Friday, November 16, 2012

Uncanny X-Force #1 Skottie Young Baby Variant Final Version!


  1. I loved it a lot. But why did he. Already psylocke wield a TK katana ?I prefer the nife. Aside from the katana everything is amazing and simply flawless.

    1. I meant "why did he make her wield a Tk katana. I prefer the knife".

  2. Cute pic.

    Yeah, I totally prefer the knife. It's just more unique and interesting.

    I love this team and every member but I think there needs to be another male member or two. It'll just make a fuller mix.

    Lovin that Psylocke is the leader, lovin Storm's mohawk, I looooove the idea of Spiral being on Psylocke's team (great tension), and I think Cluster is an awesome idea. Puck totally works with these. He definitely seems like he'd be great in a "supporting" role.

  3. I like that Psylocke & Storm are the only two with any real color in their uniforms. To signify that they are higher ranking members :D

  4. Monet St. Croix would be a great addition to the team. She already sports their colors and doesn't have have a problem "doing what needs to be done".

  5. To be honest I really don't think they need another male in the team. Almost every super hero team has more males than females so it's really refreshing to have team that is almost completely composed of bad ass chicks. (Like the recent X-Men team of Storm, Psylocke, Domino, the bug and Colossus.)

  6. Yeah, that's true that teams are usually male dominated, but when that happens my first thought is there need to be more female members in the mix. Now that there are so many female members, I find my first thought being that there need to be more male members. Although it makes perfect sense to now have a female dominated team in terms of how things have progressed, it just feels a little unbalanced. I just think it would benefit if the sides were a little more even, but with Psylocke being the clear outright leader.

    I didn't buy that X-Men with Pixie in it. I can see the charm in the idea of Pixie, but in reality she's the last one I want to see. I hear that the comic was pretty good if you got into it, but I couldn't get into that team enough to buy one.

  7. Well, Humphries did say in early interviews that three other members (...well, actually two, since Cluster wasn't announced back then) would join this team as the arcs progressed, remember? Maybe one of them is a man, or maybe both of the new members will be male.

    Anyway, I love this cover!

  8. You missed out on the best issues of the entire run of that volume of adj xmen, outback!

  9. Yeah, I may check it out sometime. Thanks, CMX.

    FSaker, you're right. A couple of new members are on their way. I look forward to it!

  10. Okay I don't know why everyone is hating pixie. She was like one of my favourite charecters back in the new x-men run. But I do prefer seeing her with the young x-men and not with the adults. But they needed a teleportar and since nightcrawler is dead and magik is not available, pixie was their only solution. And I heard that the writer's little girl loves pixies. But u need to read x-men, starting from issue #30. DON'T MISS IT!

  11. I have nothing against Pixie, but I understand why other people may have. The thing is, she was suddenly "promoted" to the main X-Men team for no reason, while other X-teens (some even more prepared than her, like Surge, Hellion, X-23, etc.) saw their book be cancelled and became wallpaper. Her progression somehow didn't feel natural, kinda like when Whedon did the same thing to Armor (currently joining her fellow X-teens as wallpaper).

    That said, I actually prefer Pixie over some adult X-Men (Iceman, Beast, Angel, Domino...).

  12. I tottaly agree with u FSaker. There are other x-teens who should be with the big teams. But they took pixie because of her teleportation powers. Why did they cancel new x-men? It was really a good book & a good team. Switching subject ,To be honest, I didn't really like generation hope, I have nothing against hope herself but i just didn't feel the team, I find it a lesser version of new x-men.

  13. I think Pixie needs more crazy. LaLohan style. I mean, I know they touched on it with the whole Illyana story, but she needs more cray cray. Not yet full on "Nightmare" Pixie... I'd like to see her go on a downward spiral. For instance, if it was discovered that she had been slipping some of her "Pixie dust" in the drinks of some of the boy (and/or girl) members. She should take her cue from Spiral and play up her Studio 54 NYC night club look. Maybe she gets really skinny for some strange reason and is floating on the ceiling a lot. Going out of control by abusing her special "pixie dust" powers is the perfect way to see her gain an edge to her character and become less of a goody goody. I'd read that. I'd buy that comic. :D

  14. I always wanted that to happen to pixie. She uses dark magic, so I think that should affect her now. And she also should learn more spells. When she was 14 doctor strange told her he will teach her spells When she becomes 18 ,she is now 16. But with the whole AvX thing, do u honestly think doctor strange would teach her? I loved nightmare actually but didn't much like the wings. But if pixie started using dark magic she would turn to be like that. When she first lost some of her soul, her hair went almost black & her wings were dark & creepy, but that changed and she got back her full pink hair & her butterfly wings.
