Monday, November 20, 2023

X-Men Monday #228 – Chris Claremont Talks ‘Wolverine: Madripoor Knights’

AIPT: What can you share about the origins of Uncanny X-Men #268? What made you want to tell that story?

Chris Claremont: It was Jim and me just getting started. We had Logan, Jubilee, and Psylocke in Madripoor. We had just finished what happened with Betsy in the three-part story that was, in a way, Jim’s audition. So, I think I just wanted to do a one-part story. You get on, you say your piece, and you get off. Tell a story in a single issue, hand it to someone who’s never read Uncanny X-Men before, and see if they can get to the end of the story and know all they need to know. And maybe they want to come back and see what happens next without resorting to tender hooks.

This comes out of my upbringing, I guess. Stan Lee’s philosophy was that since the distribution of comics was so wretched, every issue should be a one-part story because you can never guarantee that the same store will get the same series next month. On the other hand, he would say, if it’s a really good story, like God Loves, Man Kills, you can have two issues.

AIPT: Can we expect Jubilee and Psylocke to play a role in Wolverine: Madripoor Knights as well?

Chris Claremont: No. That’s what the first issue’s all about: Get it focused on Cap, Natasha, and Logan. On the other hand, that doesn’t mean that at some time in the future, the question might be asked, “Well, what the heck were Psylocke and Jubilee doing for those two days?” Well, maybe we should do a story that shows you what they were doing for those two days.


  1. Love seeing Psylocke Betsy making a cameo, even if it is a flashback mini. I’d love to see Chris do a flashback mini during the 6 months Betsy & Linda McQuillan where co-Captains Britain in the 80s.

  2. Has anyone read this?

    Each issue I get more involved with this fan series. They are even hooking me with the minor/secondary characters. Have anyone already reached them? I’d love to see an interview, get more hints of the future of this web comics…

  3. Speaking of Psylocke Betsy, anyone see the new preview cover of Betsy in "Dead X-Men"?

    She looks bada$$ and in her Dissasembled Uniform.

  4. @X, you beat me to the punch! i was rushing here to announce our boo is back and looking fierce!

  5. Complete with the focused totality of her telepathic powers! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

  6. Yes @Rahsaan I was shocked to see that. She looks amazing. Thank you for providing a link.

  7. @X and huge butterfly power signature for good measure! ๐Ÿ’œ

  8. People on Twitter already complaining "She's not CB anymore?? I loved her as CB!" These people are gonna hound Marvel about it now ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

    1. @Rahsaan yes awesome power signature.

      @Randybear that may be true, but the fact that he put her back in the outfit (and imo the fact she got butterfly back in first place), I think also possibly proves that the writer knows she has a huge vocal fan base other than Twitter as a large group has definitely asked for a return of the Dissasembled outfit and talked about her losing Butterfly beforehand.

      I would suggest anyone that is happy to see this version of Betsy write in as well to Marvel and let them know.

    2. Twitter bots and dots shout at clouds cause their plot to push Revanche in the place of Betsy isn't coming up roses. So selfish to make manifest their head canons they waste Kwannon away as a doppelganger Betsy doll. Disgusting

  9. Betsy uses her butterfly and psychic knife throughout the Tini run. I’m pumped that Foxe loves Captain Britain and he already told us he will not be breaking up Betskani. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ✨

    1. Was a botch job ditching the Amulet of Right. Betsy Sailorsform with it to Cap Brit in a good sleek uni is a missed chance. Don't care about ripping off Sailor Moon it's the only way to gobble down Cap Betsy.

  10. All fired up tho I'm feeling a bait and switch to Captain Kettle right after. Well all the more bucks bleeding for Marvel if true.

    They never learn killed Ms Marvel Carol turning her ol bland Captain Marvel. Butchered Betsy as Captain Kettle non stop.

  11. braddock manor team betskani ovah here
    cerebro represent

    1. This blog's sh!tstain spammer so precious and consistent

  12. lady ishola u a fan
    smooches and boop on the nose 2 u

  13. Foxe, in his official announcement stated “I'm excited to continue her time as Captain Britain.” DXM is one of two books she will appear in.
