Monday, October 10, 2022

Tini Howard Talks 'Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain'

Substack: Here it is hot off the NYCC 2022 Women of Marvel panel - the solo comic to rule them all. From myself and stunning artist Vasco Georgiev comes BETSY BRADDOCK: CAPTAIN BRITAIN, launching in February 2023.

Titling a book is an art, not a science. In comics especially, when a bookseller is looking at a long list of what to order, they often don’t even get to see a picture, much less hear your little clever spiel. So your title has to sort of instantly do one of two things -

1. Tell the potential reader exactly what it is, and deliver what it says on the tin.
2. Intrigue them enough that they won’t care. This is the riskier option, and if I’m being honest? It’s the one I prefer.

I like my readers to be like me, inquisitive, and open to exploring, so I try to attract like with like.

I didn’t want to do that this time. After getting to spend 31 issues with Betsy Braddock so far, I feel more confident than ever that she’s ready to meet the rest of the Marvel Universe. And for that to happen, we need a no-bullshit title that lets everyone know what’s going on.

“How about Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain?” I suggested to my editors and pals over a particularly noodle-baking Zoom session. We’d tossed a lot of titles around, and I’m grateful to have a team of editors that will all drop and get on the phone when one of these creative challenges emerges.

I like it because it’s welcoming to new fans, fans who haven’t read a Captain Britain comic since the eighties, or fans who haven’t heard Betsy Braddock’s name since she wasn’t in her body. It’s a title that tells you what’s up, even if you haven’t read a Captain Britain comic since Betsy was Captain the first time.

We’re leaving Krakoa behind for a time, and heading Marvel Universe-ward, reuniting Betsy with her brothers Brian and Jamie and bringing along her girlfriend, Rachel Summers, the recently christened Askani. Vasco Georgiev is our artist and he’s bringing his bright, beautiful, gorgeous superhero style to Betsy’s new adventure, giving it a real neo-Alan Davis feel.

I have to show you guys a super secret panel crop, right? But I don’t want to give anything away, so…

I’ll give you something you’re expecting that you’ll hopefully love:


  1. Dang she hardly even got to be on Krakoa and she has to leave it behind. Thinking I'll respectfully pass on this book.

  2. This lady is nuts. How is Betsy leaving Krakoa behind, she has barely been to Krakoa. lmao

  3. I love how they share a panel with just Betsy and Rachel. Like, that's all we are concerned about is their happily ever after boring romance

  4. So this is diarrhea hits fan looks like. Tsk tsk at wits end and knee desperate.

  5. This time i´ll pass this crap waiting that betsy could be relieve from that writer
