Friday, November 18, 2022

"Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain" Listed as 5-issue Series

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain #1 PRE-ORDER

Following some initial confusion with the cover artist and the interior artist both claiming “Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain” was a 5-issue limited series, Marvel later confirmed its status as an ongoing.

As was the case with “Knights of X”, is now listing “Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain” also as a limited series, which means the first arc is secured; however, a second arc will depend on strong sales.

Even though most of us do not like Tini Howard’s writing, we advise you to support this title because an early cancellation will mean Betsy in comic book limbo for a few more months as we are experiencing now. We wouldn’t like Betsy to miss the X-Men’s big 60th anniversary next year. Enduring Tini Howard’s poor characterization will be the lesser of two evils.


  1. Ngl at this point I'd take Betsy being in "limbo" then continue to be cemented as merely a shallow "gay representative" in a comic book

  2. The sooner this goes downhill, the better in the long run. You guys can't just post about Tini's shortcomings in sales, then ask us to support a direction that only makes fans angrier.

  3. This doesn't feel like Betsy though, that's the problem. So she's in limbo fo me regardless imho. I got Excalibur and KOX but passing on this title. I can't just blindly support something that doesn't feel true to the character. I want Dissasembled Psylocke back lol.

  4. Even if Elizabeth is not in editorial limbo during the 60th anniversary, precedent over the last several years has shown us she'll have nothing of consequence to do that ties to the larger X-Men story. There are only 2 to 3 X-Men books worth my hard-earned money; unfortunately, neither of them stars the former or the current Psylocke.

    1. More n more have the revelation Tini is a king without clothes and I'm living for it.

  5. The blog is just being realistic. We're facing a shitty situation here.

    1) If this book tanks, Betsy will be in limbo for months until the next relaunch, which in addition to the 5-month break limbo between KoX and BB:CB will make Betsy even more irrelevant and forgotten. Also, they didn't fire Tini Howard when KoX was cancelled, so there's no guarantee we'll get a new writer.

    2) If this book succeeds (lmao we know it won't), we'll get more shitty, porly-written Betsy/Rachel adventures with tumblr dialogue.

    All things considered, I think option 1 is still worse.

  6. No way I'm going to support another Tini run.
    This is worst than Betsy in limbo, she is being misused. She's lame, she's not herself anymore and I can't care less about her "adventures".

    I hope this book tanks even harder than the previous ones so they give her Psylocke persona back with another writer.

    Had enough for 4 years.

  7. There is an easy way to make me buy the book: The author writes a good story. If not, I'm not spending another dime on TH's work.

  8. I don't think if this book tanks (as someone mentioned, realistically it will) but Marvel shouldn't take it as a sign we are sick or Betsy. This would he the 3rd #1 this writer is given. What people need to do is keep asking editorial NICELY if we will ever see another writer take over Betsy. Instead of kissing their ass and saying crap pile "omg where are the CB preview pages!!!" We can't send Marvel conflicting messages like that

    1. Also the solicit for CB mentions "A FRESH TAKE ON A BELOVED CHARACTER" scares me. Wtf is TH doing now with Betsy..

    2. Smells like fresh crapola as Lobo sniffs. New coat of paint same hag on the inside deal Xcalibarf & Koks.

    3. Yeah I caught the fresh new take too and it scared me.

  9. Oof, tough crowd. Over the past 30 years of reading Betsy I’ve seen her go through some BAD takes… her current run as Captain Britain has completely blown my expectations… I had the pleasure of reading Excalibur-KoX in one shot & I was captivated by the roller coaster of X of Swords and how it was woven into Betsy’s arc in restoring the Cap Corp. Man I wish her father could see her. .. I’ve pre ordered Captain Britain and look forward to more adventures with Rachel and Brian! I’m also very happy Kwannon found her footing and is on her own path.. what a great time to be a Betsy fan.

    1. You're alone on this... not to rain on your parade but Betsy isn't Betsy anymore. You like a larping weirdos abomination. More power to you.

    2. CJ thank you for sharing and being civil about it as well. We welcome all posters here, if you like TH that's fine we are not here to attack anyone for their personal preferences. I hope you will continue to comment on the blog.
