Thursday, April 29, 2010

X-Force #26 Art


  1. Where is Elixer?

    If Kurt stays dead, I hope we get a visit from Amanda Sefton.

    Maybe Illyana will see his soul in the underworld and save him?


    Cyclops has a nice ass ;P

  3. Elixir left the X-Men after Necrosha. Nice Psylocke! I love the last page.

  4. LOVE these scans! it is really sad to see Kurt go.... another note! don`t you just love how Wolverine knows that it's Kurt, but Psylocke doesn't?

  5. Isn't it strange that Psylocke sends X-23 flying, but has never really did it herself since her return?

    Anyway, RIP Kurt. Till u return.

  6. Yeah. Now we know Psylocke could lift herself if she wanted to. haha

  7. Yeah. But flying doesn't really suit her at all. Too "Dragon Ball Z"-ish for a ninja.

  8. Or she could have just brought the plane down herself with her TK. And what was Angel doing? He should be the one taking care of airborne threats.

  9. ame el fastball special de X23 y Psylocke!!! me encantaba la manera en que eran amigas en la epoca de claremont, ahora solo falta Rachel para que puedan ser buenas amigas!!! I loved the Fastball Special of X23 and Psylocke, i was happy when they where friends on Claremont's time, only Rachel is missed to they where good friends!!!

  10. Choi can really draw an amazing Psylocke! Her face is so detailed, in the panel where she asks who died, her eyes are red, like if she's about to cry. He also managed to show her Asian facial features, which the readers have been asking for a long time.

    About Betsy not knowing who died while Logan does, he probably caught the scent of Nightcrawler; as for her, like it was said in the previous topic, Betsy doesn't like to read her friends' minds without permission. She was also probably very tired from the fight to focus herself.

    Someone said in the previous topic that Betsy was quite cold when she ignored Colossus's complaints about Illyana. Indeed she was, but she was probably focusing herself on the war the X-Men are facing. However, I hope next issue we can see her getting a bit emotional, since Kurt was a big friend of hers.

  11. i'm going to borrow your scans, okay? i think the kurt death could have been avoided, he could have jumped behind hope instead of in front of her since he would have been able to reach hope first..

    i really hope wolverine will be the one to kill bastion so he could avenge kurt's death..

  12. It wouldnt have taken Bastion out and he would have killed Rogue. Why does this remind of x-treme X-men 2...

  13. It is awesome that she is using her TK again!! Hopefully she can fly soon.
    I don't know anything about Dragon Ball Z, as one poster above me had said Psylocke flying would be "too Dragon Ball Z". She can, so why not? She came before Dragon Ball Z anyway, & I know nothing about it except for what I hear from a friend or two who do know of it.
    Anyway go go TK! We have so many telepaths but is Betsy the only telekinetic in the titles at the moment?
