Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Phoenix Summons Every Mutant in "Rise of the Powers of X" #5

Psylocke (Outback)

Captain Britain

Psylocke (Ultimate)

Psylocke (90s)

Psylocke (Age of Apocalypse)


  1. Outback Betsy and 80s Rachel are matching looks. Vecchio is lit for putting them next to each other.

  2. Awesome!

    Glad to see Ultimate Psylocke there; I never forgave Marvel for adding her to the Ultimate X-Men for about ten issues, only to then demote her to a background student in the mansion and later killing her (off-panel, by the way). She was a great character, had great looks (both before and after the body swap) and while I do prefer main-Betsy over her, Ult-Psylocke did have a way less convoluted backstory. Even her body swap was way more acceptable (Ult-Kwannon was in a coma and willingly allowed Ult-Betsy to take control of her body while allowing her to die peacefully, and Ult-Betsy's original body had just been killed, meaning she had to take ANY body she could before her consciousness would vanish into thin air - plus, deaths in the Ultimate universe were mostly definitive, meaning that Ult-Kwannon would never return to claim her body back).

    Outback Psylocke is also a welcome addition there! I'm not sure if that outfit would work nowadays, but I still have fond memories of it - and it was definitely a cool outfit for a superheroine in the 1980s.

    1. I loved Ultimate Betsy too. The black eyes were so cool! And I'm still better when was killed off panel during Ultimatum.. so pointless! Then Brian Wood brought her back not realized she was dead and fans hounded him about it so he had to retcon her and say it was a random imposter and then killed her again.

      Instead of the fans being happy to have her back they were too stuck in canon to allow it lol god fans are annoying

  3. True. Though to be fair, Wood took a lazy way out with the imposter solution; he could have just have Ult-Betsy mentioning that her psychic essence managed to leave Ult-Kwannon's body before it was killed and then found a new host body - just like she had already done before -, and that she went into hiding after that (thus explaining why she didn't rejoin the X-Men right after Ultimatum ended).

    1. Well the issue was he felt pressured to "course correct" and make her dead again.

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