Friday, April 12, 2024

Geoffrey Thorne's Q&A on X-Force -- Round 3

Geoffrey Thorne returned to the CBR Forums once again for another round of Q&A about X-Force. Check out his insightful answers below.

Have you been keeping track of Surge's recent appearances here and there?
Thorne: I tracked Nori. She did some stuff in one of the Krakoa books and in that recent Bishop book but, for the most part, people haven't really used her or most of the NEW X–MEN ACADEMY "kids." As with all the characters I take on, I have plans for Nori that may not be readily apparent (on purpose).

Will you be pulling guest stars primarily from the X-Men books, or can we expect some guests from the greater Marvel Universe? How long will the guest characters be joining the team on average, a single issue, a story arc?
Thorne: That is an overstatement. There will be a few guest stars, here and there, but it's not like we'll be trotting them in and out constantly or even frequently. The team is static after issue 1 with guests showing up as needed. It is absolutely not a "guest star of the month" book. This is not Marvel Team-Up or anything like it.

Will Loa join the team?
Thorne: I also love Loa. Sadly, she doesn't fit into this first arc.

Was this initially an X-treme X-Men pitch with Sage, Rachel, and Betsy traveling all around?
Thorne: Nope. All things begin and end with Forge. And Sage. I don't pitch books by title. I pitch stories and let the company decide where they fit. This book has nothing to do with X-Treme X-Men. It's its own animal altogether. You know what happens when you assume.

Betsy has co-led X-Force many times, likely due to her pragmatism and her judgment skills. The incredible Remender run orbited around her, she co-led her own team with Storm, and was second in command to Cable and then Magneto when his Uncanny X-Men were more like X-Force during Bunn’s run. Will she have a similar role this time?
Thorne: Lady Braddock has a pretty full plate when she enters the story. Quite full. The leadership of this X-Force isn't really set up the way it has been for other versions of the team. Forge is the leader for reasons that will become clear in issue #1.

I know that your run will be nothing like Remender’s run, but I’d love to know your thoughts about his Uncanny X-Force.
Thorne: I make it a policy of never discussing my fan feelings on prior creative runs on a book I'm currently doing. That said, I've enjoyed nearly all of Mr. Remender's work since his FEAR AGENT days.

Forge is the longest-running X-Man who has never canonically had his real name revealed. Can we finally get that now that he’s a headliner of a book?
Thorne: I've noticed this too. Forge has used aliases over the years and we've never been told if any of them are really him. Will we find out this time around? Stay tuned, True Believers.

Is this going to be more akin to the original X-Force concept of striking problems before they become a problem or more black ops stuff?
Thorne: Short answer? Yes. But don't take too much from that. THIS X-Force's mission is different and, maybe, much weirder. I write heroes. I don't do nostalgia. X-Force didn't start as a murder squad. This isn't a continuation of the most recent iteration because Krakoa is no longer a controlling influence. Not in that way. This is a new deck with a new deal. This is not a copy or continuation of previous versions of X-Force. New leader. New mission. New solutions.

How does Rachel feel about her tattoos. They're on the cover, but she hasn't had them visible in some time. What do they represent to her in his mind?
Thorne: I doubt very much that Rachel is happy about the tattoos and why they are present at all is part of the story. One of the things I always liked about the X-Books (when they're good) is they're about the characters' internal conflicts just as much as they are about the plots and the fights. All of the characters in this book are carrying major baggage that will influence their interactions and even why they are on the team. The loss of Krakoa is a real thing and its shadow is long. The betrayal of Charles Xavier is a real thing. As is her relationship with Betsy. While this will absolutely not be some ponderous exploration of each character's inner life, those inner lives govern their actions in a very real way for each of them and, in some cases, at great cost. I can't ANSWER these questions here but I promise they have been considered and the answers are part of the story already.


  1. Regarding X-Force, he said he doesn't do "nostalgia" but then proceed to tell how X-Force didn't start as a murder squad back in the day. That's...literally what nostalgia is. I never cared about X-Force considering they're not the main X-Men team and the most recent iteration just soured my feelings for how they handled Piotr's mind control problem very poorly. I can't say that I'm excited for Betsy's involvement here, but I like that she's not getting pushed to the back and ignored. That costume they all sport on the cover? That's as "bad" as her Cpt. Britain suit of armor if y'all are honest to yourselves. It's not fashionable enough especially for Betsy, but I guess some of her fans here just won't protest as long as she stops being Cpt. Britain. A bit strange to me.

    1. You didn't like Krakoa XForce therefore you won't like this series? What?

      And yes we are thrilled because it looks like she's finally leaving the CB mantle and is not being written by a blue haired weirdo who's only goal is to project their lame personal experiences onto a character that's over 40yrs old

    2. To each their own, I think its more strange to protest something that we haven't even read or fully seen yet.

      I love Betsy so anything with her im willing to give a chance. I actually read TH work before I decided it wasn't for me.

      X-Force is a pretty lethal team, imo that definitely fits Betsy & her edge more than CB ever did imho.

      And though I definitely prefer Dissasembled uniform, this one (from what I can see) is not even close to being as bad looking as CB uniform to me.

      That is me and my eyes being 100 percent honest with myself lol.

    3. Daud hun did you bump your head? The X-Force costume is Prada and the Captain Kettle Shein shit. You need a new pair of glasses.

    4. @randybear What I said was I'm never interested to read side teams stories beyond a couple issues. If we want to be consistent with our previous complaints about Betsy's placement within the current mutant world, we should also not be pleased with her becoming part of X-Force when she should be a part of the main X-Men team. Not Kannon. Also, complaining about a "blue hair weirdo" writer having written Betsy is, frankly, ridiculous considering Betsy's hair is purple. PURPLE.

      @X-Man This placement of Betsy is decent, but it's still not what should be done to her. She went from having numerous solo series (sure, they didn't all sell well but that's not the main argument here that I'm making) to being part of a team that is not even the main X-Men when she easily could she had done DECADES ago. The Deadpool color scheme of the costume is not complimenting her hair color and it's only slightly less bulky than her Cpt. Britain suit.

      @Kiki M. Ishola Babe, you wanna know what "Prada" is? Every time Betsy was drawn by Marc Silvestri back in the classic run, before and after Fall of the Mutants. That's high fashion, even though it was a pink chiffon pajamas that she was wearing. Cpt. Britain suit was fine to me, it's the way that it's drawn by several untalented artists that made it look bad. Every time an actually talented artist (Peach Momoko, etc.) drew her with it she looked very gorgeous.

    5. Thx for the babe if I had a dime for the times I heard I'd be a billionaire. Besides your weird fashion sense I smell phoneys. Betsy is at home with X-Factor and Otherworld is over. Tini happened and is erased Betsy will thrive outside the CB bull crap.

  2. He's literally saying it won't be anything like the previous X-Forces, black ops or not. His X-Force will be different. That was his point. And God forbid Betsy fans celebrate a bit after 5 years of mediocre writing.

  3. I like the way he thinks, I'll keep an open mind till we're a few issues in.

    Also, no way this is worse thn the CB uniform, If anything it's extremely practical, while bein much more feminine than the previous outfit while still being more than just a sexy costume.

    1. The Cpt. Britain suit was FINE, goodness. See how it's drawn by Miguel Mercado. It's drawn very regal and delicate, yet powerful and wondrous. I never understood the complain about the suit; it's the fact that she was Cpt. Britain and not Psylocke anymore that is the core problem. Unless the X-Force look gets color change or total redesign, it'll forever look ugly to me. The red doesn't compliment her hair color!

    2. Well with all due respect it was fine in your eyes, it didn't look great to a good portion of fans.

      I found it pretty ugly at times tbh.

      Both can be valid as they are only everyone's personal opinion, not facts.

      I tried to like it, but it always fell flat to me and just didn't "feel" like Betsy.

      It was to "Supermanish" for me.

      This newer outfit (despite my agreement on the color with you) feels more in line with Betsy for me personally.

    3. Get over it Daud the Captain Kettle is ridiculously fugly. From the armor clutter and clown cape down to the d!ck apron it's hideous AF. The flowers didn't cover up it's stench.

  4. dont worry pretty in purple n pink comin’

    1. Honestly, artists should begin to realize that with her hair being purple she should not be wearing red unless it's deep, ruby-esque red with dark shading. Her color palette from the classic period was already great: purple, pink, deep blue when she was wearing Kannon's body, black. Like, those are her colors! I'm now mad that Kannon, in addition of staying as Psylocke, also gets an honestly AMAZING new costume even though, like Olivia Munn says, it needs a boob window because a full body catsuit turns out to be not practical for doing gymnastics at all!

    2. I think she looks good in black in this body too.

      I remember her meeting up with a vampire or something (I forgot the exact story), in Excalibur wearing a black dress and thinking she looked great.

  5. If anyone wants to argue me about red being her color or not, let me remind you that her red and green dress before she was officially Psylocke (just a S.T.R.I.K.E. agent) was HORRENDOUS. She really looks her best dressed in purple and pink. I hope artists will start realizing that from now on, in addition to color her hair properly purple as well.

    1. Honestly, this is also why I don't like her red Cpt. Britain suit (not the first red one from back in the day, but that was awful too) with the blue sleeves. The only time it looked good was when she was wearing a purple cloak and hood with it, which was a cover done by Felipe Massafera for a Knights of X issue. That was wonderful. Other than that, it's a no for me.

    2. OK so TLDR you hate Betsy in XForce you hate her look and we are all fake for being interested in it. Got it. 🫡

    3. That conclusion you've just made is a huge misanalysis of my opinions/arguments. No, I don't hate Betsy being part of X-Force because the book hasn't even come out. I'll even read it when it does, but I have stated that I've always ended up not caring much about side teams (yes, to me they'll always be a side team alongside other teams that aren't the main team. If that sounds petty then I am a petty person, I suppose). I only "hate" the fact that she has to be placed in this team and not in Cyclops or Wolverine's team. Yes, I guess I "hate" the silly Deadpool costume + color scheme. Well, maybe you are. Again, your concluding piece above is such a gross oversimplification of my points. It'd be as bad as me saying that, "Oh that randybear person in that one Psylocke appreciation blog? Yeah, he hates queer people, especially women! Got it!" only because you have made it clear that you don't like Tini Howard while I deliberately ignored the reason why you don't like her. Not because she's queer at all, or having blue hair at one point even, but because her (terrible!) writings of Betsy was essentially one huge mischaracterization of Betsy Braddock.

      Have a good day. Or night, wherever you reside. :')

    4. @Daud I agree to a point. I also don't love red with her hair color.

      I think her regular colors of pink and purple & blue look much better.

      However I think this new outfit from what we've seen looks a million times better than her CB Uniform.

      That outfit made her look very bulky imho, and just looked like a total mess to me with its design & color scheme (and I'm not even a fashion person lol.)

      This new outfit from what we can see, looks more up her style with being a physical fighter and i think it has a great design vs the other bulky uniform.

      And though it wouldn't be my first choice of color for Betsy, imo it still not all over the place like the CB Uniform looked (and if @Lindsay prediction is true about pink & purple coming, even better).

      I definitely am much more hopeful for Betsy now.

      So far the new writer sounds very thoughtful.

  6. We have big updates and announcements from Marvel Comics. This time the good news is about Forge. I include the link to the article for spoilers.

    Also one favor from all Betsy fans on this site. Could any of you convey this query about Forge? Will we see Forge interact with Warlock and them develop a friendly even symbiotic relationship?

    I'm asking because their dynamic in X-Men the animated series in the Phallanx Covenant adaptation was supreme.

  7. Everyone,

    I have to agree with Daud. Red and purple actually are not complementary at all on the color wheel and clash stylistically speaking. A nice change would be seeing Bets with a uniform incorporating navy, purple, and dark green.

    Debate aside, I am pleased she is out of the Union Jack attire (if only temporarily) which also clashed with hair and her entire vibe.

    1. I think the point being missed is we like the silhouette, we like that the cape is gone, we like that she's not wearing a flag in this book.

      Red isn't my preferred color on Betsy but I'll take this over the clunky CB armor shes been stuck in for over 4yrs
