk and some tattoos, I'm guessing against his will. They really should have let this whole Archangel thing go completely. I mean I guess it's cool that Psylocke is getting air time through all this, but I'd rather they explore her new body or her other powers beyond Psi arsenal. Anything other than this whole Angel/Archangel/Death thing. I'm going to need Archangel to decapitate ppl again bc there is nothing Death about him. Ugh

  10. Well, part of the reason Psylocke was able to hurt Juggs was that her Telepathy could affect the Physical world in some ways. Which is why in Captain Britain her powers appeared to make things move when she was supremely pissed.
    In the MSHRPG game, her powers were listed on the Mental and Force columns, while Jeans and Xavier were on the mental columns.

    Also, I'm sick of Warren and her being a thing. Move on already.

    1. @Taz, I wish they would explore how her psychoblasts affected physical matter like when she destroyed Cerebro. “Jeen” wasn’t the first person to combine telepathy and psychokinesis in one display of power.

      I’d prefer that like Unknown over the psi weapons. It would be vastly more interesting if we got into the why of that. The weapons are basic AF. Always were even when she was displaying them in the hand bathing suit and in Wood’s run. I only like the psi-knife as it seems more like a physical extension of her power.

  11. "Where did X even last appear?"

    I think there was an annual issue (from X-Men Red, probably) where he ran into Jean, Beast, Archangel and Iceman (so I guess Psylocke is no longer the only one who knows he's around). But I didn't read that issue to know what happened in it, so... yeah.

  12. Nevermind, I researched it and the annual issue was for Astonishing X-Men, not X-Men Red. And X ended up erasing himself from the O4 memories, so yeah, Betsy is still the only one who remembers him.

    And someone here said Warren should decapitate people more often, and well... it seems that's exactly what he does to the villain in that issue.

  13. I like Laura and Bobby's banter with one another.

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