Monday, December 26, 2022

X-Men Monday #185 – Jordan D. White Reflects on 2022 and Teases 2023

AIPT! shares their annual, end-of-year conversation with X-Men Senior Editor Jordan D. White in which he manages to say nothing interesting at all about Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain.

AIPT: What can we expect from Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain?

Jordan D. White:
Well, Betsy’s obviously been a character we’ve been showcasing for the last few years, but giving her her own series is exciting. There hasn’t been a Captain Britain book for a really long time and never one that was hers, obviously. So we’re super excited to have that happen. And the fact that her and Rachel are in relationship is going to be a big part of that, and that’s why Rachel will be right there in it with her. So it’s going to be terrific. It’s going to shift a little bit away from the multiverse aspects and a little bit more towards the Marvel Universe proper. But I think it’ll be really cool.


  1. lady ishola hot take coming right up!

  2. Just more "it'll have Betsy AND Rachel" promises... ugh that's all they said about KoX too lol let's hope Jordan isn't surprised this title is DOA

    1. He got zero clue on Betsy. Our woman needs a change of love diet every two months period

  3. baby boy the sooner you stop always expecting stuff from jordan the quicker you'll be less disappointed

  4. You can tell he's not invested in this book. There wasn't a single multiverse aspect in either Excalibur or Kox. lol

    1. Is he in any? It's about self insert cameo memes of him and his kiss curl sippin martinis with his connections.

  5. Fartsong by yesman stooge at the mouthpiece outlet.

  6. and if it needs more clarify that this book is doomed before arrival...

  7. @Unknown, I actually don't mind "woke" if it's written well. House of X and Powers of X were extremely woke in the true sense of the word as they really drove home the allegory of oppression and liberation from said oppression. Claremont was "woke" before that was term. Much of science fiction is woke and is executed beautifully.

    Tini's writing doesn't feel very woke at all to me. Not in the real sense beyond the performative parody of the word. It actually feels amateurish and pedestrian. And it doesn't inspire me to want to read further. The only enjoyable X-books right now are Red and Immortal. It's a shame that HoX/PoX's potential has now gone down the drain. My comic shop guy asked me if he should cancel all my subscriptions and I said yes, save for Saga (indie), Red, and Immortal.

    I'm not a professional writer but as a consumer of much provocative fiction that comes along with social commentary (including shows like The Boys and Foundation which all fall into the realm of scifi/fantasy/comics), these X-Men books are not hitting the mark. Not at all.

    At this point, the MCU is superior to Marvel Comics.

  8. What I should have said is that I in fact prefer woke if it's written well. A lot of the problem with "woke" media as many now refer to it pejoratively is that it is executed in as a performance versus anything organic or poignant. Nothing about Excalibur and Knights of X was satisfying. Instead, they were inconsistent between being clumsily heavy-handed at some moments and then lazily remiss and forgetful of what could actually be interesting subplots at others. SMDH.

    At this point, I am convinced that Tini must know what skeletons lie in Jordan's closet? Because he can't possibly be reading this stuff and feeling like it is legitimately exciting and great content.

    A hot mess.

  9. I agree, Rahsaan. TH's writing is very on-brand white feminism and performative. Notice how every interview is about "omg Betsy and Rachel are together, they're girlfriends and super gay!!!" and nothing else. There's no depth, nothing thought-provokong. It's all very shallow.

  10. White, much like his counterparts at DC, is aware of the situation, he just doesn't care; the characterisation alone in the last issue of Catwoman by TH makes slashfics look like War and Peace by comparison. Marvel and DC are more than happy to take minor losses by cancelling and releasing and recycling failed B- or C-listed comic book titles, so long as that helps them boast of a corporate culture that puts values of "inclusiveness" and "diversity" over capital gain (and constructive criticism), when the real world works nothing like that.

  11. Why are they still trying to push this heinous Betsy X Rachel pairing? It is not happening, and already Tini Howard has driven most of Betsy, Rachel, and Captain Britain fans away. Tini has rendered all the characters non-entities as far as mutants go. They characters officially no longer matter at all, and may as well be Inhumans at this stage. I don't know who is worse off, Betsy Braddock, or Selina Kyle (Tini is currently destroying the Catwoman comic franchise)?

    Jordan White is a complete joke, and I am hoping that Disney or someone can clean house in 2023. Marvel-Disney needs a David Zaslav type to go in and just clean up.

  12. "I don't know who is worse off, Betsy Braddock, or Selina Kyle (Tini is currently destroying the Catwoman comic franchise)?"

    Well, I'm not reading either book nowadays, but from a commercial point, I'd say Betsy is worse off. While Catwoman has been severely devalued (she used to be the main female character in the Batman-verse, and now she's been dethroned by Harley Quinn), she's still a character well-established enough so that any damage that TH causes her can be reversed whenever another writer becomes in charge of writing her, she's still well-known by the overall audience... and she's still Catwoman - that is, Selina wasn't forced to let another woman take her codename and adopt a new superhero identity.

    Betsy, meanwhile, has lost pretty much everything that made her recognizable to the general audience. At least Marvel gave her psychic butterfly back, but she still needs to recover other elements of her identity and background.

  13. @FSaker Catwoman fans are way more vocal due to the fact Selina's mischaracterisation impacts her (now ended) relationship with Bruce; in fact, I'd say Psylocke fans are lambs by comparison, even though the damage done to Betsy's image has been more profound, as you pointed out, and started long before TH came on board. Where are all the esteemed keyboard warriors campaigning in defence of the solution to the "Psylocke problem" in 2018?

  14. Im reading between the lines in both the recent Howard interview that was posted here and the Jordan one, and my bet is that the house cleaning that is mentioned here is going to happen.

    I say this because of a lot of things that were mentioned, but Howard saying "it's all about sales nowadays" and the 5 issue at Marvel being standard, kind of suggests that someone has put on a timer on to turn this around or make a change. And either by the sounds of it, Jordan is really bored with this as we are or there is also a timer on to turn the whole franchise around.

    Again, im just reading between the lines, I could be totally wrong. But the sales comment from Howard again suggests that there has been some kine of kind of pressure from Sales, and I say this because I am in Sales and I know what its like to be high on your own work but if there are no results, the numbers sober you up real quick if they are not good.

    And as we all know, each of these Marvel characters and stories represent millions of dollars of potential screen adaptations and merchandising dollars, so the sales are not just about the book, they have implications for the entire business so its my guess, and again I could be wrong, that there is only so long that sales will let it go before they toss a bucket of cold water on all of them. Which from what I have read here from all of you (which thanks for being so devoted to this character) and in the interviews would stop the current writers gratuitous storytelling and idea peddling. Because who wants to see any of this turned into a screen adaptation?

    1. Wonderfully written post! I agree with your theory and opinions on the situation. Thank you for posting

  15. The sad thing is, this new book finally has the premise that TH should have used in Excalibur and Knights. Having the new Captain Britain interacting with the wider Marvel superhero community makes perfect sense to try to push her as an important superheroine.

    I understand that Howard put a lot of work to define the new Otherworld and that she wanted to explore it, but keeping her previous X-books confined to Otherworld was a terrible idea if Marvel really wanted to make Betsy's new codename stick with the overall comic book readers. While I think that the new direction may be coming too little, too late, I do hope that she'll manage to do things right this time.

    1. What's crazy to me is she spent so much time retelling OW and it's mythos only to throw it away at the end of KoX lol just feels all like a big waste of time and potential. IMO Brian should've been left alone and Betsy become Captain Avalon. Strangers to Betsy from what I have seen are either put off by the name CB or confuse her with Captain Carters role.

  16. "IMO Brian should've been left alone and Betsy become Captain Avalon"

    Yes, that would make more sense. In fact, sometimes I think Marvel should have just reversed Betsy's and Kwannon's codenames, so that Betsy would be the new Revanche, wear hot-pink and purple catsuits and be involved in secret missions, like a mutant Black Widow with TP/TK abilities. I think Betsy as Revanche would be a great addition to X-Force (especially considering that the current X-Force is more about secret ops than violence).
