Friday, May 26, 2023

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #4 Preview

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #4
Writer: Tini Howard
Art by: Vasco Georgiev
Cover by: Erica D'urso

The Story: Betsy Braddock thought she had enough fury to deal with as Morgan Le Fay brings the Forgemaster Federal and his armies to the UK. But when Britain remains unbowed, Morgan reaches for the big gun, in the form of Doom! Will Morgan’s ally of the past help her build the Avalon of her demented dreams? Or does Doctor Doom have a plan of his own up his iron sleeves?

In Stores: May 31, 2023


  1. The cover is so bad. Looks like All Ages book 🙄

  2. I like the characters chemistry between Bets and Tony. They could be great friends.

    Morgan’s schemes remain a snooze fest though.

    Is next is the last of this title?

  3. Hello! Cut out dress and psi rapier with cheeky attitude.

    Tini Howard tots trolling us. That's Betsy but I'll give her to ya when the mood hits suckerz. the voice I hear.

    I'd rather have Betsy in a cocktail dress and bling bling than the Kettle pot.

  4. It's crazy how Tini Howard can write Betsy having chemistry with Iron Man, Saturnyne, Pete Wisdom, and all sorts of random characters, but when it comes to Rachel, who's supposed to be her gf, it's all cringe, dull and eye-rolling dialogues.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. @Nate X, right! It’s like Tini is trying to show us that Elizabeth and Rachel are not a true match. You think Tini’s end game is for them to eventually realize that and break up? 😂
