Sunday, July 14, 2024

Scott Koblish's 'Exceptional X-Men' Cover Features Captain Britain


  1. So glad Betsy is getting another costume.

  2. @X-Man, true. The CB armor was cool for a while, I liked it, but it's time to move on.

    Her new X-Force uniform looks great, so it's a nice change. As for her "official" uniform (that is, the one she wears for public appearances instead of secret activities), in case Marvel decides to keep her as Captain Britain, I guess I'd like to see the return of the classic Alan Davis uniform he gave her during her first and brief time as Captain Britain (...just maybe without the pieces of cloth tied below her knees); I was looking at it in this blog's gallery yesterday and thought that even though it was designed over 40 years ago, it still looks amazing.

    And it's nice to see Jubilee carrying Shogo! TH and White may have separated them just to make Jubilee regress back into a bratty young woman behaving like a teenager (and lose all the character evolution she got as a single Marvel), but it seems he won't be forgotten so easily.

    1. @Fsaker I don't want to see any CB uniform for her for a long time if ever again.

      Bad memories lol.

      However I do have a question, is that really a thing they do?

      Like have 2 uniforms if they are on X-Force? I don't recall her having another uniform with Remender's run, but maybe I blocked it out lol.

  3. vamp jubilee lookin 2 cute wit da baby 🐉

  4. @X-Man, yes, I think since Kyle & Yost's run, whoever is both in X-Force and in another team would have a different uniform for each job (in K&Y's run, for instance, Wolverine, X-23 and Warpath wore black and grey versions of their regular uniforms, with X-23 and Warpath also wearing masks covering their eyes).

    During Remender's run, Betsy at first wore a black leotard with a gray sash (instead of the blue leotard and red sash she had at the time), and later changed it to a new black uniform in X-Force while still using the infamous "Hand ninja swimsuit" in the X-Men. She didn't get two uniforms in Humphries's run because that UXF team wasn't really operating in secret or doing anything illegal, but in Si Spurrier she did get a new X-Force outfit while in the X-Men she had that uniform Kris Anka designed for her.

    Of course, we don't know if she'll have two uniforms this time because we're not even sure if she'll be appearing in any other books outside of X-Force. In case she's only appearing in X-Force (which would be bad, because keeping her apart from the other X-books was one of TH's biggest mistakes that ended up devaluing Betsy in the X-verse), I suppose Thorne could show her only in the X-Force uniform and have her and Rachel telling the other X-Men and superheroes that they're out on vacations or a honeymoon as an excuse for their disappearance whenever they're on X-Force missions. But if he doesn't use an excuse like this, they'll probably appear sooner or later working as public superheroines, and then they'll likely be wearing something different (and if Betsy didn't drop the CB mantle before Thorne's run begins, her superheroine appearances in public will probably be as CB).

    1. I definitely hope not a honeymoon, I don't want to see those two married lol.

      Betsy had much more chemistry with Jean in Dissasembled imo, but I still think her best match is Warren.

      Thanks for the info. Its funny right after I asked this, I saw a post that featured her telling Logan she'll stay in X-Force but not join a school or something and sure enough they both had their regular uniforms on lol.

  5. On the other hand, there's also the possibility that she DID drop the CB mantle before this new X-Force run, so in this case her standard uniform may be similar to her X-Force one but in different colors (like pink and purple instead of red and black), or she may get a different uniform altogether (unlikely, but not impossible).

    If that's the case, my biggest curiosity will be to find out if she got a new codename - and, if so, what it is. But I guess she won't get one - I mean, Kitty and Rachel spent long times without having a codename, and Emma has one but barely uses it.

  6. so many theories ‘bout betsy new lewks but remember dat lindsay tell yall 2 b patient 4 pretty pink n purple revelations
    b patient n be rewarded
    lindsay is mother

    1. I belive you Linsday coz I saw something similar I also understand da ppl being upset cuz its going to be a while

    2. I didn't forget, I've been patiently waiting for it lol.

      I just wasn't sure how the outfit thing worked with being in X-Force and such.

      I forgot they get like 2 uniforms etc etc.

  7. I would love to finally see this supposed new pink look for Betsy. I'm betting it would compliment Kwannons current purple look nicely

  8. @FSaker In a recent interview, Geoffrey Thorne named Captain Britain and Askani as members, not just Betsy Braddock and Rachel Summers.

    He also compared X-Force to Doctor Who, saying that they will predict and eliminate threats before they happen (reminding me a lot of Wolverine and the X-Men too, where Professor X from the future warned the X-Men of the past about the problems that will happen and they prevented it before).

    Rachel seems tired of Otherworld and as has already been confirmed, Betsy is only joining X-Force because of Rachel. First Rachel joins Betsy in the end of Knights of X and now it's Betsy who joins Rachel in X-Force.

    The interview starts at 53:15!

  9. @X-Man Betsy had several outfits while she was part of X-Force.

    Uncanny X-Force (Vol.1): The classic ninja in black & white; The Dark Angel Saga's one; as Horseman of Apocalypse and as Lady Briton.

    Uncanny X-Force (Vol.2): That "Marvel Now!" by Kris Anka and that purple & white as "Lady Fantomex".

    X-Force (Vol.4): That "military one" by Rock-He Kim.

  10. "I definitely hope not a honeymoon, I don't want to see those two married lol.
    Betsy had much more chemistry with Jean in Dissasembled imo, but I still think her best match is Warren."

    If it makes you feel any better, I doubt Betsy and Rachel will be together forever; the X-Men are constantly breaking up with old partners and getting involved with new ones. Some relationships do manage to last for many years but eventually end anyway (like Scott and Emma). The only consistent X-couple seems to be Rogue and Gambit - and even they will often break up for a while before deciding to get back together.

    I just hope that, whenever Betsy and Rachel break up (again, to me it's a matter of "when", not "if"), they manage to part ways amicably and continue to be good friends. While Claremont's Reload run was a huge mess, I did like the friendship he established between the two of them; it felt natural, not forced, and with good chemistry.

  11. I just hope dat Betsy get to shine ✨️ I love talk about her with fans over here becoz I cannot open da cbr account for some reason

    I understand alot of Betsy fan is mad and upset but I think she will shine and that they are hiding something about Betsy

    We as fan need to continue to push her z here is some instance fan push

    We push for da butterfly , Storm fan push for the mohawk gone and Jean fan push for phoenix and it all good becuase storm new costume is good and Phoenix is a good comics

    Da Betsy series did not sell well unfourtney

    1. @ Nichelle what Betsy series are you referring to?

    2. Cap Britain, it still have more buyers den da the Kwannon oneshot even do Brtsy fan were boycotting cuz of tini

    3. Oh well I guess I can see why that was unfortunate for some.

      I kept being constantly disappointed in Howard's portrayel of Betsy, so CB not selling well was good news for me admittedly.

    4. It not becuz Marvel will not give betsy another chance I wish they do let's hope

    5. I get what your saying, but they did cause she's in X-Force now.

      Imho giving Betsy another chance wasn't really the issue because she was around for years in both bodies, and they can't even say her popularity was because of being a ninja because a lot loved her Outback version and even more recently they know she was mostly viewed positively in Dissasembled version as a great combo of past and present.

      (to the point they recently put that outfit on the cover of a recent comic because they were aware of how popular it was)

      Unfortunately (for me at least) it was Howard who I think got too many chances (at least with Betsy, I do think she'd fit in great writing Dr Strange or something).

      Imho Betsy never needed another chance, she just desperately needed another writer.

      Instead they gave her 3 failed books by the same exact writer. When it should have been a new start when the first one failed.

      Regardless it was good for me because whoever Howard was writing personally...honestly just didn't feel like Betsy to me, so it was like many of us lost her during that time anyway.

      It doesn't surprise me though that Fallen Angels with Kwannon sold worse though. That was pretty bad lol.

      But look how fast they gave Kwannon new books & new writers (not tried 3 times with the same guy smh),
      Betsy should have gotten the same treatment from the get go lol.

      I agree with you & hope this new book delivers :)

  12. Funfact: Bety series sold more den the kwannon oneshot series I hope breboort sees dis

  13. Ppl on da comic geeks app or website are advocating for betdy to bee psylocke

    1. Thats great. I hope somehow TPTB see that. Thanks.

  14. Ewww no more Captain Kettle eyes burn
