Wednesday, February 22, 2023

'Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain' Writer Tini Howard Brings the Braddocks Home Tini Howard teases what Betsy Braddock, her brother Brian, and her girlfriend Rachel are up against in 'Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain.'

MARVEL.COM: BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN #1 picks up from your KNIGHTS OF X run. What would you tell a new reader to catch them up for the new series' launch?

TINI HOWARD: This one's made for our new friends! If you're new to Captain Britain, or just a Captain Britain fan who hasn't kept up with the Krakoan X-Men era, come on in. Folks who enjoyed KNIGHTS OF X will be excited to see the aftereffects of the war in Otherworld, Captain Britain's emancipation from the Roma/Saturnyne/Merlyn triangle, and how they come into play here. You don't need that intel to enjoy this read, but it's moving under the surface in ways that we'll see affect the storyline.

MARVEL.COM: Which BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN character did you fall in love with right away, and which one really grew on you as you started working on the series?

TINI HOWARD: I always love writing the Braddocks and their extended family of friends and loved ones. Part of the joy of this book is getting to see them at home, see them together again. I wouldn't say they ever had to grow on me, but the members of S.T.R.I.K.E. have been really fun to write. For the first time, I'm getting space to play with their personalities and different approaches a bit, and that's been a lot of fun.

MARVEL.COM: The Braddocks are all living under one roof again. How has their dynamic changed since the last time they were together like this?

TINI HOWARD: Oh it's great—Rachel and Brian used to live together in the lighthouse during the Excalibur days, so her being back as his twin sister's girlfriend is just... really funny to me. Rachel always finds herself hanging out with Captain Britain.

All the siblings are living together, there's a computer in the basement's a bit like old times. There's a great shot in the first issue Vasco drew that's just such Full House energy; I love it.

MARVEL.COM: Betsy and Rachel are official—and back in the Marvel Universe proper! How does the jump back to Earth-616 impact their relationship?

TINI HOWARD: They live together in England now! I don't know if they decided to do that officially. I think it was just a sleepover that never ended. Girls who like other girls...we do that sometimes. And now, Rachel, as Askani, has a powerful place in Captain Britain's life that allows her to work without being manipulated by another magical investor, as it were. It's love that lets the team-up happen. Good stuff.

MARVEL.COM: Reuben Brousseau is still up to no good, and he's got a powerful new ally with him this time. Just how worried should we be for the Captain Britain Corps?

TINI HOWARD: Reuben is just one of the powerbrokers looking to bring Betsy down, and we'll learn more about who is involved and why as the series continues and things escalate drastically. By issue #4, things are about as serious as they can get, so I'm excited for us to get there together.

MARVEL.COM: Tell me about working with Vasco Georgiev. What did he bring to the book that delighted and/or surprised you?

TINI HOWARD: It's my first time working with Vasco, and I love it. My time on Captain Britain has been blessed with just one incredible artist after another. Betsy fans are kind of spoiled by incredible artists these days, so it was a tall order, and Vasco delivers. From the way he captures Braddock Manor to the battle scenes to the embraces, Vasco brings such motion and intensity. I love working with him.

MARVEL.COM: We meet a few different Captain Britains in this issue. Aside from the original, of course, which one was your favorite and why?

TINI HOWARD: She doesn't show up in this issue specifically, but I really love the Violet Swan. She's Captain Britain but she's also a mean psychic bird. I guess Betsy's a "mean psychic bird" herself, so it works.

MARVEL.COM: What are you most excited for readers to see in BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN #1?

TINI HOWARD: Oh, for sure the rise of Captain Britain's role in the Marvel Multiverse, and also some of Betsy and Rachel's really good outfits and kisses.

MARVEL.COM: The Captain Britain mantle has a long, complex history (and maybe a little baggage). What do you hope BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN adds to that legacy?

TINI HOWARD: Oh, more baggage, certainly—emotionally and literally. She just moved back home; she needs all her outfits.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, please make it finally stop. It's year 4 of this mess.

  2. Breaking point reached nausea maxed rage boiling soon to go boom

  3. Smh. I'm sure she is prob a nice person in real life, but her interviews come off as very juvenile to me. Like she's talking to children. Talking about kisses and Betsy needing all her outfits. Too silly imho.

  4. "All the siblings are living together"

    ...Wait, does that include Jamie? Doesn't he have a kingdom to take care of now? Plus, I guess neither Betsy nor Brian will be too pleased with him when they find out what he did to Morgan. Even though she's their enemy, vivisecting someone should never be accepted.

  5. @FSaker Betsy is one of the Braddocks ruined. Jamie used to be the creepy and insane exhibitionist with hoop earrings. The new hip and progressive writers club is a giant steamroller that irons and sweeps unique and diverse characters flat.

  6. She actually thinks she's doing something. it's so funny and embarassing at the same time.

  7. psylocke and pheonix sittin in a tree -


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. They are living together under one roof and there is a computer in the basement! Well sign me up fast.

    Is this going to turn into some version of a reality show? Braddock Big Brother, mmm too on the nose Braddock Big Sister, whatever, I just cant wait for the confessionals where Betsy complains about Rachel leaving her socks on the floor, that will be so funny!

    And fresh from the TH spank bank, more kissing! The only thing great about this is that is notable is that we have finally reached a moment in time where same sex people kissing has reached a point of socially acceptability that it is normal, and boring. And I say that as I count myself in that community. So cheers to that at least.

    And for the record, I think Betsy would be a top in any relationship, Tini even makes her look passive in bed.

    1. Yeah I feel like there's been plenty of LGBT representation in the XMen but I figure since all the editors who aren't Jordan White are blue haired Sapphics they've essentially claimed Betsy and love giving the fans this shitty tumblr era of Betsy.

  10. Reading the dom/sub/top/bottom conversations on here is taking me all the way out. 😂

    Question for y’all: Is this whole thing less or more incestuous since Elizabeth has made out or had full-on sex with the various Grey-Summerses all in four different bodies? 🤣

  11. I guess kind of, it sure feels that way. I mean, its easier to count the summers that she hasn't been with.

    At this point Tini should just go for it and write something like.

    Ummmm Rachel, lets do some role play, put on this visor and these wings and ummm this robotic arm, yeh thats sexy.

  12. @Banquo, I flatlined at role play.

    She tongued Ales down in her original body. Then she licked and stuck her tongue in Scott’s mouth in Kwannon’s original body. Then she did the nasty many times with Nathan Christopher’s clones in the copy of Kwannon’s body made by Jamie. And now, she is getting horizontal with Rachel in a cloned body that is based of her soul-power recreated body. 😂

    Such a colorful life. 🤣

  13. Also, Tini sounds vapid af in this interview.

  14. I agree, vapid is a great way to describe it, I would also gratuitous as most of her interviews.

    All kidding aside, she has two powerful telepaths to write about and doesn't have any ideas on what that might mean, and reduces it to real world kissing, moon eyed cuddling and using their vast powers with all the inventiveness of a walkie talkie. What about some Astral Plane action, those two could be mind banging all the time and never have to touch one another, in other words they would never have to wait to be alone.

    She sees to be leaning into queer representation as if to say that it automatically makes the books interesting, it doesn't, she is not breaking any ground here and in her interviews it seems like she thinks she is.

    I mean, Destiny and Mystique, much more interesting, layered and with a much longer more complicated history which started back in the days where the relationship was only insinuated, not graphically represented. And although mystique can appear any age, Destiny was represented as older, and M still was loyal to her, a much more interesting representation.

    So what I am saying to Tini is, its been done, if your going to do it, either dont make it such a big deal or bring something new to it.
