Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The X-Force Head to Wakanda in ‘X-Force’ #2

X-Force #2
Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Art by Marcus To
Cover by Stephen Segovia
On Sale 8/28
FORGE leads X-FORCE in their new, custom BLACKBIRD to the next world fracture in WAKANDA. But as the ground literally changes under their feet, the team will have to stop…the BLACK PANTHER?! That can’t be right, can it?! And what secret is bubbling under the surface that just might tear the X-Force team asunder? The new X-FORCE ongoing hits its stride in this issue – don’t miss jumping on early!


  1. Now there's a warrior queen!

  2. The cover looks nice, but when will Betsy finally get her purple hair back? I'm glad, Blink is not in this book.

  3. @Mixia, instead of all these Cap Brit questions, I wish folks would start asking Brevoort if the editors will begin correcting her hair color.

    1. Rahsaan the pinkification of Betsy's head is done with malicious goals. Dare they paint Kwannon purple they kiss bye bye her Japan heritage. As we know artists struggling to make her look Asian faced so it'd be a white chick with purple hair all over again.

  4. Incorrect hair color aside, her high pony is cute.

  5. Not Dissasembled, but the outfit is definitely growing on me.

    I wish the red parts were purple though.

    The hair definitely needs to be more purple, but very refreshing to see Betsy with edge and warrior like qualities again.

    Would have loved to see the Butterfly here.

    Incidentally do we have a link to ask questions of this new writer?

    I'm sure a lot of us here would have some very interesting and relevant inquiries.

    1. XMan he posts on the CBR forums I'm guessing there's an ask me thread somewhere in the XMen forum. Hope this helps

    2. Good luck with the butterfly coz the execs slap banged it on Revanche to make their statement again 🙄

    3. Thank you @Randybear & @Kiki I think/hope that they learned their lesson trying to remove Butterfly from Betsy lol.

      Also my initial impressions are that this writer seems to listen more to the fans (all of us, not just selective groups), so he prob is very aware there was a bad backlash when they tried to strip Butterfly effect from Betsy

    4. Da Writers questions can be Asked on Da Cbr Forums Chivalrous Man

  6. Sighs of relief Betsy peaks again. Wish the writing gets her out the Bikini Coward Muppet show Kettle pot of the last four years.

  7. I am super duper excited no more Captain Britain!

  8. She looks cool just wish her hair wasn't magenta. We need lavender! Otherwise it looks like she's trying to be Pixie.

    1. She has da Purple hair in Da interiors I tink and hope so Chivalrous Woman

  9. You all should see this!



    1. Ha artists and colorists got their rude awakening. Betsy nation rules!

  10. @HOXOR: Kwannon has her own thread on CBR. Stop derailing Betsy's thread with talks of Kwannon's hair. It's not relevant to Betsy.

    1. I da not talk in CBR but I sure do like looking at da threads and I tink sometimes you have to talk about Kwannon in her threads

    2. In Betsys threads sometimes you have to talk about Kwannon

  11. Kwannon's purple hair is not relevant to Betsy?!

    1. Ignore da comment I don't like Kwannon that much but some Betsy fans go overboard with it

    2. @HOXOR pay no attention to trolls with multiple fake accounts. One person trying to ruin Betsy never stopped us. Purple hair is as much relevant to Betts as is her butterfly.

    3. I da not understand y Some ppl don't allow fans ta complain about stuff as simple as hair color it just basic stuff LIKE

  12. If Polaris all of a sudden went blond instead of green, the character would lose some of her visual identity, it would be harder to identify her as Polaris. If Captain America was drawn with a circle instead of a star in the middle of his shield, readers would go bonkers and I could go on. So Betsy hair color and butterfly are relevant, maybe more subtle than others but just as important in her identity. And she lost a lot of that to the other , which is annoying, but it seems like she is getting it back slowly, and probably because of some of the comments left on this site reminding the marvel creators of the subtle points of her character. It seems to me that now that Kwannon has lost the hand costume and purple hair (I think) , that character is gaining her own identity. Betsy has gotten her butterfly back, and daggers and it looks like some of her fierceness judging by this cover, lets hope that they will transfer the Psylocke name back at let Kwannon have her own code name. In fairness, Kwannon should have her own identity and not be a ghost of Betsy, its time for Betsy to be Psylocke again.

    Comics are a visual as well as a written medium, so yeh, hair color matters. and that s*** is pink and shouldn't be.

    But I like the direction this is going in other wise.

    1. Agreed @Banquo40.

      I tried to register on that board to comment, but it said the administrator stopped registrations sadly.

  13. @X-Man From what I saw... it is only available and you can only register on the first day of the month

    1. @Hoxor thank you. That odd, but at least month almost over. I'll have to try to remember lol.
