Monday, October 9, 2023

X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #108 Spoilers & Art

Spoilers: Sheriff Gia Whitechapel recounts the events of "Knights of X" #2 to Sunfire.


  1. Knights of X had several problems... but honestly, I do like this uniform Betsy got during this book.

    Assuming Marvel insists on keeping her as Captain Britain (yes, all of us would prefer her to become Psylocke again and the CB mantle returning to Brian, but Marvel may think that keeping Kwannon as "1990s-Ninjalocke" is more interesting for sales), I wouldn't complain if she got this uniform - as long as the red tunic is kept SHORT, just like it is in this panel (some issues in Knights had her tunic so long that it almost looked like a dress).

  2. I'm def a fan of this & the red/white/lion crest uniform that was rejected back when they were designing her CB look.
