Thursday, September 8, 2011

"Blue Team" Fully Unveiled

Joining Cyclops' "Blue Team" are: Zero in "Generation Hope", Domino in "X-Men" (vol. 3), Cyclops and Magneto in "Uncanny X-Men" and Magma and Cypher in "New Mutants". Do any of these rosters interest you?


  1. LMAO! Neena's going mainstream and will have crossover hero appeal! Glad they didn't leave her out.

  2. I am interested in the X-Men linup (assuming the charecters in the cover will be the core members).

    Betsy and Ororo are win. And Domino and Warpath are ok too. I don't care that much for the vampirified Jubilee though. Vampires are really un-cool.

  3. jarim,

    That roster becomes curiouser and curiouser by the minute as all of its members are much tighter with Wolvie than Cyke! What is going on here? Hmmmm....

  4. I like the X-Men roster. I figured that last shadow was either Karma or Domino, which is a win-win. Uncanny I think is interesting in that it is a pretty rough, evil team. Generation Hope was a really good book under Kieron Gillen, we'll have to see how it does. New Mutants I think is a generally bad book with characters I don't really care about.

  5. "Do any of these rosters interest you?"

    To be honest, only the Generation Hope one does. Uncanny's roster seems boring; New Mutants are not New Mutants without Cannonball, Karma and Magik (although Nate Grey has been adding some cool dynamics to the team), and as much as I love Psylocke, I can't stand Domino (not really her fault, it's just the way the writers often portray her). I hope Gischler can give some human layers to Domino, because she's always pictured as the badass girl who shoots everything, makes sarcastic jokes and stuff like that. Even Kyle and Yost couldn't make her likeable to me...

    Although I imagine the Uncanny cast and the X-Men cast will be sorta the same, with Cyclops, Magneto and Emma appearing regularly in X-Men (and probably still being the protagonists in it) and Psylocke and Storm rounding up the Uncanny cast.

  6. damn, I was right.

    I think they all look great! I think people shouldn't take these images too seriously as the actual team roster.

    I hope they can make Generation Hope more interesting. I found it to be very boring the last few months. Looking forward to New Mutants, the team looks great!

  7. Since when could Magma fly?

  8. i had not realized before but Uncanny Team is quite bad: i mean Mags,Danger,a new Juggernaut,Magik's not that good,Emma is an ex-villain...not the proper choice if you want to be publicly accepted

  9. @Francis: Ha, that is true.

    And if you think about it, even Cyclops and Colossus were temporary "villains" at some point.

    Looks like most of the X-Men with a positive public image are sided with Wolverine.

  10. I'm liking the X-Men roster. Hopefully it's going to have fix casts. And I'm curious about the other 3 characters Gillen said that will rounds up Uncanny roster (total 9 core cast).
    Based on Gen Hope Solicit in November it could be Storm, Psylocke and maybe Hope/Namor.

  11. Danger is the danger room with awareness??? Maybe there will be two psylockes (AOA,Revanche etc) again.

  12. @treysome
    Yep.. It's the Danger Room with awareness. She/He is revealed to be sentient in Whedon's Astonishing X-Men.

    I don't think there'll be 2 Psylockes. It's gonna be our 616 Betsy in Cyclops' X-Men dan Wolverine's X-Force.

    Remender isn't using the AOA Psylocke in the current Dark Angel Saga. Furthermore, he'll explore Betsy's Otherworld's Origin

    As for Revanche.. She's made her peace... and The original body has been destroyed.
    Let's just leave it that way :)

  13. there was a Revanche in AOA? oh god please no, how confusing would that be?!? lol

  14. @metalgorgomon - Exactly. Just one observation: Danger is female. She recently has been exchanging flirts with Madison Jeffries (and in a "what if" scenario, she married Ultron, killed the X-Men and conquered the world).

    @Braxton Garris - There MAY be a Revanche in AOA, but she was never shown nor hinted at. What we know is that there is an AOA Psylocke (who looks like a Mortal Kombat female ninja, with mask and all), but I guess she's among the AOA X-Men who died prior to the X-Force's arrival in that reality...

    And let's hope that Revanche, 616 or AOA, is out of this. She already messed up enough of Psylocke's story when she was alive; let's allow Kwannon to remain dead.

  15. yes, I agree. I knew of the AOA Psylocke, I liked her enough to get her bust figure. As much as I like AOA, I think the portal should permanently close after this storyline.

  16. No, definitly I'm gold.

    Generation hope : Shaw just looks like some kind of rapist. I'm in WTF mode with him being here.

    X-men : well, James must be please cause in the core roster, he's the only dude. I would prefer Domino back in X-Force.

    Uncanny : What a bunch of redeemed. Or is it ? Magik is suspicious, Emma is a b*tch, Cyclop is an *ss, Magneto is a "girouette", Colossus signed a bad contract (but he looks nice, though).
    Danger, I know you were kinda troubled, but please keep those one in check.

    New Mutant : wait, what ? No Sam ? Karma can take some rest, I don't bother. But Sam ? Come on...
    I read somewhere they'll be looking for Blink ? Such a shame Gen-X doesn't exist anymore... Cause they're the ones who should be searching for her.
    Nice addition with Nate. He truly belongs here (but get a shirt, dude !).

  17. Karma has actually become quite awesome. I dig the new bionic leg, and her strange attachment to the "Face" Character. She can control him, which just gives her an added power. I think they could really do cool things with her, carrying face around on a leash or something.
