Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #3 Art


  1. Betsy looks gorgeous in those last 2 pages

  2. Yes. Finally acting cofident too. It only took 4 years for miss Betsy Braddock to remember she's that girl.

  3. Holy hell. I feel bad for Rachel fans. This is one of her worst characterizations yet. What a brat.

  4. So... this is by far the best characterization for Betsy in four years... It makes me even angrier at Tini for holding this back

  5. Sorry, don't see the confidence anywhere, her delivery of Betsy still reads as charmless and woody as in Excalibur. Going by the summary below, Faiza, Wisdom and Betsy's family did nothing to advance the plot, they basically just wander in the panels, with hardly anything consequential to say. All in all, three issues that do absolutely nothing to clean up this already uninspiring storyline.

  6. And the less said about Rachel, the better.

  7. I don’t mind Rachel looking like a stud. Her fade is as cute as her bob and pixie cut were. All way better than her rat tail mullet. That being said, her uniform/robes are tired af. They kinda fit on the dreadful Otherworld. But now that we’re back on Earth, she looks like ass asshat, which actually matches her new personality since Tini started writing her. 😆

  8. Bets looked exquisite in that dress and jewelry. Though I wished she would have styled her hair a little more differently than she wears it in battle. Granted it had more body and some wave to it, but it will still basically the same style she wears it in when in uniform as the Captain.

    1. The artist gives his all and the hair is a big issue. They have it hot mess pink stead of purple or flat pancakes. Betsy likes her hair big and stylish. From a perm to long locks to fountain and flashy updos.

    2. Betsy is as much a victim of White's kiss curl taste as Storm. I dread they grow out of her lush afro hair look and move back to the textureless white straws from the 70s.

  9. I feel like both these characters need Dautermann redesigns.

    1. Hear hear been shouting to the walls in vain. The Captain Kettle duds need to be taken to the trash can and into the incinerator. No recycling no nothing of that dnd tackiness in the future.

  10. Ain't a little too late to unleash the real badass temptress Betsy now? Four years into this boogaloo it was two left feet and groaning doing all the wrong steps to jade the Psylocke fans. Why soooo late to the party with the butterfly and fighting spirit?

    I tell you why to test our nerves.

  11. I guess when in trouble, just add some Avengers. Who knows, maybe this is a set up and Betsy will end up being one after this wraps up.

    INeeding an expert in Morgan line makes sense, who would that be? Spider Woman? But Im a little uncomfortable with those two panels, Betsy getting dressed up to to seduce Tony into helping her and Morgan sitting on Dooms lap, it can be interpreted in a lot of ways, it seems a bit transactional to me. It would have been more interesting to see Betsy recruit Jessica Drew directly and maybe Wanda for some magic back up, I would have signed up for that team up against Morgan.

    But she doesn't have to, Betsy has an entire army of X-men on her side, she could ask Magik to stick her soul sword up Morgans B-hole and not have to get dressed up to convince her to help, much less the rest of the mutants.

  12. I honestly can't take their dialogue as a couple lol. Or a lot of the dialogue period. Like the other issue where Betsy seemed lost and asked Rachel if they could try reading Morgan's mind. The way she stated it just doesn't seem like Betsy. Neither sound like Betsy or Rachel to me smh. Betsy was never even with Saturnyne, and she has to convince Rachel that she doesn't mean anything to her? I don't know. It all seems off to me. Glad I skipped on buying this one.

  13. That relationship is hard to take, Howard forced this idea that it was something unrequited, which I dont agree with, but choosing another telepath was the wrong move. Their power sets combined should make them scary powerful together, add the Britain suit should and Betsy should be near unstoppable, yet she needs Iron Mans help, and the other goes to Doom, I mean, here are these powerful women and they have to go to men for help in the end, and trade on their femininity to do so, I just dont get it.

    None of that really matters because the dialogue is SO BORING, I mean just these panels alone, it's like their already an old couple bickering about things. I

    And If I were Rachel I would be worried less about Saturnyne and more about Warren Worthington flying down and reminding Betsy that hes prettier than most anyone.

  14. @Banquo, right. It’s interesting the way these scenes with Tony Stark and Doom were written as they seem to contradict all the so-called feminism that Tini and many of her fans were leaning hard into previously in Excalibur and Knights to qualify many of her writing choices that made no sense in terms of character evolution.

  15. And to be clear, I am not discounting the feminist movement and its need. Nor am I discounting many of the sexist, misogynistic attacks I have seen across the Interwebs aimed at Tini, such as people calling her the b-word. What I am referring to is people qualifying much of her nonsensical writing choices under the banner of feminism which largely has made no sense.

  16. @Kiki, too late on that front with Ororo. Most of the time, the artists who draw the interior pages of X-Men: Red are super lazy about being consistent with the Afro-textured hair that Dautermann is always carefully precise about drawing on the covers. I have come to have negative faith in Marvel Editorial in ensuring that high-profile, non-white characters will be drawn consistently in a way that celebrates their natural features.

    And with Storm, I think Marvel is committed to whitewashing her features, because if they can consistently draw black characters with less pop-culture impact like Luke Cage, Photon, etc. with tightly coiled hair, the. They can do the same for Ororo.

    1. Ororo should've had curly textured hair first Charles met her in Kenya. The white is a mutation with her blue eyes the hair should been afro from the start. African albino a mutation has the most curly hair to a coil fault to regular African people. Dauterman did what hypocrite artists wouldn't in a million years. Bishop, Frenzy, Lightbright, Cecilia lose their dreads and dark tone so it's not just Storm. Artists at marvel have a hard time to understand Betsy isn't Asian or Latina anymore from what the David Go cover gave us.

  17. I’m really curious to see if the MCU will be faithful to Russell Dautermann’s long overdue redesign of the character. I’m
