Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #4 Art



  1. Ugh can Betsy do anything without Rachel tagging along. Its so boring.

  2. Tini Howard fumbled the bag. Surprise! The Avengers team-up are limited to those boring ass pages and Betsy doesn't properly interact with them outside the preview pages with Tony. TH still can't write a battle scene. This is all Excalibur dumb splash-page "battles" all over again.

  3. Whole lotta banquet of hot air and thrift padding there goes your Tini.

  4. She alludes to using the Starlight Sword to defeat Fury and its drawn as the TK sword. Like wtf is this weird shit. It's been like that since KoX they just don't give a crap to make sure the sword is drawn correctly. I hate this sloppiness wtf do the editors do outside suck their own dicks?

  5. @randybear the editors and artists know everything Tini Howard invents is going to disappear in one month's time. Therefore no one spends energy to regurgitate each and every MacGuffin she herself loses interest in. The Amulet of Right and Sword of Might are already powerful and canonical. Other new gadgets are superfluous.

  6. I really prefer they save Betsy from Tini-Reductive-Howard on putting her on editorial limbo. If the character luckily gets on big screen as part of Deadpool 3 XForce (Ryan Reynolds and Olivia Munn were close at that time), probably we are going to see Betsy rising again on comics

    1. Bizarre that White is shocked CB bombed and didn't have say an alternative of where she could end up. Now it's like we are being punished for *checks notes* growing tired of the same writer with the same ideas for the last 4 years and not allowing anyone else to use her for more than a panel or two cameo.

  7. The dialogue between Betsy & Rachel isn't good imo. It is really forced to me.

  8. Never seen a fandom turn on its' favorite character the way the Betsy fans have. I know you all are glad you will never see her again.

    1. HOW DARE YOU? Call out people that care for the OG Psylocke huh? Lotsa nerve to do THAT here. Anonymous no backbone hide and seek play to tick off WHO? Betsy's allies and fam. Get outta here honcho troll.

  9. I don't understand how someone turns on a fictional character, to begin with. Simply put, this fandom is fed up with the way Betsy's been managed to the point that they'd rather she not be used at all for a time, until a serious writer is ready to pick up the pieces. Doesn't the fact that this sentiment is echoed by many here and elsewhere give you some perspective?

  10. On the contrary, it is the editors and the writer who have turned against Betsy, eradicating her unique personality and any recognizable traits, consequently alienating her long-time fans. As fans, we know that eventually another writer will pick up Betsy and, hopefully, treat her with greater care. However, in the meantime, all of TH's efforts will soon be forgotten and never discussed again, as is the fate of every poorly received run. Cheers!

    1. NateX ITA. I was going to write something, but honestly I think you nailed it all. Very well written imo. Not really much to add.

      I'm just afraid CB will stick with her, when she doesn't need it. I'm hoping Brian gets it back somehow.

  11. What other writer wants to pick Betsy up? The writer who took her seriously is Howard. That's why she has given her an entire story. You all boycott and complain about how done wrong Betsy is like she hasn't been leading a book for four years? What has been eradicated? Remember the conspiracy theories about how we'd never see the butterfly or the psychic knife or how Kwannon was taking over Betsy's entire life and how none of it turned out to be true? All of that stuff still exists. The characters in the books are literally talking about how she's been a model, a ninja, a spy, an x-man.

    But you all never want to see her again anyway so it all worked out.

  12. "Everything Tini wrote will be forgotten in a month" as if Apocalypse, one of the characters she revitalized along with Betsy, isn't coming back to the line soon. As if concepts from Howard aren't being used in other x-books like Rogue & Gambit and Bishop War College. As if Jon Ironfire didn't just show up in X-Men Red via Otherworld. As if we don't already know she's going to cameo in a book soon specifically to discuss Otherworld. Cmon now.

  13. Dear Unknown, in the world of the comic book industry, Betsy will endure long after all of us. It may take some time, but another writer will undoubtedly pick up her character, just as Claremont did when Lobdell/Seagle retired her in the late 90s. The reappearance of the butterfly and knife was a direct result of fans expressing their dissatisfaction. So, that doesn't really benefit TH's cause. It's important to remember that she didn't even want to write about Betsy initially. She had pitched a story about Apocalypse and magic, but the editors assigned Betsy to her. What's more, she has consistently shown disrespect in interviews, asserting that her version of Betsy is more "legitimate", while dismissing what came before as unrealistic. What good came out of Betsy leading a book for four years? All she gained was a reputation for being unable to sustain a book due to low sales, cancellations, and a lack of reader interest. However, there's no need to worry. You can support your precious Tini Howard by buying Catwoman, while we Betsy fans can celebrate the end of this unfortunate run. Cheers!

  14. LMAO the butterfly and knife had NOTHING to do with the fans. That was always obviously a part of Howard's story and if you think otherwise then you are giving yourselves far more credit than you deserve. She pitched a story about Apocalypse, got Betsy as an addition and has continued to tell the story with solely Betsy for 3 and a half years. She could have easily just dropped her and she didn't. Why? Because she was the only one who knew she was giving Betsy something to do.

    Betsy led a book for 4 years and her so called fans have been calling for it to fail since day one while everyone else embraced changed and welcomed her in a leading role. You all have led the charge in calling everything about this a failure.


  15. Oh, really? Then please explain why there was no mention of the butterfly and knife on panel. Why did they suddenly reappear without any explanation? If it was supposed to be a significant plot point, it surely ended up being rather underdeveloped, which doesn't bode well for TH's cause either. Let's take a look at what she actually gave Betsy in four years: a story about how Britain doesn't accept her as Captain Britain, something about Betsy facing rejection as Captain Britain, and more instances of Betsy feeling uncertain about her role. Such amazing and diverse developments, right?

    We're not simply labeling it as a failure; it truly was a failure. Whether you like it or not, when a book gets canceled after just five issues, it's considered a failure and a clear indication that the audience didn't care about it at all.

  16. @Unknown I myself have been fooled by Tini Howard into believing she meant well for Betsy and that her storytelling would be sublime. With each issue I tried to excuse the lack of cohesion, haphazardly written dialogue and constant mischaracterization of long time standing and beloved heroes (Betsy, Anna Marie, Remy, Julio, Jubilation, Brian, Jaime, Roma, Tom Lennox, En Sabah Nur, Merlyn, Mad Jim Jaspers).

    Four years later one by one her plot points evaporated and her whole run, split into three mini series due to low sales and imidiate loss of interest from the readership, culminated in a whole pocket of nothingness and a waste of time for every fictional character dragged into whatever the aim of her initial plans were.

    Your point of Tini Howard usher the return of Betsy's butterfly, psychic knife and martial arts prowess came very much late, mind you after two cancelations these of Excalibur and Knights of X. A two years gap of Betsy doubting herself, skills, place with the X-men and very much in contrast to the confident and belligerent Betsy who didn't shy away from getting blood on her hands or making tough calls when Chris Claremont wrote her first time she joined the X-men as the elegant and fragile British beauty who was a superior strategist.

    Meanwhile the butterfly, psychic knife and all of Betsy's charm and character development through the years of adventuring with the X-Men were given as a generous handout to Kwannon who used the butterfly and Betsy's connections like Mister Sinister, the Marauders, Havok, Wolverine, Cyclops, Bishop to ascend and create the illusion that a cartel criminal and assassin is a respectable X-Man.

    Only after the true Betsy fans objected to Marvel's weird choices did Betsy start to get her belongings one by one back i.e. butterfly, psychic knife and offensive capabilities in the forms of efficient swordplay, kicks and punches. But by the wasted time gone by Tini Howard's final attempts to stay relevant arose the sudden return of previous capable Betsy complete with her trademark signatures of butterfly and ninja training. To which I'm glad for Katherine Pryde recently saw a return to her Claremont roots to embrace her Shadowcat past. I won't lie I'd like the same happens to Betsy because Captain Britain has been extremely detrimental besides to Tini Howard holding her captive in her larping books.

    1. Ita @Jamie Braz. There was never even any explanation as to why Betsy suddenly stopped having her psi signature or blade. She clearly had it in Dissasembled.

      I don't think Tini hates Betsy, but definitely made it clear from the beginning that she wanted to write Apocalypse and she doesn't write Betsy with an edge or her distinct personality (in either body) imho. If the character is virtually unrecognizable in her personality, powerset, abilities she's had for years. Then its only a book "about her" in name only.

      Thats like Storm getting a book, but exhibiting the personality of Emma Frost and saying we should be happy about the fact an author took interest in her and she has her own book. Its not really Storm, and this still imo isn't really Betsy and that's the problem.

      We are fans of Betsy, we just simply believe she deserves better. We shouldn't see sprinkles of true Betsy here and there. It should be consistent. Otherwise we are reading a different character 98 percent of the time.

      Betsy seemed much more powerful and leaderlike in Dissasembled than her whole run with Tini imho.

      I also believe the butterfly and knife return were a direct result of fan backlash. Jordan himself said in an interview they were moving her in a different direction when asked about the butterfly before.

      I hope to see Betsy again soon, but definitely with another writer and without the magic and sorcery obsession as well.

      I think Tini is better suited for Doctor Strange or even Scarlet Witch. Jmho.

  17. @X-Man you summed up everything wrong with Tini Howard's run in your Storm/Emma analogy. The character Howard wrote for this long was someone who resembles Betsy minus the purple hair which they deliberately wanted to change too into pink. Another aspect of UnPsylocking Betsy by not only stealing her butterfly and techniques away but also changing the hue of her purple hair into a Pixie and Amelia Hopkins tone.

    Undoubtedly the Disassembled run of X-Men delivered a true to her core Betsy Braddock. All of her collected experience and classic appearance were combined and present to create the ultimate version of herself. While Disassembled lasted for a limited period its impact is greater than the four years of Howard flailing Betsy around.

    The announcement at the comic con changing Betsy's status to Captain Britain was a thunder out of the blue. Suddenly Betsy became stranded in a magic world that wasn't her domain save the short period of her keeping the Siege Perilous which is minor to what she represents and how badly she wanted to be a warrior. Magic is a big departure from Betsy's objectives that always were espionage and melee combat.

    The tombstone Howard put on Betsy was the relationship with Rachel. The two of them feel a deep friendship for one another and Howard managed to corrupt it by making it sexual. The worst part of them being a couple is Betsy's past with the Summers family and I'm referring to the male side of the Summers tree namely Scott, Alex and Nathan with all of which Betsy had romantic and sexual connections.

  18. @X-Man, spot on!

    The one correction is that Tini did explain why the butterfly was missing after fans demanded an explanation. And her explanation made no logical sense since we saw the butterfly and other psychic displays through Disassembled and Age of X-Man for several months after Elizabeth recreated her own body:

    Cerebro: One of my favorite parts [in Excalibur #13] is where Betsy is in the dungeon and she’s trying to focus her energy and the butterfly almost appears. There’s been a lot of controversy about the butterfly.

    Tini Howard: I’ve talked a lot about how this story is about loss and failing and the stakes, starting from a bad place and being in a bad place. Betsy split up with someone she lived with for a very long time and maybe when she was heading out in a rush, she forgot some things that were really important to her. It’s not an accident, it’s not a marketing thing. The feeling of loss you’re experiencing when you see her without [the butterfly] is on purpose. That’s all I’ll say about that.

    Cerebro: I think it will come back eventually, and when it comes back it will be for a reason. The fact that she doesn’t have [the butterfly] right now is purely a character beat.

    Tini Howard: Right. I think that I want people to feel that way. If you were a Betsy fan and if you lived on Krakoa and were her friend, you’d go to her and ask “Where is your butterfly? You’re not yourself without it.”

    Cerebro: And she hasn’t quite been herself.

    Tini Howard: Right. I love Betsy so much. I don’t put you guys through anything that I wouldn’t like to go through myself. I’m taking these characters through journeys I think it’s the right one, even if it’s not the easiest.

  19. Dang @Rahsaan I forgot about that. Thanks.

    Even then it still made no sense imo lol. In addition to your points above, we also obviously saw Malice use those abilities easily when she took Betsy's body over. So Betsy had to have had them.

    Then when Betsy finally used the Butterfly with Arthur, it was basically in a "I could always do this" kinda way. No big moment where she's like "omg it's back lol".

    Just like she just used the psychic knife again and states it's been awhile, but never explains why that is lol.

    TH definitely took us on a journey, but imo without a satisfying ending lol.

    I hope to see better days and writing for Betsy soon.

  20. Not gonna lie. I'd rather have Betsy written by someone who gives a damn than Tini Howard's teenage writing style. She's like the Colleen Hoover of comics.
    It's one of the reasons that writer on X-force who shall not be named's vision of cussing Betsy and all the other stuff he tried to do to her is mostly forgotten.
    It's sad that Betsy's identity as a now Bi-Woman was written the way it was. The cringe is visceral. It's also good that her literary agent is no longer able to put their fanfiction on her.


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