Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #2 Spoilers

Spoilers: Kitty phases both Domino and Jubilee and together they escape to the sewers under Madripoor’s Lowtown. The Femme Fatales regroup at their headquarters and we learn they were hired by a mysterious client who has enhanced their abilities and powers. Viper orders the Femme Fatales to imprison Rogue and Storm along with their special guest, the real Magneto, whose mind was scrambled by Sapphire Styx and Mindblast. Viper contacts her employer and says that Magneto and the X-Men have been dealt with. She worries Sapphire’s hunger is becoming an issue since she almost killed Magneto and is now draining Psylocke’s soul. The employer orders her to focus on finalizing the “delivery” and that they only serve the will of “Soteira”. Elsewhere, Sapphire is planning to drain Psylocke some more but is shocked to learn that Betsy is dead; no heartbeat, no breath.

Back at the Princess Bar, the remaining X-Men tend to their wounds and plan to hide in plain sight to gather information. Kitty, Domino and Jubilee visit alleys, clubs, bars, and one clue leads to another until they find one of the Femme Fatales guarding a mysterious man in a casino. Jubilee creates a diversion, while Domino takes on Bloodlust and Kitty phases Stenya Ubacowits, the mysterious man, outside. The three X-Men demand answers from Stenya and he says he was hired to plot flight trajectories for a satellite that was supposed to launch that night but was called off due to bad weather. Kitty forces him to lead them to the launch pod. Back at Viper’s headquarters, Rogue regains consciousness and realizes that Storm being confined in such a small space is the reason the weather is out of control outside. Meanwhile, Sapphire is still enjoying the effects of Psylocke’s magnificent soul on herself and gloats over Betsy’s corpse, but is surprised by the sight of none other than Wolverine himself in his Patch disguise holding Betsy’s dead body.


  1. Now we know the surprise in issue 4 and what the five means. is impossible that Logan is that blast from the oast comong to save her ?

  2. Doubtful. They wouldn't classify a cover just for Wolverine. Everybody knows he's back. It's something/someone else.

  3. True. Is it possible that Psylocke woke up and sneakily used her telepathy to make Saphire see all this as some kind of trick ? from her death to Wolverine ?

  4. Yeah, I'm inclined to agree that Betsy came to and then is messing with Saphire's mind. Maybe she'll toy and torment her a little the way that she did with Typhoid back during the sisterhood ark.

  5. They better not kill our girl ! .. Again..! -_-

    1. Even if she is. she'll be back in 4th issue. they're all confirmed to have roles in later comics. Whether she's alive or ressurected she's still around.

  6. Psylocke died. You can read her inner thoughts as she dies at the end of issue #1

    Not saying she won't be brought back, because we obviously know she survives somehow, but as of this moment in the mini, she's dead.

  7. She's only "mostly dead", heh. I remember when Psylocke died in X-Treme X-Men #3. It was awful and tragic. Even though that series sucked, her death overshadowed the whole story. I'm not getting the same feeling with what happened here in MiM. This whole scenario is obvious smoke and mirrors for issue #4.

  8. Gaile, duh, we see her on the cover to #4

  9. CmX, I get it. But sometimes it has to be pointed out in these threads. How many "OMG, she's going to die! Oh noes!" posts have we gotten in the past? It gets tiresome.
