Tuesday, January 15, 2013

X-Men #1 Variant by Terry Dodson


  1. Awesome cover!
    Dodson's Psylocke is very sexy. Great thing they preserved her new uniform!

  2. Is Jubilee using her pyrotechnic abilities?

  3. I like her better as a vampire.

  4. She is still a vampire. I have no idea why she have her fireworks. Maybe she regained her mutant power after AvX? but would make no sense since she is ,as a vampire, weak room light. ~ I don't like When they draw Rachel with pink power signature, I like her orangey, firey type of signature. ~ psylocke looks amazing. At first I thought it was drawn by greg land!

  5. Nobody ever draws Storm's earrings! Only the designer Kris Anka lol This cover is mediocre, Dodson has definitely made nicer covers. What a shame!

  6. I thought Rachel went back to a pink psi aura way back in X-men when she lost her piece of the Phoenix? While she Lorna & Alex were having space adventures?

  7. Personally I don't see the appeal of Dodson's art. There's this generic cartooness to it that I don't like. Original cover is way better!

  8. I think if he had another colorist it would be better.

  9. I totally agree Efe X. I don't like the way he draws hands, they always look so strange.

  10. Not amazing, but not bad either. I usually love Dodson's art (yes, it's cartooney, but also very stylish); there's just something about Storm that doesn't look right... but I can't define what it is.

    Betsy, Rachel, Rogue and Jubilee look great. Kitty looks okay, though the coloring makes it look like her outfit is black and pink instead of black and yellow/gold.

  11. wait, if psylocke was kicked out of the school, how are they all together - where is their base of operations?

  12. frenzy would be a great addition or husk - they just dumped husk
