Thursday, January 17, 2013

X-Women by Kris Anka

This is just a sketch Kris Anka did for fun. Not a cover.


  1. Great art! My only complaint is that Rachel seems to have a man's chest. Jubilee, on the other hand, looks fantastic, and even Kitty looks somehow adorable.

  2. The only thing that is amazing about this art is jubilee! Storm is okay. ~ first, why is Kitty's hair & eyes are red? first I thought it was Jean! second, why did he show skin on psylcok's shoulder? third, RACHEL LOOKS LIKE A MAN! Oh, and I didn't like rogue's face.

  3. I just read x-meb #40 & I was really sad to know that psylocke wasn't in the book. I don't even know why they bothered drawing her on the cover. The issue was bad, like really bad, I feel like they finished their story since #37 & they are just writing anything to make more issues. I mean the last two issues have been domino adventuring with daredevil. And this issue was storm & pixie finding a new mutant.

  4. Um, you guys this was a quick sketch he did and colored. I think it's great, I doubt either of you could produce anything nicer in the amount of time he did this.

  5. I like it. It's got nice, defined lines. Not typical super-hero style.

  6. Oh sorry! I thought it was a variant cover by the artist, sorry again I didn't read because I was on a rush!
