Friday, November 16, 2012

Uncanny X-Force #34 Preview

Uncanny X-Force #34
Rick Remender
Art: Phil Noto
Covers by: Julian Totino Tedesco
Final Execution races to its thrilling conclusion!
• X-Force brings the attack to the Brotherhood, but there is dissension in the ranks.
• Genesis faces the truth about Apocalypse and his destiny!


  1. So there it is: Psylocke regained her memories. We didn't need to worry about her fate in the last issue, after all.

    Two more issues to the end of this book... some readers seem to think that Remender's run isn't so good in this arc, and that might even be true, but I'll still miss him and thank him for rebuilding Psylocke as a complex, interesting character. And I hope Humphries can continue her great characterization!

  2. Will Maybe remender is just busy writing uncanny avengers? I actually loved this arc. Wait, two more issues?? I thought this was the last LOL.

  3. This arc was doomed to fail ever since they tried to reproduce the Dark Angel Saga. There wasn't much story to fill 11 issues (ELEVEN!) to begin with. Remender could instead have written two great short arcs intead of a long boring one. It basically has all the same storytelling elements from the Dark Angel Saga: Evil group, random trip to an alternate universe that must be stopped, nuture vs nature, etc. I feel like I've been reading the same story, but whereas the Dark Angel Saga was interesting, this Final Execution just fails to deliver. The art also harms the book. Phil Noto's art is bland and dull, Dean White's coloring is sorely missed as well. I wish Remender would end this book on a higher note. This was definitely the least interesting arc from his, otherwise flawless, run.

  4. I just asked Sam humphries the dumbest question ever on twitter. I asked him if psylocke can make a psychic knife and he told me I'll find the answer on the first page of the first issue. LOL. I feel so stupid now!

  5. Okay, I have to ask: Am I the only one who remembers that the creepy geisha was carrying Apocalypse's(Warren's) baby?

  6. Geisha will show up in Uncanny Avengers #5 according to Remender.

  7. I do agree that this run hasn't been on a par with say, the Dark Angel Saga. But, I think this is because this arc feels like it could have already been finished off by now and maybe Remender was just stretching the book out to a specific date/number of issues.

    I'm really looking forward to what Humphries is going to do with Betsy and the rest of the team though, but I'm trying not to get too excited. I am far too pessimistic, especially since I started work in a comic book shop.

  8. I really like the ideas he's exploring in this arc, but yes - I definitely get the impression that he's stretching it over a specific number of remaining issues, and that's causing it to suffer. Also, I get the impression it's rushed/distracted writing. It needs more words! I feel like we're just getting brief descriptions of what's happening, and only enough to take us to the next issue. It reads too quickly, and I'm not feeling like his attention is very involved in it. That said, I am moved by what Eva is experiencing, and that interaction with Nightcrawler was really interesting. I feel like Rememder is planting the seed for Eva's personal evolution, and what just happened with Nightcrawler is going to set her on a path to becoming more nuanced and, ultimately, more human. Perhaps that is what Cluster is. Not altogether human, but an expression of Eva's evolution towards something more human.

  9. Except I will say that in the very limited number of panels that we've seen Psylocke here, I am really impressed with her characterization. She seems solid here. Grounded. And elegant. She's gone through all of that hardship to become a true leader. She had only a few lines, but they were awesome.

  10. I agree. I've said before; I think this the best she's ever been written.

  11. Yeah, even though this last arc has been a bit of a let down compared to the previous ones, it is a fact that RR has written Psylocke better than pretty much anyone else in years.

    You might even go as far as to say that she has in fact been the main character in the whole series.

  12. Also, does anyone has any idea of what future Logan said to 'present' Logan?
