Monday, February 26, 2024

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #128 Art


  1. "It's best we say goodbye to Britain" hear hear!

    1. She reshaped the entire CB mythos but kept the name for some reason 😆 her name makes no sense and causes so much confusion amongst casual fans.

    2. Agreed. I'd love if she ditched the name and costume lol. Create her own original thing (X-Men related lol).

    3. Same. CB isn't marketable at all. Brian could never hold a solo title during the 90s and 2000s they always flopped hard and sadly its no different for Betsy.

    4. Yeah. I'm not sure why he got a brand new title.

      They should have given her Psylocke back or a brand new title smh.

    5. Captain Kettle 4tw. They made a super model look KKK with a white apron and an ugly bucket for helmet. Tsk tsk tacky

  2. Interesting.

    I kinda like the way the TK is depicted here with the butterflies stopping multiple things at once.

    1. Funny they put an embargo on Betsy using the butterfly and gave her all crappy things but her butterfly. Not that she used her mutant powers much when Tini had her way.

  3. To be fair, maybe ditching the CB mantle is already something that they're planning to do for Betsy; maybe they just didn't do it yet because it would be weird if she suddenly appeared with another outfit and codename without any explanation.

    It's a shame that her time as CB was such a mess. Like randybear pointed out, I guess it wouldn't work to have Betsy becoming Captain Britain forever, but it could have been nice to have her carrying the mantle for some time, just like when she was Lady Britain or when she wore the uniform in that Uncanny X-Force arc (plus, the Psylocke identity was already being given to Kwannon, so it wouldn't hurt for Betsy to be Captain Britain while Marvel figured out how to handle both women's identities). Sadly, it ended up being a disaster and few (if any) Betsy's fans will probably miss this time.

  4. Agreed. And there were a series of questionable decisions made. Ending Excalibur and relaunching it as Knights of X was a misstep. Excalibur had a recognizable brand and held its ground in terms of sales, at least comparable to Marauders and New Mutants. The name "Knights of X" proved to be a poor choice, serving more as a jumping off point rather than a boost. TH's reluctance to collaborate with other writers and her focus on Otherworld, so detached from the broader Krakoan context, did not help either. I feel like Bety's tenure as Captain Britain never stood a chance.

  5. IMO Krakoa Excalibur would have been a banger if Zeb Wells wrote and Chris Bachalo was on art. I can dream..

  6. This isn't Oscar writing tho Tini's was for razzies. Foxe delivered what Tini failed all those wasted years.
