Wednesday, April 28, 2010

X-Force #26 Spoilers

Spoilers: The New Mutants warn Cyclops of Bastion's towers, and he orders them to come home. Shortly after, Cyclops loses contact with the Alpha and Beta teams. Meanwhile Alpha Team is being attacked by armored soldiers and a jet. Psylocke then uses her TK to send X-23 to the jet so she can take it out. Nightcrawler, Rogue and Hope arrive in Nevada. Kurt is exhausted, but he won't let Rogue borrow his powers as he believes Rogue needs to save her strenght to protect Hope in case something goes wrong. And it goes. Bastion himself suddenly shows up right in front of them. Rogue uses all of her teammates' powers and engages Bastion in a deadly battle. It's brutal! She puts up a good fight, but Bastions gains the upper hand and knocks her out. Bastion comes in Hope's direction. He says he's seen what the world will become because of her and that he can't allow her to live. Bastion stretches his arm in order to kill Hope, but Nightcrawler teleports right in front of her. Kurt ends up with Bastion's arm through his chest. Rogue witnesses everything in despair. Kurt asks God to strengthen him for one last jump. He lands on the rocks in Utopia and tells Hope that he believes in her. He dies. Later, the Alpha Team returns to Utopia. Colossus wants to get Pixie to rescue Illyana. Betsy notices the look on Emma's and Scott's faces. She just asks them "Who?", but Wolverine already knows the answer: "Elf". In Nevada, Bastion repairs himself and tells his followers to prepare for Plan B.


  1. That's the saddest thing the X-universe has suffered in years... poor Kurt. We won't forget you. Ever. You'll always be remembered as the true hero and faithful person you showed you are.

    But... what happened to Rogue? Did Kurt teleport her to Utopia before dying as well, or was she left with Bastion? Because if the second case is the one that happened, I'll be surprised that Bastion didn't kill her before retreating to his headquarters...

  2. Well, after Nightcrawler teleports Hope to Utopia, Bastion is "turned off". Rogue was left behind. But when Bastion wakpes up and repairs himself, Rogue wasn't there anymore. She probably escaped before he woke up.

  3. Yup we all knew it was Kurt. The last moment was touching as Kurt tells Hope he believes in her. I salute you. Maybe they could of have more of a chance if Storm, Iceman and some of the other experienced X member were there too. I suspect the other major death will be Cable close to the end of this. Plan B will likely be the dome.

  4. Rebel Rogue has some Rogue/Kurt/Hope scans:

  5. Kurt we will miss you. Wolverine, Colossus, Storm, and Psylocke are going to mess some shit up.

  6. So why didn't Rogue destroy Bastion while he was "turned off"??

    What a stupid woman!

    I still love her, though.

  7. Probably her borrowed powers worn out. She used them to the maximum while fighting Bastion. She couldn't destroy him with her own powers alone.

  8. Wow this is a bummer, no more nightcrawler in x-men, i have no more reason to live . . .

  9. I can't say I'm surprised with how they've used Kurt lately. I just wished he was more proactive over the past 4 years. I guess Pixie really is their best teleporter now. *sigh*

  10. "Wow this is a bummer, no more nightcrawler in x-men, i have no more reason to live . . ."

    Whoa dude, I really hope you are just being sarcastic... no character death should be a reason for the reader to stop living; even if Psylocke died (again), I'd be very pissed, but I definitely wouldn't think there is no more reason to live...

  11. I don't know why all the drama. It sucks when your fav character dies, yes. But Kurt died with a very noble death because of a very noble reason. It was very emotional and well written. Plus, you all know he'll be back after 5 years.

  12. Eh...whatever. Kurt is too great of a character to stay dead for long. Give it a few years and he'll be back, while the super/mega/metafictional event he died in will long since be forgotten. Anyone still remember who it was that killed Psylocke a while back? EXACTLY.

  13. The difference is that Psylocke was not meant to stay dead for 3 years.

    Nightcrawler on the other hand was a planned death so he might actually stay dead for a few years. There is the anniversary coming in 5 years so maybe he'll be back by then.

  14. hahahaha @ Vargas.

    ALSO: Did the writer forget Betsy is a telepath? I mean , Iget it if they did it for dramatic effect, but you'd think she'd know who died..
    Unless they are putting more emphasis on her TK, which I fully support. We have enough telepaths haha.
    I'd like to add that her being ninja-trained is not a mutant power. Jean or Magneto or Storm could all be ninja-trained as Betsy is, but the writer's wouldn't make that seem like that's their power & put the mutant abilities in the background...
    You'd think after dying in melee combat to Vargas & her thoughts during this recent tussle with Wolverine would tell her to hone her mutant powers & stay back from sharp pointy objects.

    Anyway, can't wait to read Chapter 5 & I am sad Nightcrawler is dead!!!
    Part of me thinks what a sad thing, cos he is classic to me & all these other characters like Pixie are alive. & it also propagates the resurrection happening to everyone in Xmen, as we saw with psylocke & many others.~

  15. Betsy does not like to peek in to the minds of her friends without permission.

  16. Why Would she use her telepathy to know the answer when she could just ask scott?

  17. I found some scans:

    The first time I looked at the full body shot, Psylocke looked a little bit fat to me; then, after looking better, her body is actually great. Maybe it's the sash that seems to enlarge her hips area.

    But the face close-up... she's absolutely STUNNING!! She looks like a true Asian woman - and a very gorgeous one! And her eyes are a little bit red... maybe this detail indicates that she's about to cry?

    After this news she should demand that Colossus shuts up: "Stop bitching, Peter! Illyana lived for YEARS in Hell, she's gonna be fine, but Kurt is DEAD!!"

  18. I wonder if we'll get a visit from Amanda Sefton. That'd be an upside to Kurt's death.

  19. I think it was a little cold on Betsy's part, will she be in the Hellbound team? They could have dealt with it after Second Coming not have it happening during, unless Magik is important during the end of Second Coming which I highly doubt.

    Glad to see Betsy is still not flying :P. Loved the shield, the fast ball special and the interaction with X.

  20. I'm so glad to see she actually looks Asian!
    Also, what's so bad about her flying? She can,.. so why not?
    Or I suppose that makes her unique: the only Xman to choose to be less powerful by not harnessing her full potential. Instead she kicks & punches people.
    I am glad that they are showing her using her TK & someone said above she could just use it to take down the plane herself. I think they were trying to make a version of the Colossuss-Wolverine move where Peter throws Logan.
    Anyway, miss you Kurt :(
