Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Psylocke by Todd Nauck


  1. This is such a dope drawing by Todd. It highlights the naunces of the character that no longer exist. I saw the speculation below (or wishful conjecture?) that Elizabeth may go back to this. That would be awesome, but Marvel is pretty whack, so I doubt it. That being said, she really cannot go back to being this person, but I would love to see her back in this body and discussing what it was like to live as a truly intersectional person as a time (mutant/woman/non-white) and how that has expanded her horizons even more as a white woman goinng forward. That would be some truly adult storytelling. And very relavant to the US today. And it would not be the first time that Marvel has drawn a direct line to the race allegory of mutants. They did it with Sunspot in the first issue of New Mutants when he was jumped by white supremacists for being Afro-Brazilian/black. It would be cool to see Betsy now white again relating to her fellow X-Men women who are non-white, like Storm, Jubes, Monet, Dust, Armor, etc. on their experiences which she was never fully aware of until her time as Asian and how that would propel her own advocacy as a mutant woman with a white face going forward.

    I'd argue that a return to basics for Elizabeth Braddock would do the character a world of good. Original body (paying homage to her origins as Captain Britain's blood sister) with telepathy and precognition and the fighting skills making her the warrior she always had the internal will and viciousness to be, but also highlighting her poshness and sophistication as a blueblood supermodel. All this gimmicky, silly, psychic weaponry and always changing power set is silly. As well as the fake diversity.

    Marvel doesn't seem interested in forward stories though, so I won't hold my breath. Also, I realize that some people don't like a bit of reality in their entertainment despite the mutant/race allegory being ever-present throughout these books. Anyway, my soliloquy. I'm curious to hear what you guys think about it.

    NOTE: Please no squabbling. I am a British Betsy for life fan, but can respect the views of Asian Betsy die hards.

  2. Also, she wouldn't have to be in this armor again, but would love to see an updated version of it sans cape, but maybe still with a face mask for mystery. The face mask and cloak always made her have a certain mystique about her and a certain style. Although, British B could also just wear the current uniform that the character wears. Although, I'm tired of that.It reminds me too much of the Hand uniform, and I've never dug characters wearing the uniforms that villains who exploited them made them wear, like her and Havok to name a few. It's already a bit dysfunctional that she kept the code name that Mojo gave her.

    1. Rahsaan Chisolm, your face plate idea is terrible. This is not a horror movie with Psylocke as the killer.

  3. I don't see why if she's put back in her original body she needs to be something like the pink outfit or the armor... she can continue wearing designs like the one Anka did for her in UXF or her current look by Land.

  4. CmX,

    I would never put her back in that sexist pink costume. That shit had high heels and fluffy sleeves! LMAO! I’m just saying I’m tired of rhe Land costume. Based on her love of fashion, I would think she’d have various uniforms, like Rogue and Storm who were never runway models. I feel like in the 80s, Rogue changed her costume like every 4 issues.

    1. Basically, what I’m asking for are some remote traces of the original character that are basicaly not present at all now.

  5. Sometimes when I read comments such as "make Betsy caucasian again..!" Makes me feel as if it sounds racist ad I dislike that, every person is the sum of it's parts and Betsy's fearlesspersonality and all the she is today is in a way thanks to her experience with her new body. And I love Betsy for WHO she IS, not for her body or her "race". I would love her if she was back in her previous body too, because Betsy is Betsy regardless of her body or race, no body or race is "better" than other. But I respect everyone's opinion , I'm just saying that I love Betsy for who she is.

    1. Finn,

      I see your point, but do you see how Betsy’s current situation is kinda racist against Asian people and how the character often is written like a completely different character altogether. No one is saying they dislike Betsy, because she is “Asian.” They dislike the convolutedness and faux “ethnicness” of the character and the fact that the character could easily be another character due to its lack of resemblance to itself on many levels, including the character’s UK history pre X-Men. I do see your point though, but I think there’s a fallacy in it. That being said, I’d be really surprised if Marvel ever returned her to basics including her past body and past origins storywise, but I think many of us like our fan fiction writing of what we’d do with her. Clearly, we can all agree that she is our favorite which is why we’re all here. :-)

  6. I love Todd Naucks Psylocke os much. He gets her essence. I also love that he loves drawing this version.
    Real Psylocke.

  7. There was NOTHING wrong with the pink costume nor the heels Lol. It's my second favorite of four. Armor>Pink>Modern>Anka suit.

    Her going back to basics works for me, They do it for everybody else, why not her. She can even wear a suit similar to this. I've done several varieties of her older two suits. Just because I love the looks and update them occasionally.

  8. Tazirai, the heels and billowing sleeves may look nice in an 80s way like a character from Dynasty, but completely a liability in a fight.

  9. Well, if the writer actually wrote Psylocke using her actual power set at "omega" capacity... then she can totally wear whatever unconventional wardrobe she wants since most fights would actually be a breeze.

    But really, I think our former fashion model could use more outfits - tactical outfits.

    It is only a matter of time before her body is destroyed and her mind is comic-magic preserved on the astral plane. That way she can appear to whomever in whichever body she feels like wearing that day. After some real time years has passed, they bring her back in her original body. Due to her time swapping forms on the astral plane she gains a secondary mutation to shapeshift so she can continue wearing bodies as the new fashion. What's it matter if she gains more abilities?


    Don't forget to credit me, Marvel. lmao

  10. Vigmed,

    You win the Internet for the best comment ever regarding how ridiculous Psylocke.

  11. And I say that as a genuine fan of her since the days of New Mutants Annual 2. Marvel has turned her character into a joke within a joke.

  12. The one thing I've hated is her "upgrade" to Omega Blah blah status.
    Hate it. EVERYONE is an "Omega level (whatever) now and it stinks. I don't mind Psylocke not being the most powerful ever.
    Super powerful villains are terrible and Super Powerful teams of HEY! You're an Omega, and you're an omega, yada yada yada. It basically boils down to my character is better than yours and should win everything.

    I hate it. And I'll go to my grave defending her Pink Costume and it's WHOLLY feminine qualities. She was a back liner, not a heavy, she was a support character, not close combat. Also, Storm still wears heels, as do many women. It's not from Sexism or whatever, Some women like wearing heels. MANY, combat capable female Federal Agents wear heels. I know because I date one.

    She looked sexy in it, and still nearly soloed Freedom Force, without omega stupidity, or being a Ninja, in heels.
