Monday, December 12, 2022

Krakoa Exports Podcast: Tini Howard Talks "Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain"

How was the pitch and what was the original plan for “Knights of X”? Was this meant to be an arc in Excalibur or how you decide to expand this in a series? How the beginning of this series was?

Tini Howard: [Comic books] are like more or less generally pitched and approved in five-issue arcs, and so there was a point where I could have basically chosen to write another five issues of Excalibur and go from there or to pivot to something else. It seemed like one of the biggest criticisms the book got internally, from fans, from friends […] one of its inherent flaws was that it was just stuffed with things […] so I was like “let’s just move houses” […] and wrap up some story elements. A really good way to do that instead of saying hey number 27 has a sharper focus is to just relaunch. […] When I began talking about the second arc of “Knights of X”, it became pretty clear to everyone involved that it should be a Captain Britain book. That was the story I wanted to tell next. The truth is that stories at Marvel are approved in five-issue arcs and I can work with editorial and sales to get allowed to do some things and not allowed to others. I now look in this case and it was genuinely the right move to end this story to pivot to “Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain” as a solo book.

On “Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain”

Tini Howard: The book looks incredible. We’re several issues in and already way ahead. I’ve been really lucky that I’ve been able to do huge things with this character. It’s going to be more about what the rest of the Marvel Universe thinks of Captain Britain, what’s going on back in Britain, what the other heroes think. The core of the book will be seeing Captain Britain with the rest of the Marvel Universe that isn’t necessarily Krakoa- or X-related. Brian is playing a big role in this book. Rachel’s not going anywhere. […] I won’t spoil anything, but I think issue #2 cover is going to excite people when it gets solicited because there’s a crazy team-up that I just had to do. […] It’s very 616-focused because Betsy has power in a realm that is huge and changing all the time and could threaten Earth at any time. She’s really the one person who can control it and put a stop to it. She’s a good person for the Avengers and other people to know.

Is “Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain” a mini?

Tini Howard: Sales determine everything nowadays. Right now, we have five issues planned, but if people pre-order and love it and we do well, then we’ll do more. I’d love to do more.


  1. Then it's safe to say we're in for another 5-issue mini and more comic book limbo. We know this book won't sell well.

  2. I dunno who will touch Betsy after TH is finally done. Probably just Leah Williams will come finish off Betsy lol

  3. So no interaction with Krakoa again. Nice. Not gonna buy this. But sure, keep writing your fanfic stuff, Tini! How about a love triangle with Ms Marvel? Sorry: Captain Marvel.

    1. I think TH was building for a Poly relationship with Betsy Ray and Saturyne lol why else all the weird tension between then plus how she made it seem like Betsy and she did something sexual when they were trapped on that boat alone lol

      Apparently she will come back as Courtney as per the rumors so there's still time for TH to do it. At this point Betsy is now for the cringe Tumblr crowd. Makes me almost just want to be a Kwannon fan at this point

    2. Lol If she ever runs out of ideas, she should check out this site's comment section.

    3. She chaotic period. One full phrase not spoken the entire interview. Ping ponging from topic to another just like her stories.

  4. The sound of passing gas. So revved up the craperiod of Betsy ends. Captain kettle tanks here's a toast to Psylocke.

  5. "Fantasy bullshit" right from the horse's mouth.

    I take it as evidence on why Tini's Betsy sucks. Another Marvel property is stepping stone for owned creator content in the future. And it's not Betsy alone, every fictional character is out of place and purpose.

    It's hard to climb the ladder in the comic industry. However, it's an unhealthy symbiosis, parasitic to be exact and Betsy with the rest of the characters are hurt for Tini's writer dreams to come true.

    With all being said and done I will not support a third act in this tragedy.

  6. What a cringefest. She actually believes Kylun to be a fan favourite?

    1. Kylun is to many dear not her Kylun tho. Heck nobody she writes wink hint 😉 Catwoman.

  7. She admits it was her "friend" who suggested Kylun when she was braingstorming with said "friend". We all know said friend is cerebrocast host who's been an adamant champion of Betsy's out-of-character depiction under Tini's pen. We need both of them GONE. Don't buy this book, let it die with issue #5.

  8. "I'd love to write more" if/when CB is canceled. She talks as if she can't just hit up one of the many blue haired xeditors and say "when can I start a 4th book with betsy?"

  9. This woman is too arrogant to ever acknowledge her writing for Betsy has been terrible. I'll post spoilers and scans of BB:CB a day earlier so that we can make through these five issues fast and get rid of her and Cerebrocast.

    1. Hallelujah should we save the Braddocks and book cast from the Bikini bottoms
