Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Uncanny X-Men #5 Art


  1. This looks great. 💜 Now I’m excited.

    I hope this isn’t Dark Angel/Archangel persona and actually Warren who is just pissed as that would make for great complexity.

  2. i'm confused so are XMan's horseman under his influence? Or are they lucid and just really buying this crap?

    Magneto seemed off, I can't imagine he would submit like this, especially to someone that isn't exactly a peer of his.

    Am I the only one who found the final page repetitive? Like.. oh look.. Warren again being consumed by Archangel.. this hasn't happened 100x over the last ten years. I guess Xavier's gift to Warren of controlling Archangel is no longer in effect?

  3. I was just going to ask about Xavier/X's gift lol.

  4. I hope that he is in control of Archangel and is big mad. LOL!

  5. And while everyone is returning out of the woodwork for this disassembly... Can Madelyne Pryor get in on the action along with Nate Grey?

  6. Rahsaan,
    Omg that would be brillant! Considering she's (IMO) a major X-Villain and was brought back by Brian Wood and just vanished as if nothing haha This would be make so much sense

  7. Yes, bring back the Red Queen herself! Her and Selene seem a pair that you don't wanna mess with together. And Rahasaan I do hope its Warren who is very pissed off and not AA. I'm loving Betsy's psychic excalibur and shield.

  8. Psylocke slashing Warren looked like such a striking, powerful hit. It reminds me of that Annual or whatever, from the early 00s, where she did the same to Stryfe with her TK katana.

  9. @CmX I wonder if that is a TP sword this time instead of TK? Kinda like the one Kwannon used on Betsy the first time they met.

    @Rahsaan if Warren is in control of Archangel, I don't get why he'd be so mad? he seemed fine when he was walking with Betsy at the beginning of the series. I mean he was irritated at the speech but that was about it. I really hope they don't pretend that "X's" gift didn't happen. I also wonder if Betsy is using psi shields to hide the secret of Xavier or does Jean know now that they psi linked?

  10. @X-Man, maybe the peace that Nate gave him took any thought of Archangel/Death. X gave him the gift of control. Perhaps, Nate buried Archangel completely where there was no neec for conscious control of him. Maybe that is why Wings is furious.

  11. Didn’t Nate actually meet the real Madelyne at some point? I know that his original “Madelyne” friend was an alternate Jean posing as Madelyne. However, didn’t the real Madelyne help him at some point or am I misremembering?

  12. @X-Man, aside from knowing about Xavier, mighy Jean now know of the co-dependent toxic sexual relationship that Elizabeth carried on with clones of the son of her clone? If she couldn’t have the Scott or Alex, then why not Nathan? 😂

    1. @Rahsaan. Try to pretend that Cable thing never happened lol. So stupid.

  13. Rahsaan, to say it was relationship she had with Cable is a stretch. She was clearly just fucking his clones before they expired at the end of the day. There was nothing resembling any sort of 'coupling' it was as you stated purely sexual. There may not even be an attraction from Psylocke on her part, she clearly just needed some aggressive D to help her cope with her internal struggles.

    Happy Friday Eve, everyone! :)

  14. @CmX, it was definitely a sexual relationship as they had a mutual understanding of needs and engaged based on that. There are various kinds of relationships. Some are purely sexual. Some are romantic. Some are business. :-)

    I really want to see her and Doug become close again. It doesn't have to be romantic or sexual, but I think it's wack that we haven't seen her or Kitty interact with Doug as they were both close to him. And it would be good to see historic friendships revisited.

  15. @CmX I try not to remember the encounters of Betsy and Nathan LOL. @Rahsaan I agree, I miss the close relationships Betsy had... Storm, Rogue, Jubes, Doug, Bishop, Logan, Rachal, etc...

  16. Rahsaan, as usual, you completely miss my point. The context youre using relationship is.. vague, it wasn't a relationship. If you're trying to argue the point so that you're right.. okay, but it wasn't a relationship in the context your referring to here.

    Of course you can have a sexual relationship, NSA, I'm not new to life. But my point is.. this instance was VERY comic book-y that you can't apply this logic of "omg they were fuck buddies aka it was a relationship" because it was more complex than that.

    After Cable transffered his consciousness at the end of a day to a new clone, Betsy would then screw the clone. The clone would die.. and Nathan would have ZERO memory of the encounters. Psylocke was literally using the clones for their penis.

  17. @CmX, you mad, sis? LOL. It was sexual relationship. That was the only context I used. I never remotely implied it was emotional.

  18. Betts looked great this issue....I like how Silva draws her
    Nice to see she hasn't been eye candy or wallpaper in this series

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