Sunday, December 1, 2024

Geoffrey Thorne Talks Betsy Braddock

The Comics Cube with Duy Tano: You’ve mentioned earlier that we have a lot to look forward to regarding Betsy Braddock. Can you give us a preview of what we can expect?

Geoffrey Thorne: I love Betsy. Once issue #5 is done, it culminates in a death and someone leaving the team. We've introduced a few threads—like who the hell Tank is, why Forge is concealing his thoughts from his own allies, and why Rachel needs [Betsy’s] boost to flex. All of that is going to start getting explained or at least addressed in the next five issues.

I like Captain Britain because I’ve liked Betsy for years. I think there’s a lot of potential in her character because she’s secondary, unlike mainstays like Scott, Jean, Logan, Rogue, and the rest. I enjoy those [secondary] characters because you can do more with them. I think there’s a space Betsy can occupy, and I might be the one to figure out what that is. She needs to be unique. We need to resolve this Captain Britain thing. Whether I get to do it or not, it needs to be resolved.

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