Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hunt For Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #2 Art


  1. Is Sapphire Styx basically akin to a low-budget Selene? She is tiresome and her dialogue is cheesey. Or is it just the writing in this mini? Has she been interesting in her other appearances before this?

  2. She only had one major appearance in a Wolverine/Tyger Tiger story by Claremont in the late 80s. She was kinda cheesy too lol.

  3. Rahsaan, if you have read the mini so far, you'd pick up on the fact that the writer is clearly trying to do a throw back to CC-style writing for this mini. It's busting at the seams with XMen nostalgia.

    It's gone over your head, is what I'm trying to say.

  4. Anonymous, you are slightly amusing. You clearly want my attention, like a school kid trying topick a fight to get it. Sorry. I have no interested in speaking to you after this reply to your little dig. Thanks though. Hope you find a good use for the time you clearly have. :-)

  5. I hope this is fake... Really hope that Betts ain't dead..

  6. Don't worry, Marvel spoiled itself by revealing Psylocke in covers for future issues of this Wolverine group of miniseries. She will be alive again by the end of Mystery in Madripoor.

  7. If you guys notice, its an illusion created by Besty on the last image. Wolverine is simply a cast projection where the artwork is intentionally not drawn correctly between how Psylocke is sleeping on Wolverine's lap.

  8. @ Eric Ton, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but you still make interesting point! I just thought it was lazy art, but it could be an intentional "clue" to a Psylocke-created illusion.

  9. Thanks, Eric. That's a very good point. It's gonna be interesting read Betsy using her tp. I love when she does like Xavier or Emma, creating illusions and being sophisticated, she often goes to "war", especially against Farouk

  10. Yes, that makes a lot of sense! And I must admit I hadn't noticed this detail in the art before...

    That makes me remember: most of us jumped to the conclusion that the surprise involving the final issue of Mystery in Madripoor is about Psylocke (regardless of whether it's about her returning to her original body or just returning from the dead... again) - but what if it's related to another X-Woman? After the recent (in)famous scene of Kitty leaving Colossus during their wedding in X-Men Gold, there are people assuming she may reveal that she likes women (although it doesn't make much sense considering ALL Claremont's X-Women have always been omnisexual - they like men, women, robots, aliens, holograms...).

  11. @Eric That makes sense, and at the end of the day, this book has to be focused back on Wolverine.
    It is an uncomfortable image to see a supposedly dead Psylocke laying on the lap of Wolverine while he's smiling.
    Looking back at the comments surrounding this miniseries, there was a lot of jumping to conclusions, but that is because Jim Zub and others have been hyping up the ending. Perhaps a little too much?
    Whatever happens to Psylocke, Kitty, or any other X-Woman, it has to tie back to Logan. Maybe Psylocke will be the one who finds out how Logan came back.

    The surprise should be revealed at the end of this month's issue, if the cover for the last issue is a spoiler.

  12. That last panel is shudderingly creepy, bad girl , punishment with Betsy on his lap? So bad. But I can’t wait for Betsy to KO Styx ,

    Maybe wolverines psyche was fractured into different aspects and tucked away for safe keeping in the minds of the x-men and perhaps the patch aspect was in Betsy’s mind, released by sapphire when she attacked Betsy ? And maybe she has something to do with it ? Sounds like something psylocke would do. Just a theory

  13. So all y’all think Kwannon is playing possum?

  14. Betsy is playing possum. Kwannon has been dead for decades.

  15. You say either and I say either. You say neither and I say neither. Either, either neither, neither. Let's call the whole thing off. You like potato and I like potahto.You like tomato and I like tomahto. Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off.
