Friday, April 26, 2024

Captain Britain Graces the Cover of "X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic" #141

The cover of "X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic" #141 features Captain Britain, signaling a continuation of the External Saga. Initially planned as a 20-part story from issues #121 to #140, the arc has been extended to 25 chapters, as confirmed by Steve Foxe's newsletter. Issue #145 is set to conclude the saga on June 24.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Insulting the artist? When did I personally insult him? And name calling will get you nowhere. You may think of me as an asshole but you'll never catch me using vulgarity directly at someone.

      Imagine being this disrespectful to someone because they don't enjoy the garbage you consume.

  2. Insulting an artist work is a personal insult you halfwit.

    1. There you go again. And disliking someone's art isn't an insult. Go cry somewhere else about it.

  3. The ugliest butterfly effect ever. 😭

  4. Thats why I always dislike the CB mask. It makes Betsy ugly and looks like an villain.

  5. Captain Kettle Betts is a running gag. Aged like milk. Ain't it crazy tho Marvel execs doubling down on the gag to rub it on her fandoms faces. They kinda give her the butterfly they kinda let her be a mutant they kinda color a right purple head. This happens for tormenting.

  6. Said it first Tini Bikini broke Betsy and she was demoted to Infinity comics status. The dreck of the barrel level. Thorne is our last hope atm.

  7. The helmet reminds me of the mask Kwannon wore when we first met her way back in Adjective-less X-Men No. 17. Back when she wore Elizabeth’s body and thought she was Elizabeth.

    1. Ahhh good memory @Rahsaan. I remembered it reminded me of something, but couldn't figure out what.


      That was when Kwannon was just killing people for showcase to the point that even the mentor/master found it disturbing lol.

      I know we are past it thankfully, but thats why it always annoyed me when people would say Betsy did this & that in Kwannon's body, when everytime we got glimpses of things Kwannon did in Betsy's body, they weren't that honorable lol.
